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What's new in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 introduces new features, stability enhancements, and improved functionality throughout the product.

For a list of issues that were fixed at 10.6.1, see the 10.6.1 Issues Addressed List.


If you are upgrading to 10.6.1 from version 10.5.1 or earlier, you will need to reauthorize your software for 10.6.1. You can access your new authorization files in My Esri. If you are upgrading from version 10.6, you do not need to reauthorize.

It's recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.6.1 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated.

Functionality Matrix

For a high-level product overview of ArcGIS Enterprise, review the version you're interested in:

Hosting server requirement

Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1, newly created and upgraded portals will only support a federated hosting server that has a relational data store created through ArcGIS Data Store. Enterprise geodatabases can be registered with a hosting server alongside this relational data store, but cannot be the sole managed database for a hosting server. This requirement does not apply to ArcGIS Server sites other than the hosting server. See Migrate to an ArcGIS Data Store relational data store for more information.

ArcGIS Enterprise Builder

At 10.6.1, Windows 7 is no longer supported for new installations using ArcGIS Enterprise Builder. Review the builder's system requirements for other supported operating systems.

Create sites in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal

New at 10.6.1, ArcGIS Enterprise Sites allows you to create a tailored web page experience for your users to help you share your authoritative GIS data to other departments more easily, even if they are not used to working in your GIS. See What's new in Portal for ArcGIS for more information.

Map and feature service enhancements

At 10.6.1, feature services have been improved with the addition of layer-based metadata support and REST API enhancements for query operations. These enhancements are for both enterprise geodatabase-based feature services and hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise.

Map and feature services now include quantization parameters that significantly enhance drawing performance for supported clients, including ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and web applications that use WebGL rendering of feature layers. See What's new in the ArcGIS Services REST API for more information.

The following enhancements are also new for feature services published from an enterprise geodatabase to an ArcGIS Server federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment:

  • REST API enhancements for splitting features
  • Query and editing support for multipatch data
  • Support for publishing feature layers from ArcGIS Pro 2.2 that have unique value symbology applied to multiple fields

The following enhancements are new for hosted feature services with spatiotemporal data sources:

ArcGIS Server licensing roles

The following are new in each ArcGIS Server role:

ArcGIS Image Server

Several new features make ArcGIS Image Server 10.6.1 even more powerful.

  • Ortho Maker is a new ArcGIS Enterprise web app for creating orthoimage mosaics and terrain surface products using imagery from drones. The app uses the distributed processing and storage capabilities of ArcGIS Image Server.
  • An ArcGIS Image Server site can now be assigned an Image Hosting Server role in the portal at 10.6.1. The image hosting server hosts the raster data store, managing its file share storage and its cloud storage, and distributes results according to portal member requests.
  • New raster analytics tools are available in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal. See What's new in Portal for ArcGIS for more information.

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

New tools and enhancements are available for GeoAnalytics Server in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1. See What's new in Portal for ArcGIS for more information.

Big data file shares can now reference Microsoft Azure Data Lake, and GeoAnalytics Server can access HDFS directories using Kerberos authentication.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 10.6.1 includes stability enhancements and improved functionality when using the spatiotemporal big data store. See What's new in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server for more information.

ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud

For information on what's new for the images and utilities provided by Esri for ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, see the following topics:

ArcGIS Enterprise components

See the following topics to find out what's new in ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Data Store, and the ArcGIS REST API Services Directory: