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Additional server deployment

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In addition to the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, you can add functionality and capacity to your site with additional servers. In the sections below, the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment is represented with the following icon.


A base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, which can be configured with a single machine or with multiple machines as described in the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment help topic.

ArcGIS GIS Server

In the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, ArcGIS GIS Server acts in two distinct capacities: as the hosting server that supports the overall Web GIS infrastructure and as a general purpose GIS Server where services can be published from ArcGIS Desktop that reference your own data sources, such as enterprise geodatabases and file geodatabases. Many organizations may want to separate these functions into two distinct ArcGIS Server sites. In this configuration, the portal in your base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment is federated with an additional ArcGIS Server site licensed as ArcGIS GIS Server. This additional site provides dedicated mapping and visualization capabilities to your users. The number of machines in each site will be dictated by your specific needs for capacity and high availability.

Dedicated mapping and visualization site diagram

Each machine in the ArcGIS Server site requires a minimum of 8 GB of memory, with more potentially required depending on the number of services published and their usage patterns.

ArcGIS Image Server

ArcGIS Image Server offers serving, processing, analysis, and extracting value from massive collections of imagery, rasters, and remotely sensed data. There are two primary capabilities that Image Server provides: dynamic image services from mosaic datasets and raster analysis using distributed processing.

For a minimum deployment, the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment is augmented by an additional federated ArcGIS Server site licensed as ArcGIS Image Server.


This deployment is appropriate for providing dynamic image serving capabilities. You can also add additional federated servers to the base deployment as needed.

For deployments where raster analysis will regularly be performed on large datasets, and where you want to ensure that dynamic image services are not negatively impacted, you should use separate sites for raster analysis and dynamic image services.

with raster analysis site diagram

In such a site, you should have a minimum of 8 GB of RAM per machine.

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

To configure ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, as a minimum your configuration should be as shown in the following diagram, including a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, an ArcGIS Data Store configured as a spatiotemporal data store on its own machine, and a federated ArcGIS Server site licensed as ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server:

minimum site architecture

This deployment is appropriate for development and testing as well as production use when there are no requirements for high availability. For each of the data store and ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server machines, a minimum of 16 GB of memory is required.

Additional machines for ArcGIS Data Store configured as the spatiotemporal data store may be required for large volumes of data, and additional ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server machines may be required for faster processing of large amounts of data. See below for how to extend this pattern for these types of requirements.

A recommended architecture for your ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server deployment is shown in the following diagram. This site includes multiple machines for the spatiotemporal big data store registered with your hosting server in the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.

recommended site architecture

You must also ensure good I/O throughput from the input data sources that are configured with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server. This includes ensuring good throughput from remote file shares.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server enables real-time event-based data streams to be integrated as data sources. A minimal setup with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server includes adding the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server licensing role to the existing base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. For production environments adding a separate single-machine ArcGIS Server site licensed as ArcGIS GeoEvent Server to your base deployment is recommended. This will help avoid resource contention with services published to your base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment

site architecture

In this configuration, your ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machine should have a minimum of 8 GB of RAM. This deployment is appropriate for development and testing, and can be appropriate for production deployments with a nominal amount of incoming real-time events and real-time analytics applied to those events.

The configuration above illustrates three machines supporting a spatiotemporal big data store registered with your hosting server in the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. Incorporating a spatiotemporal big data store supported by multiple machines enables high-velocity and large-volume archiving of event data processed by your ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. When configuring a spatiotemporal big data store, it is recommended that system architects plan a data storage ring consisting of at least three machines.

Using the spatiotemporal big data store is optional when architecting an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server solution. GeoEvent Server can persist data in a single-machine instance of a traditional relational geodatabase when event volume is relatively low (below 200 events per second).

It is not recommended to use multimachine sites with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. Instead, you should configure multiple independent sites to dedicate ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machine resources to specific real-time data streams.

example site with multiple

With the addition of an external message broker (not illustrated) GeoEvent Server can scale for production deployments with high volumes of incoming real-time events and support system requirements for resiliency and disaster recovery. A support contract with Esri Professional Services is recommended when planning highly scalable and resilient architectures.

A minimal setup (not illustrated) in which you deploy and license ArcGIS GeoEvent Server on an existing base ArcGIS Enterprise machine is supported. However, system architects should understand the implications of system resource sharing between ArcGIS GIS Server and ArcGIS GeoEvent Server before such a solution is moved into production.