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User roles in GeoEvent Manager

ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  Help archive

ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager is the application used to administer ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. GeoEvent Manager requires administrative access for core operations. Activities and tasks carried out in GeoEvent Managerare significantly different from those performed in ArcGIS Server Manager or the Enterprise portal content item manager. Because of this, GeoEvent Manager does not support the concept of user types, roles, and privileges like ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online.

A user assigned either the Administrator or Publisher role can log in to GeoEvent Manager with their user credentials. Users authorized to use GeoEvent Manager should be assigned the Creator user type. Users authenticating as a Publisher will be warned that administrative features of GeoEvent Manager have been disabled. A user assigned any other role (for example, Viewer, Data Editor, or User) cannot log in to GeoEvent Manager. GeoEvent Manager does not support custom roles or other named user types (for example, Viewer, Editor, Field Worker, GIS Professional, Insights Analyst, or Storyteller).

As a best practice, organizations are encouraged to limit the use of GeoEvent Manager to administrators. Publishers who log into GeoEvent Manager will be challenged to reauthenticate as an administrator if they attempt to exercise features reserved for GeoEvent Server administrators.

Administrative functions and features

Users logged in to GeoEvent Manager as administrators can perform all actions and tasks. Users logged in to GeoEvent Manager as publishers have the following limits:

  • Creating, editing, starting, or stopping inputs.
  • Selecting to Stop All running inputs, outputs, or GeoEvent Services.
  • Importing GeoEvent Definitions from map/feature services.
  • Creating new connectors by paring out-of-the-box adapters and transports.
  • Adding custom components (adapters, transports, or processors).
  • Importing or resetting GeoEvent Server global settings.
  • Importing or exporting a configuration of GeoEvent Server.
  • Resetting a GeoEvent Server configuration.
  • Editing or deleting existing server connections or system folders registered with GeoEvent Server.
  • Registering new server connections or system folders with GeoEvent Server.
  • Viewing, editing, or deleting spatiotemporal data sources or data in a spatiotemporal big data store.

Publishers are allowed to:

  • Create, edit, start, and stop GeoEvent Services.
  • Create, edit, start, and stop outputs.
  • Create new and copy existing GeoEvent Definitions.
  • Create and delete custom tags (system tags such as TRACK_ID cannot be deleted).
  • Import geofences, configure geofence synchronization rules, select and delete existing geofences.
  • Export the global settings in a GeoEvent Serverconfiguration.
  • Configure component logging (for example, set or clear DEBUG log settings for specific components).
  • Delete the cache of logged messages in GeoEvent Manager (the system log file on disk is preserved).

The intent of the limits identified above is to allow a publisher to create, configure, start, and stop GeoEvent Services. Because elements configured in GeoEvent Manager are not owned by any specific named user, a publisher is allowed to delete elements they did not create. This includes GeoEvent Services, outputs, GeoEvent Definitions, geofence synchronization rules, and geofences registered with GeoEvent Server.

Actions and tasks specifically prohibited do not prevent an authenticated user from disrupting real-time event processing and analysis by deleting configured elements or data. Again, as a best practice, organizations are encouraged to limit the use of GeoEvent Manager to administrators.