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Administer ArcGIS Notebook Server

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Notebook Server provides administrative tools and settings to monitor, manage, and secure your site. All of these resources and operations use the ArcGIS REST API language and can be accessed in the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory. Some of the most common settings and resources are made available in the ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager app in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory

Administrative tasks and resources for ArcGIS Notebook Server sites are made available through the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory, an ArcGIS REST API directory. As an administrator of an ArcGIS Notebook Server site, you can use the Administrator Directory to perform a range of administrative actions, from monitoring your site to customizing its settings.

As with other REST API directories in ArcGIS Enterprise, you can either access the HTML views of the Administrator Directory in a browser or make programmatic requests to it through a third-party client.

The URL of the directory is formatted https://<>:11443/arcgis/admin or https://<>/<context>/admin.

Refer to the API reference (available at the upper right of the directory window) for full documentation of each resource and operation in the directory.

ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager

The ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager app, introduced at 10.8, provides an intuitive graphical interface in the portal for many common administrative tasks and resources. Each resource and operation available in Manager serves as an interface for a certain REST endpoint in the Administrator Directory. You can use Manager to monitor key statistics about usage and performance, to maintain and adjust system settings, and to use system logs for troubleshooting.

Access the Manager app

The app is only accessible to portal members with administrative privileges. There are two ways of accessing ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager:

Access ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager from your ArcGIS Notebook Server home page

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal as an administrator.
  2. Click Notebook at the top of the site.
  3. Click the unfold more button next to Notebooks and click Notebook server manager.

You can bookmark Manager with the URL format

Access ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager from your organization

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal as an administrator.
  2. Click Organization at the top of the site and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Servers on the left side of the page.
  4. Under Federated Servers, locate your ArcGIS Notebook Server and click its link. The link directs you to its ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager app in the portal website.

View site information in Manager

The Overview page in ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager provides a dashboard view of some helpful information and statistics regarding your site.

  • Server Information—This box provides a link to your site's Administrator Directory and the current version number of your ArcGIS Notebook Server site. It also gives a count of containers and notebooks currently active across your site.
  • Health Check—This table shows whether each machine in the site has passed its most recent health check and the number of containers active on each machine.
  • Recent Errors—Logs created in the past 24 hours with the levels WARNING or SEVERE are shown in this table. You can use the Logs page in Manager to see more details about each log.
  • Machines—This table gives a list of each machine participating in the site. For each, the machine name, operating system version, number of physical processors, and available system memory in GB are provided.

Available operations in Manager

ArcGIS Notebook Server Manager provides several tools to monitor and manage your site.

Containers page

This page gives a summary of each Docker container running in your site. For each container, the following information is given:

  • Machine—The ArcGIS Notebook Servermachine on which the container is running.
  • Username—The user who launched the container by opening a notebook.
  • Container ID—The unique ID of the Docker container, which you can use when working with Docker logs.
  • Runtime Name—The name of the Python runtime in the Docker image applied to the container. Read the introduction to Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server for more information.
  • Version—The runtime version corresponding to the current ArcGIS Notebook Server version.
  • Date Created—The date on which the container was launched.

Click the Delete button next to a container to terminate it. This won't delete any notebooks that have run in the container.

Tasks page

This page, available starting at 10.8.1, provides a view of each task that is currently active or completed in your site. Tasks are used to schedule remote execution of a notebook either once or on a recurring basis. Notebook authors who have the Schedule Notebooks privilege can create tasks for any notebook they own.

On this page, you can view each active or completed task with its name and the user who created it, the time it was created and when it was last modified, and the current status (Active or Complete).

Each task has three action buttons in its row. You can click the View Task Details button to review results of each individual run of the task. To make changes to the title, parameters, or schedule of the task, click the Edit Task button. If you want to remove a task, click the Delete Task button.


Deleting a task also deletes the run history of the task. If you want to preserve an active task's history, consider editing its schedule to stop further task runs.

Logs page

On the Logs page, you can query ArcGIS Notebook Server logs, with options to sort and filter by several parameters. To learn more, see Work with ArcGIS Notebook Server logs.

Settings page

On the Settings page, the following operations and resources are available:

Reset the primary site administrator account password

You create the primary site administrator account when you create an ArcGIS Notebook Server site. If you need to change the user name or password for this account, you can do so using the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator API.

If you use the primary site administrator account to register ArcGIS Web Adaptor with your site and you later change the primary site administrator user name or password, there is no need to reconfigure the web adaptor. HTTPS communication is not disrupted between the web adaptor and the site after you edit the account.

Follow these steps to change the user name or password of the primary site administrator account.

  1. Open a terminal on the ArcGIS Notebook Server machine.
  2. Browse to <Notebook Server install directory>/tools/passwordreset.
  3. Run the command ./ -p <newpassword>.

    The primary site administrator account password is reset.