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Installing Portal for ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The steps below guide you through the Portal for ArcGIS installation process.


Upgrading to 10.5.1? For more information, see About upgrading Portal for ArcGIS.

Preparing to install Portal for ArcGIS

  1. Verify that your site meets the minimum system requirements.
  2. Log in to your machine as a user with administrative privileges. You cannot install Portal for ArcGIS as a root user.
  3. Open the ports as described in Ports used by Portal for ArcGIS.
  4. Close all noncritical applications on your server.
  5. Browse to the downloaded folder containing the Portal for ArcGIS setup or insert the Portal for ArcGIS media into the appropriate drive to automatically launch the setup program.

You are now ready to proceed with the Portal for ArcGIS installation.

Installing Portal for ArcGIS

  1. Run the setup program from the Portal for ArcGIS download folder or setup media. The setup program begins by checking the prerequisites that must be met to successfully set up and use Portal for ArcGIS. If your system does not meet any of the prerequisites, follow the instructions in the dialog box to correct any issues. To learn more, see Checking portal diagnostics using the diagnostics tool.
  2. If all prerequisites are met, the Introduction dialog box displays. Click Next to proceed.
  3. On the Master Agreement dialog box, read the master agreement. If you accept the terms, click the I accept the master agreement button, and click Next to proceed; otherwise, exit the setup by clicking Cancel.
  4. On the Choose Install Folder dialog box, specify the installation location. If you're pointing the installer to an earlier portal directory, the content in that directory will automatically be used in the new installation. Content from installations prior to version 10.2 are not supported. Click Next to continue.
  5. Review the summary information, and click Install to begin the installation.
  6. Before the installation finishes, the Software Authorization Wizard dialog box displays. Use the wizard to complete the authorization process. For more information, see Authorizing Portal for ArcGIS. Ensure that your provisioning file includes entitlements for at least one portal member using a Level 2 license. You require at least one Level 2 license in order to create your portal.
  7. When the authorization process is complete, click Done to exit the wizard.

    The software authorization status is displayed on the Install Complete dialog box. If a failure is detected, address the failure message, and open the Portal for ArcGIS Software Authorization Wizard to rerun the authorization.

Post-installation configuration

If you want Portal for ArcGIS to start with the operating system, complete the steps specific to your operating system.

Operating systems that support systemd

If your operating system supports the use of systemd to bootstrap and manage processes (for example, if you are using Red Hat 7.x), follow these steps to configure Portal for ArcGIS to start with the operating system.

  1. Within a command shell, switch to root user.
  2. Copy the <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/framework/etc/arcgisportal.service unit file to /etc/systemd/system.

    This file is installed with Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1.

  3. Still as root user, run the following command to automatically create the links in /etc/systemd/system/
    # systemctl enable arcgisportal.service
  4. To verify that the systemd service is properly configured, restart the service and check its status.
    # systemctl stop arcgisportal.service
    # systemctl start arcgisportal.service
    # systemctl status arcgisportal.service
  5. End the root user session.
  6. Reboot the operating system and verify that Portal for ArcGIS restarts properly.

Operating systems that support SysV

If your operating system supports the use of SysV to bootstrap and manage processes, follow these steps to configure Portal for ArcGIS to start with the operating system.

  1. Within a command shell, switch to root user.
  2. Copy the <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/framework/etc/arcgisportal shell script to the appropriate supported Linux distribution-based locations provided below:
    • RHEL: /etc/rc.d/init.d/
    • SUSE: /etc/init.d/
  3. Change the directory to the applicable init.d folder, and check the arcgisportal script to make sure that root has at least read and execute permissions.
  4. Edit the script as follows:
    1. Update the portalhome variable to the Portal for ArcGIS installation directory, for example, /home/username/arcgis/portal.

    2. For RHEL only, add the line below just before # Description: Portal for ArcGIS Service:

      # chkconfig: 35 99 01

    3. Save the edits to the arcgisportal script.

  5. Still as root user, run the following commands to automatically create the links in /etc/rc*.d with the appropriate run levels:
    • RHEL:
      $ chkconfig --add arcgisportal
      $ chkconfig arcgisportal on
    • SUSE:
      $ insserv arcgisportal
      $ chkconfig arcgisportal on
  6. End the root user session.
  7. Reboot the operating system, and verify that Portal for ArcGIS restarts properly.

If you encounter an error during the installation

If you encounter a failure during the installation, you can review the logs to help you troubleshoot. When doing this, first determine if you can access the ArcGIS Portal Directory. If you can, query the logs and review the messages. If not, review the log messages on disk. To access the logs on disk, browse to the logs directory and open the most recent log file (for example, <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/arcgisportal/logs/<machine name>/portal/portal-20150101.095803-8596-0.0.log). If necessary, you can share this information with Esri Support.