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What's new in ArcGIS Knowledge

ArcGIS 11.2  | |  Help archive

The following changes have been made to ArcGIS Knowledge at this release:

  • A new web application, ArcGIS Knowledge Studio, is available in beta. It allows you to explore the contents of a knowledge graph in a web browser.
  • When you create a knowledge graph on an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 ArcGIS Knowledge site, you can optionally enable provenance to document sources of the information stored in the knowledge graph.
  • Some additional configuration options are available when you create a knowledge graph based on a NoSQL data store on an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 ArcGIS Knowledge site.
    • You can create a NoSQL data store that accesses a Neo4j AuraDB Enterprise instance.
    • You can create a NoSQL data store that accesses an ArangoDB database. The knowledge graph can only be configured to have ArcGIS-managed data in the NoSQL data store.
  • When you define new entity types and relationship types in a knowledge graph, Unicode characters can be used in the type names with some restrictions.
  • When you edit a knowledge graph from an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 deployment and you add properties to an entity or a relationship, the following data types are supported as beta functionality:
    • Big integer
    • Date only
    • Time only
    • Timestamp offset
  • When you create a knowledge graph based on a NoSQL data store that is configured to have user-managed data, the knowledge graph's content is read-only when it is accessed in an ArcGIS Pro project. If you access the same knowledge graph using an ArcGIS Enterprise developer API, you can edit entities and relationships and values of their properties, however, the data model for the knowledge graph will remain read-only. That is, you cannot add new entity types and relationship types or add new properties to existing types.

New capabilities are also available in ArcGIS Pro to analyze and query knowledge graphs in an investigation, a link chart, a map, and in the Search and Filter pane.