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Review addresses

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When you publish a hosted feature layer from a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing addresses to a portal configured with a hosting server that uses ArcGIS Data Store, you can review the placement of the address points on the map and attempt to place any addresses that the portal could not locate using the geocoding service you chose when you published.


Addresses in hosted feature layers published to a 10.3.1 or earlier release portal cannot be reviewed.

When the hosted feature layer is first published, a message appears indicating how many of the addresses could be located using the geocoding service you chose when publishing. You will be prompted to review the addresses when the publishing process completes. If you choose Yes, the feature layer will open in the map viewer for you to review the addresses. If you choose No, you can click Review Addresses under the layer name in the hosted feature layer's item page to open the layer in the map viewer and review the addresses.

When the layer opens in the map viewer, a table of unmatched and matched addresses will open at the bottom of the map. The Review Addresses pane will also appear. The Review Addresses pane is populated with suggested matching addresses when you choose a record in the table at the bottom of the map.


Addresses will be reviewed against the geocoding service specified when the layer was published; you cannot change geocoding services to match addresses after publishing.

Only the feature layer owner or an administrator can review addresses.

First, review any addresses that could not be matched.

Review unmatched addresses

Any addresses from the CSV file that could not be located are listed in the Unmatched addresses table at the bottom of the map. There are three ways to find a match for an unmatched address. These are described in the next three sections.

Choose a suggested address

The easiest way to find a location for an unmatched address is to use the suggested addresses in the Review Addresses pane. The portal suggests addresses that are similar to the address information in your CSV file.

  1. Select an address in the Unmatched addresses table.

    When you select a record in the table, a list of suggested addresses appears in the Review Addresses pane, and the map zooms to the extent of all suggested addresses.

  2. Select a suggested address in the Review Addresses pane. This selects the corresponding point on the map. Zoom in to the selected point to be sure the suggested location is correct.
  3. Be aware that matching a suggested address to an unmatched address does not update the address attribute information in your layer. If you want the address information in your table to be the same as the suggested address information, edit the data in the table. For example, when you match the address 123 Main Street to 123 E. Main St., the address remains 123 Main St. in the layer's table. If you want the address in the layer to be 123 E. Main St., type that in the Unmatched addresses table.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for all unmatched addresses.

Edit the address information and choose a suggested address

If there are no suggested addresses for your unmatched address, or the suggested addresses are not correct, try changing the address information in the unmatched addresses table.

  1. Select an address in the Unmatched addresses table.
  2. Correct any address information you know is incorrect. For example, if the city name is spelled incorrectly or the address numbers are transposed, double-click the cell that contains the incorrect information and type the correct information.

    As you type new information in the table, the Review Addresses pane is populated with suggested, matching locations.

  3. Select a suggested address in the Review Addresses pane. This selects the corresponding point on the map. Zoom in to the selected point to be sure the suggested location is correct.
    • If the location is correct, click Match in the point's pop-up window to approve the new location.
    • If the location is not correct, select and review other suggested addresses until you find a match.
    • If none of the suggested addresses is correct, you can manually place a point on the map.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining unmatched addresses.
  5. Be aware that matching a suggested address to an unmatched address does not update the address attribute information in your layer. If you want the address information in your table to be the same as the suggested address information, edit the data in the table. For example, when you match the address 123 Main Street to 123 E. Main St., the address remains 123 Main St. in the layer's table. If you want the address in the layer to be 123 E. Main St., type that in the Unmatched addresses table.

Add a point to the map

If none of the suggested addresses are correct even after you change the address information for your unmatched addresses, you can choose to place a point on the map for the unmatched addresses.

  1. Select an address in the Unmatched addresses table.
  2. Zoom to the location on the map where the address should be.
  3. Click on the map to place a point for the selected address.

    A point with a yellow marker is added to the map, and the pop-up window for that location opens.

  4. If the location you designated on the map is correct, click Match in the pop-up window to approve the new location.
  5. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining unmatched addresses.
  6. If you want to perform a quality control check of the matched addresses, proceed with the steps in the next section. If you do not want to check the matched addresses and have finished reviewing and matching all addresses, click Done Reviewing in the Review Addresses pane.

Next, you can review matched addresses for accuracy for quality control.

Review matched addresses

If you want, you can review the accuracy of the addresses that your portal matched to locations on the map.

  1. Click Matched to see a list of all addresses that were located on the map.
  2. If you see any mistakes in the address information in the table, you can double-click the appropriate cell and type the correct information.
  3. When you select a matched address, the Review Addresses pane is populated with suggested, matching addresses. The matched address location is denoted by a green marker symbol.
  4. Zoom to the matched location to be sure it is in the correct place.
    • If it is, select the next address in the Matched addresses table to review it for accuracy.
    • If it is not, select another suggested address from the Review Addresses pane. Zoom to the suggested address location to see if it is correct. If it is, click Match in the pop-up window to approve the new location. If it is not, try other suggested addresses until you find the correct location.
    • If none of the suggested addresses is correct, you can zoom to the location on the map where the address should be and click on the map to add a point manually. If the point you added is in the correct place, click Match in the pop-up window to approve the new location.
  5. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining matched addresses.
  6. When you finish reviewing and matching all addresses, click Done Reviewing in the Review Addresses pane.