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Getting started with Portal for ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

These are the steps you'll follow to get Portal for ArcGISup and running:

  1. Verify your system meets the minimum requirements to install Portal for ArcGIS.
  2. Modify your firewall to allow communication on the ports used by Portal for ArcGIS.
  3. Install Portal for ArcGIS.
  4. Create a portal.
  5. Install the ArcGIS Web Adaptor and configure it to use with your portal. Use the initial administrator account or another administrator you've defined to configure the Web Adaptor.
  6. Secure your portal and optionally integrate ArcGIS Server with your portal.
  7. Create member groups and add content to your portal.

Verify your system meets the minimum requirements

Before you install Portal for ArcGIS, verify your machine meets the minimum system requirements.

Modify your firewall to allow communication on the ports used by Portal for ArcGIS

Before installing Portal for ArcGIS, modify your firewall settings to allow communication on ports 7080, 7443, 7005, 7099, and 7654. If these ports are in use by another application, change the application to use a different port. For more information, see Ports used by Portal for ArcGIS.

Install Portal for ArcGIS

After installing any prerequisites as detailed in the system requirements, you can begin installing Portal for ArcGIS. For full instructions, see Installing Portal for ArcGIS.

To learn more about how to integrate Portal for ArcGIS with your other ArcGIS components, see The portal's role in ArcGIS.

Create a portal

After you install Portal for ArcGIS, you will be prompted to create a portal or join an existing one. To begin, create a new portal and define the information for the account used to initially log in to the website. This is called the initial administrator account. As well, specify the location of the content directory for the portal. You will join an existing portal only if you are configuring a highly available portal.

Once you've defined the initial administrator account and content directory location, configure the Web Adaptor with your portal, as described in the next section.

Install and configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor

ArcGIS Web Adaptor is a required component of Portal for ArcGIS, which allows you to integrate your portal with your existing web server and your organization's security mechanisms. You cannot deploy Portal for ArcGIS in your organization without the Web Adaptor. Install the Web Adaptor that corresponds to your web server (IIS or Java) and configure it for use with your portal. To get started, see About the ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

Once you've configured the Web Adaptor with your portal, log in to the portal website using the Web Adaptor URL. Typically, the URL to the website is formatted like For example, if the machine hosting your Web Adaptor is named wa, with the domain, and your Web Adaptor is named gis, the URL is

Once you're logged in, you can configure the portal website to showcase the geographic information important to your organization. There are options to configure general information, the home page, the gallery, the map, and security. See About configuring the portal website for more information.

Secure your portal and optionally integrate ArcGIS Server with your portal

Organizations most commonly use LDAP to secure access to Portal for ArcGIS. This requires that the ArcGIS Web Adaptor is deployed to a Java application server. See Using your portal with LDAP and web-tier authentication to get started.

Optionally, you can integrate your organization's ArcGIS Server site with your portal. This provides many benefits, such as helping you organize your services into web maps and controlling access to your services through portal roles. To learn more, see About using your portal with ArcGIS Server.

Create member groups and add content

After securing your portal, create groups that members can join and add some content they can initially interact with. To learn more about groups, see Managing groups. To learn how to add content and services to the portal, click the Help link at the top of the website and expand the Adding items or Publishing and using hosted services book.