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Install ArcGIS Enterprise Builder silently

ArcGIS 10.9.1 (Windows)  | |  Help archive

You can install ArcGIS Enterprise Builder without a user interface by running the setup using command line parameters.

Installation command line parameters

Use the following setup command line parameters when installing ArcGIS Enterprise Builder silently:

Command lines are case sensitive.

<location of setup>/Builder.exe ACCEPTEULA=yes GIS_INSTALLDIR=<new install dir> GIS_USER_NAME=arcgis GIS_PASSWORD=<password> SERVER_AUTHORIZATION=<location of authorization file> /qn

ACCEPTEULA=yes—This parameter is required to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) during a silent installation. Specify yes to agree to the EULA and install the software. Specifying no or omitting this parameter will result in a failed installation. The download contains a PDF version of the EULA. The EULA.pdf file is located in the \Documentation folder.

GIS_INSTALLDIR=—This parameter is the location you want to install to. By default, this is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS. If you want to use the default installation location, you do not have to specify GIS_INSTALLDIR at the command line.

GIS_USER_NAME=—This parameter is required. The default account to run the services for Portal, Server and Data Store is arcgis. If you want to use a different account, you must specify this parameter. For example, to use your domain account or Managed Service Account, this will be GIS_USER_NAME=<domain>\<username>.

GIS_PASSWORD=—This parameter is required. If the user already exists, you must provide the correct password. If the user does not exist, and it is a local account, the setup creates the user for you. Your password must meet the operating system requirements for password creation.

SERVER_AUTHORIZATION=—This parameter is required. Provide the location of your ArcGIS Server Standard or Advanced authorization file. If you do not provide a valid authorization file on the command line, the setup will not complete successfully.

WAPortal=—The name of the ArcGIS Web Adaptor for your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. The default name is portal. If you want to use the default, you do not have to specify WAPortal at the command line.

WAServices=—The name of your ArcGIS Web Adaptor for your hosting server. The default name is server. If you want to use the default, you do not have to specify WAServices at the command line.

/qn—This parameter will install the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder setup silently without user dialog boxes. If you require a dialog box when the setup is complete, use /qb.

A setup log, ArcGISEntBuilder.log, is automatically created in the ProgramData directory.


At 10.9.1, you have the option to disable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature that installs Python 2.x. When you disable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature, Python 2.x is removed from your system. To do this, proceed with your upgrade using the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, and after the upgrade is complete you can disable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature and remove Python 2.x.