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Install Docker for ArcGIS Notebook Server

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The steps below describe how to download, install, and configure the Docker container allocation software required by ArcGIS Notebook Server. See Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server for an introduction to Docker and how it's used in ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Download and install Docker

There are two editions of Docker available for Linux systems: Docker Desktop Community and Mirantis Container Runtime. ArcGIS Notebook Server supports both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu operating systems. The Docker edition you should use depends on the operating system (OS) your machine runs:

  • If you're running Red Hat Enterprise Linux, only Mirantis Container Runtime is supported by ArcGIS Notebook Server.
  • If you're running Ubuntu, you can use either Docker edition. See Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server for more information about which edition is appropriate for your deployment.


Because Docker is a third-party software component, this topic does not detail the complete steps to install Docker. Review and refer to the Docker website for the most up-to-date information.

Install Mirantis Container Runtime on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To install Mirantis Container Runtime, you need to obtain a trial or subscription for the software.

  1. Uninstall any previous version of Docker installed on your machine.

    Refer to the Docker documentation for that version for complete uninstall steps.

  2. Follow the steps in the Mirantis Container Runtime for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Deployment Guide on the Mirantis site.

    The document outlines the two methods you can use to install the software (from a Docker repository or via an RPM package).

  3. Since Docker does not automatically start after installation and configuration, start the Docker daemon by running the following command:
    $ sudo systemctl start docker
  4. Verify that Docker is properly installed and can access container images by running the following command:
    $ sudo docker run hello-world

Proceed to the Configure Docker settings and environments section.

Install Mirantis Container Runtime on Ubuntu

To install Mirantis Container Runtime, you must obtain a trial or subscription for the software.

  1. Uninstall any previous version of Docker installed on your machine.

    Refer to the Docker documentation for that version for complete uninstall steps.

  2. Follow the steps in the Mirantis Container Runtime for Ubuntu Deployment Guide on the Mirantis site.

    The document outlines the two methods you can use to install the software (from a Docker repository or via a DEB package).

    The Docker daemon should start automatically after installation.

  3. Verify that Docker is properly installed and can access container images by running the following command:
    $ sudo docker run hello-world

Proceed to the Configure Docker settings and environments section.

Install Docker Desktop Community on Ubuntu

The Docker Desktop Community edition is a free download but requires that you have a Docker account.

  1. Uninstall any previous version of Docker installed on your machine.

    Refer to the Docker documentation for that version for complete uninstall steps.

  2. Follow the steps in Install Docker Engine for Ubuntu.

    The document outlines the two methods you can use to install the software (from a Docker repository or via a DEB package).

    The Docker daemon should start automatically after installation.

  3. Verify that Docker is properly installed and can access container images by running the following command:
    $ sudo docker run hello-world

Proceed to the Configure Docker settings and environments section.

Configure Docker settings and environments

When the appropriate Docker edition is installed on your machine, configure Docker for use with ArcGIS Notebook Server.

  1. Add your OS user account (or the account used to install ArcGIS Notebook Server) to the group named docker, which should have been automatically created at installation.

    $ sudo usermod -aG docker <ArcGIS Notebook Server install account>

  2. Sign out and sign back in to the OS user account for the changes to take effect, and verify that you can run Docker commands from the account.

    $ docker run hello-world

    Docker uses the /var directory as its local registry for container images. During the upgrade process for subsequent releases, new images will be copied to the /var directory as well.

  3. To avoid running out of disk space during future upgrades, ensure that the /var directory has at least 50 GB of disk space.
  4. Switch to the root account. To change the directory Docker uses to store container images from /var/lib/docker to another directory, enter the commands below into a terminal (note that the commands will stop and restart Docker).
    In the following commands, the new target directory is /data/docker:
    1. systemctl stop docker.service
    2. mkdir /data/docker
    3. chmod 755 /var/lib/docker
    4. mv /var/lib/docker /data/docker
    5. ln -s /data/docker /var/lib/docker
    6. systemctl start docker.service

You are now ready to install ArcGIS Notebook Server on your machine.