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Configure servers

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As an administrator of your organization, you can federate ArcGIS Server instances with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal and designate federated servers for certain server licensing roles from the Organization tab of the portal.

Learn more about using your portal with ArcGIS Server

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Enterprise portal website as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click Organization at the top of the site and click Edit Settings.
  3. Click Servers on the left side of the page.

Once you have federated a server with the portal, you can designate it as one of the following:

Hosting server

You can designate a server site licensed as an ArcGIS GIS Server site to serve as your hosting server. A hosting server allows you to publish hosted layers, add files to the portal's Map Viewer, and perform feature and raster analysis in Map Viewer and ArcGIS Pro. To be configured as your hosting server, the server site must have a relational type of ArcGIS Data Store registered as its managed database.

Feature analysis—Standard tools

When a hosting server is configured with your portal, it will automatically be used for standard feature analysis in Map Viewer and ArcGIS Pro. You can remove this ability from your hosting server by clicking Disable.

Feature analysis—GeoAnalytics Tools

If you have a server site licensed as an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site, you can designate it to perform your portal's GeoAnalytics Tools feature analysis here. The server site must have both a relational type and a spatiotemporal big data type of ArcGIS Data Store registered with it to perform this function.

Learn about the differences between standard and GeoAnalytics Tools

Raster analysis

If you have a server site licensed as an ArcGIS Image Server site, you can designate it to perform your portal's raster analysis here. Raster analysis in ArcGIS Enterprise is designed to use distributed processing across machines with ArcGIS Image Server. Your raster analysis server should have a raster store registered with it.

Learn more about setting up raster analysis in ArcGIS Enterprise

Image hosting server

If you have a server site licensed as an ArcGIS Image Server site, you can designate it to serve as your portal's image hosting server here. The image hosting server hosts your raster store and all the distributed image services generated by your raster analysis server.

The ideal configuration for raster analysis includes at least two ArcGIS Image Server sites—a raster analysis server and an image hosting server—in addition to your portal's hosting server. If your organization does not have those resources available, a single ArcGIS Image Server site can be used for both raster analysis and image hosting.

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