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Create the INSPIRE View Service

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INSPIRE View service publication process

After you've followed steps to prepare a map document with INSPIRE data, the map document can be published as an INSPIRE View service through ArcGIS for Server. This topic discusses details about the steps to publish.


The service creation workflow is a two-step process as the final configuration of the service instance requires the service to be running.

Open the Share as Service interface

(Optional) A user can enable the INSPIRE View service to act as a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). To do this, check the WMS uses TileCache (WMTS available) check box. As the WMTS functionality relies on prerendered and cached map tiles, a user has to enable tile caching for the map service first before turning on the WMTS option.

  1. In ArcMap choose File > Share As > Service.
  2. On the opened dialog box, choose Publish a service.
  3. Select an existing connection to ArcGIS for Server. If you don't have a connection, create one by choosing the appropriate menu entry.
  4. Enter a service name and choose the folder where the service should be published.
  5. In the Service Editor > Capabilities interface, select the WMS and INSPIRE View service types.
  6. After making these selections, keep the wizard open and configure the service properties as described in the next section.

Configure properties and start the service

The properties window supports different languages and allows the user to specify a default language for the service. In ArcMap it is found in the Service Editor interface on the wizard.

  1. Check that the WMS uses layer names from map document check box is set appropriate to the setting of the WMS extension. The INSPIRE View service and WMS capabilities share some information. For this reason, the layer names must be consistent between the two. It is recommended to leave the default values (that is, check box not checked) but if you enable it, make sure you also choose the equivalent option for the WMS capabilities.
  2. (Optional) A user can enable the INSPIRE View service to act as a Web Map Tile service (WMTS). To do this, check the WMS uses TileCache (WMTS check box). As the WMTS functionality relies on prerendered and cached map tiles, enable tile caching for the map service before turning on the WMTS option.

    Each INSPIRE layer needs its own map tile cache. If you have more INSPIRE layers, create a map cache for each layer to have them available via WMTS.

  3. ArcGIS for INSPIRE supports the INSPIRE specifications of providing multilingual services. The supported languages of a service instance can be configured via the service properties interface. To display the language check boxes, click the Supported languages field and a list of languages under the geographical limits for INSPIRE displays. Activate a language for the service by clicking the desired language. The default language for a service needs to be assigned by the user. Remember that adding an additional language or languages requires configuration using localization files.
  4. If you set additional languages for the service, provide additional properties. Click Advanced Properties. These properties are given for the supported language or languages. For detailed information on how to add advanced properties, see the Advanced properties section below.
  5. After you set the service's advanced properties, click Close to close the Edit Properties dialog box. Click Save to save the properties.
  6. After setting the properties, complete the wizard.
  7. Starting and managing the INSPIRE View service is done the same way as starting and managing other ArcGIS for Server services; additional customization is not needed.

Advanced properties


While in the publish service workflow, not all parts of the Advanced Properties section are available (that is, the layer specific configuration). This part becomes available in the edit and configure service workflow while the service is running.

With version 3.0 of the technical guidance to INSPIRE View service, the service provider can choose how to provide metadata about the service using the INSPIRE related capabilities extension element. Thus, there are two choices provided at the top of the INSPIRE View service properties form. These are described below:

  • Enter a URL referencing the INSPIRE metadata record describing this INSPIRE View service—The service provider enters a URL that references a metadata record in an INSPIRE Discovery service describing this INSPIRE View service instance.
  • Enter all INSPIRE metadata element values, these will be exposed directly in the service capabilities document—The service provider can edit all the metadata elements using the INSPIRE View service properties configuration page.
If you choose the second option, you see a form similar to the screen capture below. There are several sections in this properties form for the service—the properties of the service, GEMET keywords, the contact metadata of the service, the properties of the layer node in the table of contents, and the properties for each of the subsequent INSPIRE layers. The screen capture below displays the configuration page for an INSPIRE View service containing the INSPIRE layers HY.AquiferNode, HY.AquiferNode.SpringOrSeep, and HY.AquiferNode.VanishingPoint. The fields highlighted in yellow indicate required fields.

Parameters for each of these sections of the interface are described below.

Editing the INSPIRE View service properties

Properties of the service

Properties of the service pertain to the service as a whole. The table below describes each field and pertinent information related to that field.

Property itemDescription and notes


A title that describes the resource.


Short summary for the content of a resource.

Common keywords

Terms that capture the essence of the topic (for example, words, expressions or formalized terms. In this case, the terms are in respect to INSPIRE terms). It is recommended to use infoMapAccessService and INSPIRE as keywords for the INSPIRE View service.

This field can also be used to enter keywords that do not belong to a specific keyword vocabulary.

Access constraints

Describes if an access restriction exists that would protect the privacy or the intellectual property. Also provides a special restriction for accessing resources or metadata.

Default value: None


Describes costs for access and use.

Default value: No conditions apply.

Online resource

The URL under which the service is available, prepopulated. Changing this is important if you run the service behind a reverse proxy.

External GetFeatureInfo URL

Setting the external GetFeatureInfo URL replaces the URL used in the capabilities document with the one defined here. Additionally, this affects this view service instance as the internal feature server back end will not be started.

Authority name

Name of the responsible authority for the view service.

Authority URL

URL of the responsible authority for the view service.

Metadata URL

Access to metadata provided by an INSPIRE Discovery service describing this service instance, such as: http://[host]/ /geoportal/csw?service=CSW&request=GetRecordById&version=2.0.2&ID={identifier_of_the_metadata}.

See the option to select a URL at the top of the form.

Metadata published at (YYYY-MM-DD)

Publication date of the metadata that describes the view service.

Metadata contact organization

INSPIRE is more demanding than ISO 19115 by mandating both the name of the organization, and a contact email address. The role of the responsible party serving as a metadata point of contact is out of scope for the metadata regulation; however, according to the INSPIRE View service TG 3.0, this property is mandated by ISO 19115.

Metadata contact email

See above.

Service created at (YYYY-MM-DD)

To be compliant with the INSPIRE metadata regulation and with ISO 19115, one of following dates will be used: date of publication, date of last revision, or the date of creation. Date of last revision is preferred. Per INSPIRE View service TG 3.0, the date will be expressed in conformity with the INSPIRE metadata regulation.

Service last revised at (YYYY-MM-DD)

See above.

Service published at (YYYY-MM-DD)

See above.

Beginning of temporal extent covered by the service

INSPIRE also allows the use of a temporal extent as a temporal reference.

End of temporal extent covered by the service

See above.

Degree of conformity

Choose conformant or not conformant when the conformity to the cited specification is evaluated. In this case, if the evaluation has passed, the degree is conformant; otherwise, it is not conformant. Choose not evaluated when the conformity to the cited specification has not been evaluated. Note that in the INSPIRE metadata technical guidance (INSPIRE View service TG 3.0), the absence of ISO 19115 metadata related to the conformity to an INSPIRE specification implies that the conformity has not been evaluated.

GEMET keywords

Additional keywords can be defined using the INSPIRE GEMET vocabulary. The keywords chosen here will be added to the WMS KeywordList element and to the ExtendedCapabilities element, which is specific to the INSPIRE View service. The language encoding of the GEMET keywords in the capabilities document corresponds the requested language.

Contact metadata of the service

With the INSPIRE View service, the responsible authority can be provided under the Contact metadata of the service section. The properties interface provides default placeholder values that you should update accordingly.

Properties of the top most layer node

This is a root layer, and as previously noted, the default name is Layer. The root layer properties consist of the attributes Title, Abstract, and Keywords, and follow the conventions described in the table below.

Property itemDescription and notes


A title that describes the resource.


Short summary for the content of a resource.


Terms that capture the essence of the topic (for example, words, expressions, or formalized terms, in this case the terms refer to INSPIRE terms).

Properties of the INSPIRE layer

There may be many INSPIRE layer sections in the properties interface, as there should be a section for each INSPIRE layer in the view service. Each of these INSPIRE layer sections will have the properties described in the table below. Nonetheless, the configuration page also gains access to non-INSPIRE layers. If a layer has been recognized, the INSPIRE layer name from the relevant INSPIRE data specification will print in brackets in the headline of the section.

Property itemDescription and notes


A title that describes the resource. If this is an INSPIRE layer, the title defined in the relevant INSPIRE data specification is used.


Short summary for the content of a resource.


Terms that capture the essence of the topic (for example, words, expressions, or formalized terms. In this case the terms refer to INSPIRE terms). It is recommended to use infoMapAccessService and INSPIRE as keywords for the INSPIRE view service.

Metadata URL

Access to a metadata record provided by an INSPIRE Discovery service.

Data URL

Access to the source data of this layer via the INSPIRE Feature Download service.

Authority Layer ID

Unique ID of the layer as specified by the responsible authority. See authority definition in Properties of the service.

Save and reuse INSPIRE View service properties

It is possible to save the INSPIRE View service properties in a file and reuse this in other INSPIRE View services.

First, save the INSPIRE View service properties:

  1. Open the INSPIRE View service advanced properties.
  2. Enter values for the fields on the Advanced Property page. Only enter values for required fields and those fields whose value will be reused.
  3. Click Close to close the Advanced Properties page.
  4. Apply the changes.
  5. Click the Save icon on the Service Property page to save the properties into a file.
  6. Open the saved file in a text editor, review its values, and remove those fields that will not be reused (such as the online resource and layer specific fields).
  7. Save the file.

Reuse the property file:

  1. Create a new INSPIRE service.
  2. Go to the INSPIRE service properties.
  3. Click the Open icon, select the previously saved file, and load the properties to be reused.
  4. Go to the INSPIRE Service Advanced Property page to review the loaded values and make necessary adjustments. Note that loading the file is just a starting point, and you need to review those values and make necessary service specific adjustments to make the service work correctly.

Enable or disable caching

When the caching option is set to true (configurable), ArcGIS for INSPIRE pregenerates a getCapabilities response when the service starts. This improves the getCapabilities operation response time, especially for services with a large number of layers. Caching is set to true by default. Follow the steps below to enable or disable caching:

  1. Go to the service's REST admin page (for example, http://servername:6080/arcgis/admin).
  2. Open Services > Select the service > edit > find parameter cacheGetCapabilities.
  3. Set its value to true or false accordingly.
  4. Save the edits.