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Listing members

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Administrators can use a command line utility, called ListUsers, to generate a list of all members in the portal. Use this utility to periodically assess which users in your organization are members in the portal.

If you have recently upgraded your portal and must reduce the number of named users to the maximum allowed by your authorization file, use this utility to obtain the full list of members and assess who can be removed. In this scenario, edit the output file from the ListUsers utility to list only the user names of members that you want to delete from the portal. This edited list serves as the input to the DeleteUsers utility. This process is described below.

Generating a list of members

Use the ListUserscommand line utility installed with the software to list all members in the portal. The tool is located in the <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>/tools/accountmanagement directory. Designate input parameters to execute the utility. Run the utility on the machine where Portal for ArcGIS is installed.


The utility can only be executed by a built-in administrator account; you cannot use an enterprise administrator account. The built-in account you use can be the initial administrator account you set up when you configured the portal or another built-in account that has been added to the default administrator role. If you have deleted the initial administrator account and do not have any other built-in administrator accounts available, you will need to create one to execute the utility. For instructions, see the Built-in portal accounts section of Add members to your portal.

The available parameters are as follows:

ListUsers --output <file name> --format <simple | detailed>

  • <file name>—The name of a text file (.txt) created by the utility, for example, members.txt. No other file types are supported. If specifying only the name of a file, the file is created in the same directory where the tool resides. If you want the file to be created in another directory, specify the full path of the directory and the file name, for example, /data/organization/members.txt.
  • <simple | detailed>—The mode in which the utility is executed. By default, this parameter is set to simple, meaning that only the user names of members list in the output text file. Each user name in the output text file lists on a separate line. If you want more information about the member in addition to the user name—for example, email address, full name, role, description, first name, and last name—specify this parameter as detailed. All of the detailed information for the member in the output text file is separated by the pipe (|) character.

Example: ./ --output /data/organization/members.txt --format detailed

When you execute the command, the output text file is created in the directory you specified. Use the information in this file to determine what users in your organization are members of the portal.

You can also edit the information in this file to list only the user names of members that you want to delete from the portal. This edited list serves as the input to the DeleteUsers utility, which removes the members from your portal in bulk. Edit the text file to remove all information except the user name. Each user name must be listed on a separate line, for example:


To learn how to remove members from your portal using this file, see Manage members.