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Customizing site view and edit access

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Default Website View Behavior

The Sites administrative application supports three sharing modes. These can be used to quickly update the sharing level of your site item to select an appropriate group of people to view your site.

Default Edit Behavior

The Sites application creates and uses a group with update capabilities in ArcGIS called the “Sites Administration Group.” This group is used to authorize its members to edit any site created by the application. To manage who can create sites, either add users as a member of the “Sites Administration Group” or use the Team Tab in the Sites administrative application.

Customizing View Access to Sites

Sometimes you might want to share view access of the site to a specific group of users not covered by the above 3 sharing modes. To customize sharing like this, follow these steps.

  1. Create your site in the Sites administrative application
  2. From the Groups tab in Portal for ArcGIS, create a group representing the users you wish to have view access to your site. I.e. Accounting Department Members
  3. From the Groups tab in Portal for ArcGIS, find the group from step 2 and select the Members tab. Invite the people you want to be able to see your site.
  4. From the Content tab in Portal for ArcGIS, select your site item, click Share, and select the group from step 2.

You now have customized the site to be visible to users from the group.

By default all members of the Team tab in the administrative application will still be able to see this site. If you wish to customize the edit behavior further see Customizing Edit Access to Sites below

Customizing Edit Access to Sites

In some cases, you might want specific users to have access to edit only certain sites. There are a few steps to customize each site to a specific group of edit users using the ArcGIS sharing model. Below are the steps to enable a group of users to edit a single site.

  1. From the Sites administrative application, add all potential site editors to the Team Tab. The members of the team tab are the people in your organization authorized to create websites in the application. Read more about administering the overall team.
  2. Create a site for each group of users. i.e. Accounting Department Website
  3. From the Groups tab in Portal for ArcGIS, create a group with What items in the group can its members update? set to All items. i.e. Accounting Department Site Administrators
  4. From the Content tab in Portal for ArcGIS, select the checkbox next to your site item and click Share and then, in the drop down, select Access and update capabilities. Select the group from step 3.
  5. From the Groups tab in Portal for ArcGIS, find the group from step 3 and select the Members tab. Invite the people responsible for editing the site to your group. They must accept this invitation before gaining access.
  6. If you need to prevent other members of the overall Sites Administration Group from editing the website, visit the Groups tab in Portal for ArcGIS once again, find the “Sites Administration Group,” and remove the site created in step 2 from the group.

After doing these steps, only members of the new group can edit the website.