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What's new in Pipeline Referencing for Server?

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

New at 10.6.1

Enhancements have been added to Event Editor. Event Replacement is a new tool that allows you to bulk replace events for a pipe replacement when no LRS edits are made. For example, when the shape and measures of the route don't change. You can also use the Event Replacement tool to retire point and line events impacted by the pipe replacement, create new line events representing the characteristics of the new pipe, and leave other point and line events untouched that weren’t impacted by the pipe replacement.

New at 10.6

The following are enhancements to Event Editor:

  • You can edit, change, and save web map symbology for the layers using the Symbology dialog box.
  • You can change the order of layers in a web map opened in Event Editor and save it.
  • You can import bookmarks in a web map opened in Event Editor using the Import Bookmarks tool.
  • You can now dock tables on the right side of your screen to provide a two-screen experience.
  • You will now see confirmations when certain tasks are completed in Event Editor. These include saving events, editing events, and reconciling and posting.
  • You can share a web map in Event Editor with everyone (public), with Portal for ArcGIS (organization), or with specific groups only within Portal for ArcGIS.
  • You can now edit related table records and add nonspatial related records.
  • When saving edits on a table with multiple pages, the table will remain on the same page instead of going back to page 1.

In this topic
  1. New at 10.6.1
  2. New at 10.6