New at 10.6.1
ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.6.1 includes stability enhancements and improved functionality throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.6.1, see the 10.6.1 Issues Addressed List.
General updates
- Improved out-of-the-box resilience, scalability, and performance of GeoEvent Server multiple-machine sites.
- Improvements and fixes for stream services when used in a GeoEvent Server multiple-machine site.
- When GeoEvent Server services are restarted they now detect a federated environment.
- GeoEvent Server administrators can now enable/disable SSL ciphers.
- Added PKI security certificate support when registering ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS connections.
- GeoEvent Server now honors TLS settings from ArcGIS Server.
- Updates to the back-end libraries that support GeoEvent Server.
Spatiotemporal big data store
- Added the ability to add fields to existing data sources.
- Support for multi-thread writing to spatiotemporal big data store.
- Several processors now include the ability to select a field/tag from a GeoEvent Definition when configuring the processor.
- Enhanced the Incident Detector Processor to support enable/disable of "info" field caching in Incident Manager.
- Added support for user defined GeoEvent Definitions in the GeoTagger Processor.
New at 10.6
ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.6.1 includes stability enhancements and improved functionality throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.6, see the 10.6 Issues Addressed List.
General updates
- Ability to start and stop all inputs, outputs, and GeoEvent Services from their individual pages and the Monitor page in GeoEvent Manager.
- Updates to the back-end libraries that support GeoEvent Server.
Multiple-machine support
The ArcGIS GeoEvent Gateway is a new service that runs alongside the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server service. This new service incorporates a distributed configuration store and a message broker used for event record distribution when GeoEvent Server is deployed in a multiple-machine configuration. For more information, see Multiple-machine sites.
Spatiotemporal big data store
- Improved the data retention purge rules with the ability to specify WHERE clauses.
- Enhanced the on-the-fly aggregation to support polygon, polyline, and multipoint.
- Developer support for space-time volume on-the-fly aggregation.
- Updates to the Field Calculator Processor's available string functions including syntax examples, results, and explanations of those results where applicable. For more information, see String functions for Field Calculator Processor.
- Expanded information on system requirements for ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. For more information, see System requirements.
- Additional documentation on common administrative tasks including logging into GeoEvent Manager, configuring GeoEvent Server, and managing system properties.
- Documentation on maintaining ArcGIS GeoEvent Server including monitoring logs, filtering and searching logs, debugging log messages, and configuring message logging. For more information, see Monitoring logs.
- Additional documentation on the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server REST API including accessing the public REST API, administrative REST API, and the REST API documentation. For more information, see GeoEvent Server administration.
- Additional documentation on getting started with extending GeoEvent Server using the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server SDK.