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Manage ArcGIS Pro licenses

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As an administrator of an organization that has been provisioned for ArcGIS Pro, you use Portal for ArcGIS to specify which members can run ArcGIS Pro and the software licenses available to them. You can manage licenses for individual members or make bulk assignment updates.

The ArcGIS Pro application is part of ArcGIS for Desktop, which has three levels—Basic, Standard, and Advanced—with each level providing additional functionality. Only ArcGIS Pro uses licensing through the organization. Other ArcGIS for Desktop applications—ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, and ArcScene—use the local ArcGIS Administrator application to set levels and extensions.

You assign a member one license level and can also enable access to optional extensions that provide specialized tools. For a member to use an extension, the member needs both a level and a license for the specific extension product.

When the member to whom you have assigned a license starts ArcGIS Pro and signs in, the application runs with the level and any extensions you specified. However, if you have not specified licensing for a particular member, ArcGIS Pro does not run when that member attempts to sign in. You can reassign licenses as often as you need, and the resulting changes take effect promptly in ArcGIS Pro. If you completely revoke the license while the member is working in ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Pro displays notifications that the software is not authorized and starts the process of closing automatically. After a grace period ends, the member is prompted to save any unsaved work and is no longer able to use ArcGIS Pro.

Within ArcGIS Pro, a member can check out a license to authorize ArcGIS Pro for use in a disconnected environment. A red box displays next to the member's name when the license is checked out. When a license is checked out, you are not able to make any changes or revoke the license. If you select multiple members and at least one member is running ArcGIS Pro in disconnected mode, you are not able to configure licenses for any of the selected members.

If the device using the checked out license is lost or destroyed, the user will not be able to check out a new license or use ArcGIS Pro in a connected environment. In this case, you'll need to release the checked out license using the ArcGIS Portal Directory. This frees the outstanding license and allows the user to check out a new license or use ArcGIS Pro in a connected environment.

In a connected environment, you can remotely terminate an ArcGIS Pro session. For example, a member is signed in and has ArcGIS Pro actively running on three machines simultaneously (the maximum allowed), but has left the office and now needs to use ArcGIS Pro in the field. Terminating a session allows the member to sign in and start ArcGIS Pro. In addition, if ArcGIS Pro closed in an unexpected manner, you can terminate the session to free the license quickly.

View license details

  1. Verify that you are signed in as an administrator of your organization and that your organization has been provisioned for ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click My Organization at the top of the site and click Manage Licenses.

A page opens with licensing details, a member table, and tools to configure licenses. You can search the members and filter the licenses.

The page shows the products for which you are authorized, the total numbers for all levels of ArcGIS Pro, and the number of available ArcGIS Pro levels and extension licenses for you to assign to members. (You may need to scroll to see the full set of extensions available to your organization.) You also see which licenses have been configured for which members, the last time they used ArcGIS Pro, and whether they have checked out a license. This is the same page where you assign and revoke licenses for your members.

Configure licenses for one member

By clicking an individual member of the organization, your license changes affect only one member at a time.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as an administrator of your organization and that your organization has been provisioned for ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click My Organization at the top of the site and click Manage Licenses.
  3. In the list of organization members, find the member whose license you want to manage.
  4. To filter the list of users by name, role, group, or other attribute, click Search by and enter the criteria.
  5. In the row of the member you want to manage, click the hyperlink in the Licensed for column. Clicking elsewhere in the row instead adds the member to the list of selected members, allowing you to manage licenses in bulk.

    If the member hasn't been assigned any licenses yet, the link says Configure licenses. Otherwise, the link displays the level of ArcGIS Pro and the number of extensions.

  6. Configure licenses for the member.
    • To assign a license, choose the ArcGIS Pro level and any extensions and click Assign.
    • To update existing license assignments, choose the ArcGIS Pro level and any extensions and click Update.
    • To remove all licenses, click Revoke All.
  7. Note:

    Keep in mind that Revoke All removes all licenses for ArcGIS Pro. If you just want to modify existing license assignments, such as to remove access to an extension, make your changes and click Update.

  8. To view the date when the member most recently worked with ArcGIS Pro, look at the Last Used column for the member's name. In addition, a green box next to the name indicates the member has used ArcGIS Pro recently.
  9. To end a member's active session and release a license, click the Last Used column for the member's name and click Terminate. Review the active sessions and select which one to close. If the member has set an alias name for the workstation from within ArcGIS Pro, you can use that to help determine which session to close. Inside ArcGIS Pro, the member starts receiving notifications about the session ending as the application begins to shut down. The member can have up to three simultaneous ArcGIS Pro sessions.

Configure licenses for multiple members

You can make license changes for multiple members at a time. The updates apply to all the members in the Selected Members list.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as an administrator of your organization and that your organization has been provisioned for ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click My Organization at the top of the site and click Manage Licenses.
  3. Add members to the Selected Members list.
    • To add one member to the list, click that member's row.
    • To add all members of your organization to the list, click Select All above the Members list.
    • To filter the list of members by name, role, group, product, or other attribute, click Search by and enter the criteria. Click each member you want to add to the list or click Select All to click all members that meet the criteria. For example, to update licenses for everyone in a certain group, click Search by, click the group name from the drop-down list, and click Select All.
    • To remove a member from the list, click that member's name from the Selected Members list next to the member table.
  4. Click Configure to update licenses for all in the Selected Members list.
    • To assign a license, choose the ArcGIS Pro level and any extensions and click Assign.
    • To update existing license assignments, choose the ArcGIS Pro level and any extensions and click Update.
    • To remove all licenses, click Revoke All.
  5. Note:

    Keep in mind that Revoke All removes all licenses for ArcGIS Pro. If you just want to modify existing license assignments, such as to remove access to an extension, make your changes and click Update.

  6. The Selected Members list is retained as you filter the Members and configure licenses. Click a row in the Selected Members list to remove an individual member or Clear to empty the list completely.

Release a checked out license

If a user checks out a license for use in a disconnected environment and the device using the license is lost or destroyed, you'll need to release the license using the ArcGIS Portal Directory. This frees the outstanding license and allows the user to check out a new license or use ArcGIS Pro in a connected environment.

  1. Open a web browser and sign in to the ArcGIS Portal Directory as an Administrator of your organization. The URL is formatted as
  2. Click System > Licenses > Release License.
  3. Enter the user name of the user who checked out the license (for example, jcho).
  4. Click Release License.

Considerations for managing licenses

  • Only administrators of organizations that have been provisioned for ArcGIS Pro can use this functionality. A custom administrator role must include the Manage licenses for members privilege.
  • It is possible for your organization to exceed the number of licenses available, resulting in a negative number available. This can happen if you assign licenses to your members but are later entitled to fewer licenses, such as if you make changes to your maintenance agreement or you are using trial licenses. Upon the expiration of any license in your organization, you must revoke the expired license so that your organization's members are only assigned valid licenses. Until you correct the license assignments, no one in the organization will be able to sign in to authorize ArcGIS Pro.
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