Ortho Maker provides photogrammetric mapping capabilities using distributed processing and storage in ArcGIS Enterprise. Follow the steps below to configure Ortho Maker in your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
- Configure and deploy ArcGIS Enterprise for raster analytics.
- Configure an Orthomapping Elevation utility service with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. This service will be used by Ortho Maker to perform adjustments. If your portal users have internet access, you can configure the ArcGIS Online Orthomapping Elevation utility service. If your users do not have internet access, or you want to use your own service, navigate to Organization > Edit Settings > Utility Services, and add your orthomapping elevation service URL to Orthomapping Elevation. Ensure the elevation service covers the area where your Ortho Maker projects are located.
- Optionally, as the portal administrator, you can choose to have Ortho
Maker available in the app launcher. To do this, you must update the portal configuration file to add Ortho Maker to the showInAppLauncher property. Save and restart the
portal. Once this is done, portal users with the appropriate privileges will be able to launch Ortho Maker from the apps button
in the portal header.