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Distribute Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS (Windows) through Portal for ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS brings together a common view of the systems and resources you manage. Monitor real-time data feeds for large-scale events or day-to-day operations on your desktop or tablet device. Create focused executive dashboards that integrate maps, charts, and graphs. Operations Dashboard uses operation views created in a Windows app and viewed in either the Windows app or in the browser. Portal for ArcGIS users can install and use the Windows app to connect to their portal and create and view operation views. The browser app is already part of your portal installation.

Your portal is already set up to distribute Operations Dashboard (Windows) using the executable from ArcGIS Online. When your portal users search for Operations Dashboard, they find an item on your portal that allows them to download and install Operations Dashboard from ArcGIS Online. Users who install the app from this location will get updated versions as they're released.

If, however, your users are unable to access ArcGIS Online, or if you need to use your company's certificate to sign the app, need control over the version of Operations Dashboard that your users are running, or need to restrict users to connect to only your portal, see Deploy Operations Dashboard to Portal for ArcGIS.

Deploy Operations Dashboard to Portal for ArcGIS

Deploy Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS to your Portal for ArcGIS to allow portal members to download Operations Dashboard from the portal instead of from ArcGIS Online. Deploying to your portal can be done in four steps: first, download the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Deployment Utility, then use the utility to generate the files you need to place on your portal, next copy them to your portal, and finally create an item on your portal that references your copy of Operations Dashboard.


You should only deploy Operations Dashboard to your portal if your users are unable to access ArcGIS Online, or if you need to use your company's certificate to sign the app, need control over the version of Operations Dashboard that your users are running, or need to restrict users to connect to only your portal. Otherwise, have your users install Operations Dashboard using the executable from ArcGIS Online through the portal application item that is part of your portal installation.

Installing Operations Dashboard from your portal restricts users to accessing operation views that are on your portal. However, they can still incorporate any data that they can put into their maps on your portal, including data from ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Server.

Download the deployment utility

Download the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Deployment Utility to deploy Operations Dashboard to your portal.

  1. Log in to the My Esri site with your Esri Account that is tied to your customer number.
  2. Go to My Organizations and select Downloads.

    If you are a member of multiple organizations, make sure the name and customer number of the organization you want to work with displays in the upper-right corner. If not, go to Organization List and choose a different organization before going to Downloads.

    All the products that are available to you (based on your customer number) display.

  3. Find the ArcGIS Enterprise product and version that you want to deploy Operations Dashboard to, and click View Downloads (for example, ArcGIS Enterprise (Windows) version 10.5).
  4. Expand the Apps section.
  5. Click Download for the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Deployment Utility, and save OperationsDashboardUtility_<version>_<customer care number>.exe (for example, OperationsDashboardUtility_1034_154049.exe) to your machine.

Create the Operations Dashboard files

Operations Dashboard needs to be configured to work with your portal. Run the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Deployment Utility to customize the Operations Dashboard installation so users of your portal can install Operations Dashboard and access their data on the portal.


This utility can be executed on any computer; it doesn't need to be on the machine running Portal for ArcGIS.

  1. Double-click the downloaded .exe, and provide the path where the files for the utility should be extracted. Click OK to extract the files.
  2. Verify that the Launch the Utility check box is checked, and click Close.

    To run the utility at a later time, uncheck the Launch the Utility check box, and click Close. When you're ready to run the utility, browse to the file extraction location you provided in the previous step, open the OperationsDashboardUtility folder, and double-click OperationsDashboardUtility.exe to run the deployment utility.

  3. If prompted, verify that you meet the prerequisites for using the deployment utility.

    Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required.

  4. Click Next to continue with the utility.
  5. Provide a location to store the generated Operations Dashboard files, and click Next.
  6. Provide the URL to your portal, and click Next. The URL needs to include the web adaptor. For example,
  7. Provide your company's code signing certificate (.pfx file), provide the password, and click Next.
  8. Verify your settings are correct, and click Next to generate the deployment package.

    Wait while the package is generated. Some windows open and close as it runs. When it completes, the utility will show information about the deployment package.


    If you're notified that you're importing a new private signature key, click OK to continue.

  9. The self-installer deployment package and the help files for Operations Dashboard have been created in the location you provided earlier in the utility. Copy the files to your portal as indicated in the utility. Complete steps are in the following section.
  10. Click Finish to close the utility.

Copy the files to your portal

Now that you've generated the files required to install Operations Dashboard on your portal, copy the files to your portal. You need to be an administrator on the machine to do this.

  1. On the machine where you ran the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS Deployment Utility, browse to the location where the files were created (as specified in the utility).
  2. Copy the dashboard-win folder.
  3. On the portal machine, browse to <portal install directory>\arcgis\portal\apps (where <portal install directory> is the path to your portal installation), and overwrite the dashboard-win folder. For example, c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\apps.
  4. If you're deploying to an LDAP-secured portal using the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform), update the security constraints in the web adaptor's web.xml file. For details, see Update security constraints for an LDAP-secure portal.

Create an item on the portal

Now that you've copied the files required to install Operations Dashboard on your portal, create an item on your portal. When your users search for Operations Dashboard on your portal, this is what they will find and use to install the app.

  1. Log in to your portal through a web browser.
  2. Click My Content, and click Add Item.
  3. Select An application in the item drop-down list, and select the Mobile radio button.
  4. Type the URL to the Operations Dashboard app, for example: (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by the information about your portal).
  5. Type Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS as the title.
  6. Type Operations Dashboard for the tags.
  7. Click Add Item.

    You are taken to the item details page for your newly added Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS item.

  8. Click Share to share your new item.
  9. Select the sharing option that matches who you want to have access:
    • Everyone—Anyone who can access your organization's website can access the download.
    • Your organization—All members of your organization can access the download.
    • A group or set of groups—Members of the selected groups can access the download.

      Share the item with the Feature Maps and Apps group so that it is included in the Feature Content Gallery of your organization. Not all users have permission to share items with this group.

  10. Click OK on the Share dialog box.
  11. Click Edit to edit the item details.
  12. In the Description field, type the following:

    Provide a common operational picture for monitoring, tracking, and reporting an event or series of events to a group of people within your organization. Focus on aspects of an event or activity that matter most to you. Monitor services, deliveries, people, vehicles, and more, anywhere in the world.

    Key Features

    • Create and share operational views that include interactive maps, charts, gauges, and other performance indicators.
    • Build operational views for use on multiple monitors or single-display devices.
    • Extend and customize Operations Dashboard with new widgets, map tools, and feature actions.

    To learn more about Operations Dashboard, see its help.

    Install Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

    Where help links to and Install Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS links to (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by the information about your portal).

  13. In Access and Use Constraints, type the following:

    ArcGIS organizational account required.

    Operations Dashboard runs on Windows. Microsoft .NET 4.5 Framework is required. You can install this from the Microsoft Download Center. You must have administrative privileges on your machine (desktop or tablet) to install Microsoft .NET 4.5 Framework.

    SeeOperations Dashboard system requirements.

    Where Microsoft Download Center links to and Operations Dashboard system requirements links to (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by the information about your portal).

  14. Click Save.

Your users can now find, install, and use Operations Dashboard.

Operations Dashboard can now be installed from your portal. From the Operations Dashboard app item page, users click Open to install the app on their machines. They will be prompted to sign in with their organizational account. Operations Dashboard lets users create and use operation views.