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Configure analysis layers

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

As the portal administrator, you can guide portal members to a specific group of layers you have decided are appropriate for use in standard feature, raster, and GeoAnalytics Tools in Map Viewer.

To do this, specify an Analysis Layers group for the portal. This group can be either the Default group or a custom group you define.

The Default group uses ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World subscriber content. Living Atlas subscriber layers are optimized for analysis but require you to configure the portal to access this content. Living Atlas layers run in ArcGIS Online; therefore, analysis on these layers runs remotely from your portal, so performance times may be slower than when you run analysis on local layers.

To use a custom group, create a group and share the feature layers that your portal members will use most frequently in analysis workflows with this group.

You can share content from different sources to this custom group. For example, you could include feature layers hosted on the portal, feature layers from a federated server, and feature layers from Living Atlas. Just be sure that the feature layers you share to this group contain a single layer. If you place multilayer feature layers in the Analysis Layers group, analysis will always run on the first layer when members access the feature layer through the Analysis Layers group in Map Viewer.


Even if you do not configure an Analysis Layers group for Map Viewer, portal members can still perform analysis. Members can analyze any layer they have access to in the portal by adding the layer to Map Viewer before opening the tool, or by using the Browse Layers option in the tool. Portal members must use the Browse Layers option to access big data file shares in GeoAnalytics Tools, and to analyze individual layers within a feature layer.

Decide which group to use for analysis layers

If your portal has access to the Internet but you do not have your own analysis layers stored in your portal, configure the portal to access Living Atlas subscriber content and set the Analysis Layers group to Default.

If any of the following conditions exist, though, create your own group and share feature layers to it for analysis:

  • You do not have access to Living Atlas subscriber content, but you do want to specify an Analysis Layers group.
  • You have access to Living Atlas content, but you want to include layers from your portal along with Living Atlas layers for analysis.
  • You only want portal members to perform analysis on local layers.

Specify the Analysis Layers group

If you want to use Living Atlas subscriber content for analysis, follow the steps to enable access to this content. If you did not previously set the Analysis Layers group for the portal, configuring the portal to access the Living Atlas subscriber content automatically sets the Analysis Layers group to Default. If you had a custom group set before but now want to use only the Living Atlas subscriber layers, you must manually change the Analysis Layers group to Default.

Once the portal's Analysis Layers group is set to Default, portal members can use the Living Atlas Analysis Layers option in the analysis tools in Map Viewer.

If you want to configure your own group of layers for portal members to use in analysis tools in Map Viewer, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the portal website as a member of the default administrator role.
  2. Create a group with the following settings:

    • Set the group's Status to Organization. This allows portal members access to the group.
    • If you want the group to only contain the content you designate, set the group's Contributors property to Only group owner. This allows you to control what content is shared to the group.

  3. Share the layers you want used for analysis with the group and your portal organization.

    You can include individual Living Atlas layers in your own group by sharing them with your group. However, do not remove any of these Living Atlas layers from the Living Atlas or Living Atlas Analysis Layers groups, or remove sharing on these items from your portal organization.

  4. Open Organization > Edit Settings > Map.
  5. Scroll to the Analysis Layers section and choose the group you created to use for analysis tools in Map Viewer.
  6. To change how the layers are sorted, select a field in the Sorted by drop-down list. To change how the layers are ordered, check or uncheck the Ascending check box. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, as well as in the gallery, are also changed.
  7. Click Save to apply your changes.