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Poll an ArcGIS Server for Features

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The Poll an ArcGIS Server for Features Input Connector can be used to poll an ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online map or feature service layer for feature records in order to process them as event records.

Usage notes

  • Use this input connector to retrieve features from a map or feature service layer.
  • This input connector pairs the Feature JSON Inbound Adapter with the Feature Service Inbound Transport. The Feature JSON Inbound Adapter specifically interprets feature JSON. For more information, see Geometry objects.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Server(standalone) map and feature services are supported.
  • Service layers can be referenced using the Browse to Layer capability or by specifying a URL with the Service Layer URL capability. Both methods require that a registered data store connection first be established.
  • Like all input connectors, a GeoEvent Definition is required. A GeoEvent Definition identifies the schema of event records being received. For more information, see Managing GeoEvent Definitions.
  • Data values from event attribute fields not included in a GeoEvent Definition are ignored.
  • This input connector periodically polls a specified map/feature layer at a specified interval. As with any web server or web service, excessive polling intervals, for example every second, is not recommended.
  • A simple WHERE clause is used to identify the feature record set returned with each poll of the map/feature service. The default is to include all records in the polled feature record set, for example WHERE 1=1. The default WHERE clause can be modified to include specific attribute values and logic conditions.
  • Supports spatial filters which use a specified geometry and spatial relationship, for example polygon intersects.
  • Supports the optional deletion of polled records from the map/feature layer being polled.
  • Supports a unique capability, Get Incremental Updates, to poll for newly added or updated feature records using ObjectID or Timestamp values retrieved from feature records, or derived from the polling interval, and cached by the input connector.
  • Cached values are incorporated into a WHERE clause to query for records greater-than the cached value or within a polling interval relative to now.
  • There are three methods available to identify incremental updates: ObjectID, Timestamp, and Timestamp until now.
  • For more information, see the Esri Community blog Polling Feature Services for Incremental Updates.




A descriptive name for the input connector used for reference in GeoEvent Manager.

Registered server connection

An ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Enterprise, or ArcGIS Online connection registered with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server as a data store. Registered server connections cache information about map/feature services, their layers, and layer properties.

Reference to Layer Type

Defines the options for referencing a layer.

  • Browse to Layer—Reference a service layer by browsing the folders of a registered data store.
  • Service Layer URL—Reference a service layer by specifying the URL of the shared service layer.



An ArcGIS Server services folder, ArcGIS Enterprise portal, or ArcGIS Online content item folder.

Parameter is shown when the Reference to Layer Type parameter is set to Browse to Layer and is hidden when set to Service Layer URL.

Service Name


The name of the map/feature service from which you want to poll feature records.

Parameter is shown when the Reference to Layer Type parameter is set to Browse to Layer and is hidden when set to Service Layer URL.



The map/feature service feature layer through which feature records are accessed.

Parameter is shown when the Reference to Layer Type parameter is set to Browse to Layer and is hidden when set to Service Layer URL.

Service Layer URL


The URL to a service layer.

A data store connection must be established when referencing a service layer by URL. The service layer must either be publicly accessible or shared with the user whose credentials establish the data store connection.

Parameter is shown when the Reference to Layer Type parameter is set to Service Layer URL and is hidden when set to Browse to Layer.

Create GeoEvent Definition

Specifies whether a new or existing GeoEvent Definition should be used for the inbound event data. A GeoEvent Definition is required for GeoEvent Server to understand the inbound event data attribute fields and data types.

  • Yes—A new GeoEvent Definition will be created based on the schema of the first event record received.
  • No—A new GeoEvent Definition will not be created. Select an existing GeoEvent Definition that matches the schema of the inbound event data.

GeoEvent Definition Name (New)


The name assigned to a new GeoEvent Definition. If a GeoEvent Definition with the specified name already exists, the existing GeoEvent Definition will be used. The first data record received will be used to determine the expected schema of subsequent data records, a new GeoEvent Definition will be created based on that first data record's schema.

Parameter is shown when Create GeoEvent Definition is set to Yes and is hidden when set to No.

GeoEvent Definition Name (Existing)


The name of an existing GeoEvent Definition to use when adapting received data to create event data for processing by a GeoEvent Service.

Parameter is shown when Create GeoEvent Definition is set to No and is hidden when set to Yes.

Refresh Interval

The period (in seconds) in which a map/feature service feature layer will be polled for feature records. The default is 10 (one poll request will be sent every 10 seconds).

Get Incremental Updates

Specifies whether to request only new or updated feature records using a cached ObjectID or Timestamp value. The default value is No.

  • YesGeoEvent Server will poll for incremental updates using either a cached ObjectID or Timestamp.
  • NoGeoEvent Server will not incorporate a cached ObjectID or Timestamp in its feature record polls.

If an input connector is deleted and recreated, the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server service is stopped or restarted, or the server machine is restarted, the cached key value will be lost. A new key value will be cached once available feature records are polled and the feature record set returned from the map/feature service is examined.

Method to Identify Incremental Updates


Specifies the attribute type GeoEvent Server will use to identify new or updated feature records when polling for incremental updates. Available options include:

  • ObjectIDGeoEvent Server will cache the greatest object identifier from the feature record set returned from a map/feature service poll. Only features whose object identifier is greater than the value cached from the last poll will be included in the next poll.
  • TimestampGeoEvent Server will cache the greatest timestamp from the feature record set returned from a map/feature service poll. Only features whose timestamp is greater than the value cached from the last poll will be included in the next poll.
  • Timestamp until now—Intended for use specifically when editor tracking is enabled, this option will use the last poll time rather than the greatest timestamp from the polled feature record set. If polling is set to 300 seconds, for example, queries will request feature records whose specified timestamp is within a polling interval relative to now.

    For example, the polling interval might be last_edited_date >= timestamp '2021-09-23 00:38:04.075' and last_edited_date < timestamp '2021-09-23 00:43:04.583' where 00:38:04 was the last poll and 00:43:04 is five minutes (300 seconds) later. Any feature records edited within the polling interval would be returned by the query.

Parameter is shown when Get Incremental Updates is set to Yes and is hidden when Get Incremental Updates is set to No.

Time Field to Identify Incremental Updates


The timestamp field, from the GeoEvent Definition, whose values will be used to identify timestamp-based incremental updates. Only attributes whose data type is Date can be selected.

Parameter is shown when Method to Identify Incremental Updates is set to either Timestamp or Timestamp until now.

Query Definition

Specifies a logical expression used to restrict the feature records returned when polling a map/feature service feature layer. The expression is used as the predicate in a Structured Query Language (SQL) WHERE clause. Examples include:

  • 1=1—Default, used to construct the clause WHERE 1=1 to poll all available feature records.
  • track_id LIKE '%AJP'—Matches feature records with the literal string AJP anywhere in the TRACK_ID string.
  • reported_dt > timestamp '2019-04-05 22:30:00'—Matches feature records whose date/time attribute value is greater than the specified timestamp.

Use Geometry Filter

Specifies whether a geometry object should be used as a spatial filter to restrict the feature records returned when polling a map/feature service feature layer. A geometry filter, if specified, will be combined with a specified query definition to further restrict feature records returned from the feature layer query. For more information, see Geometry objects.

  • Yes—A spatial filter will be used for querying features from the feature layer.
  • No—A spatial filter will not be used for querying features from the feature layer.

Filter Geometry


The geometry object, expressed using feature JSON, used as a spatial filter. For more information on proper geometry object syntax, see Feature and Geometries.

Parameter is shown when Use Geometry Filter is set to Yes.

Geometry Type


Specifies the type of geometry described by the feature JSON for the geometry filter. Supported geometry types include envelope, point, polyline, polygon, and multipoint.

Parameter is shown when Use Geometry Filter is set to Yes.

Spatial Reference


Specifies the well-known ID (WKID) of the spatial reference for the geometry filter.

Parameter is shown when Use Geometry Filter is set to Yes.

Spatial Relationship


Specifies the spatial relationship to use when evaluating feature records, polled from a map/feature service feature layer, to determine if they satisfy the conditions of the geometry filter.

Parameter is shown when Use Geometry Filter is set to Yes.

Delete Polled Features

Specifies whether the feature records in the record set returned from a feature service should be deleted from the feature service feature layer. The default is No.

In this topic
  1. Usage notes
  2. Parameters