Multiscale maps allow you to view geographic data across a range of scales—also known as zoom levels—from buildings to the entire globe. Specifying at what zoom levels content is drawn is known as setting the visible range. Since most data does not need to be shown across all zoom levels, it is a good idea to confirm, and if necessary, change the visible range.
If you are adding data to your map that comes with a predefined visible range, the map will respect that and use that visible range. However, if your data does not have a predefined visible range, or if you want to update the visible range of a layer, you can set this range manually or use Suggest to have the map viewer automatically calculate the optimal visible range for you. As a result, when you zoom in and out of the map, different layers on the map may turn on and off depending on their suggested visible range. Your map may contain many layers, each with their own visible range. You can override these settings and use a different visible range if you want.
When a layer is out of range, its name appears in a lighter gray color in the contents and legend than the layers that are in range.
You can determine and change at what scale a layer in your map is displayed by setting a visibility range on the layer. If you own the layer, you can save the visibility property with the item so the same scale range applies anytime the layer appears in a map.
Set visible range through the Change Style pane
For GeoRSS, OGC WFS, and feature layers only.
- Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to create content.
If you do not have privileges to create content, you can still set the visibility to explore data by clicking Modify Map.
- Open the map in the map viewer, click Details, and click Contents.
- Browse to the layer where you want to set a visibility range.
- Click Change Style
and click Options on the drawing style you want to apply.
The visible range slider appears near the bottom of the pane.
- Click Suggest to have the map viewer set the optimal max and min zoom levels for the layer or if you want to set it yourself, drag either handle on the slider. Words like Country, City, and Building can assist you in choosing the best zoom levels.
- If you want to set a more precise scale, click the drop-down menu beside those scale labels and input a representative fraction.
- If you own the layer and want the visibility range to apply to the item anytime it appears in a map, click Save Layer.
- Click Save to save the changes to the map.
Set visible range through the layer context menu
For all types of layers including feature layers and basemaps.
- Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to create content.
If you do not have privileges to create content, you can still set the visibility to explore data by clicking Modify Map.
- Open the map in the map viewer, click Details, and click Contents.
- Browse to the layer where you want to set a visibility range, click More Options
, and click Set Visibility Range.
- Choose the minimum scale range or click Use Current to use the current extent of the map.
- Choose the maximum scale range or click Use Current to use the current extent of the map.
- If you own the layer and want the visibility range to apply to the item anytime it appears in a map, click Save Layer.
- Click Save to save the changes to the map.