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Property filters

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Every GeoEvent in GeoEvent Server has an associated set of properties such as the GeoEvent Definition used to construct the GeoEvent. Recall that a GeoEvent Definition is the schema that identifies the attribute fields and data types—date, string, integer, and so forth—for the GeoEvent's data. A filter can be configured to filter GeoEvents based on their properties such as their GeoEvent Definition.

When configuring a filter expression, the drop-down for the Field parameter displays a list of field names from available GeoEvent Definitions. At the top of this list are several GeoEvent Server properties including:


Constructing a filter with the following expression would discard any GeoEvents that do not contain the Flights-TcpTextIn GeoEvent Definition name: $DEFINITION_NAME = Flights-TcpTextIn. A filter like this one that is based on a GeoEvent Definition property could be used to filter any GeoEvents that do not adhere to a required schema.