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What's new in ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.0

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.0 includes new enhancements, tools, and bug fixes. Notable new developments are described below.

New at 11.0

Notebook code snippets

ArcGIS Notebook Server now includes Esri-curated Python code snippets that can be accessed from the Notebook editor and added to your notebooks. Code snippets are prewritten code that can be called in your notebooks to perform common workflows.

To learn more, see Use Python code snippets.

Updates to publish a notebook as a web tool and overwrite web tools

When administrators and notebook authors publish a notebook as a web tool, a snapshot of the notebook is created and published as the web tool. This allows notebook authors to continue making changes to the source notebook without affecting the published web tool.

Additionally, a new overwrite option allows authors to overwrite an existing web tool when the author wants to apply new changes made in the source notebook.

In this topic
  1. New at 11.0