The following steps guide you through the Portal for ArcGIS silent installation process.
Upgrading to 10.6.1? For more information, see About upgrading Portal for ArcGIS.
Preparing to install Portal for ArcGIS
- Verify that your site meets the minimum system requirements.
- Log in to your machine as a user with administrative privileges. You cannot install Portal for ArcGIS as a root user.
- Open the ports as described in Ports used by Portal for ArcGIS.
- Close all noncritical applications on your server.
- Browse to the downloaded folder containing the Portal for ArcGIS setup or insert the Portal for ArcGIS media into the appropriate drive to automatically launch the setup program.
You are now ready to proceed with the Portal for ArcGIS installation.
Install Portal for ArcGIS silently on Linux
- Before beginning the installation, read the license agreement located at <CD_ROOT or untar directory>/Documentation/EULA.pdf and accept the terms.
- Run the setup silently at the prompt. See sample syntax below:
<CD_ROOT or untar directory>/Setup -m silent -l yes -a <full path to authorization file>
Usage: Setup [Options]
Option Description -m; --mode MODE
Optional. Defaults to GUI.
MODE is one of the following: silent, console, or gui.
-l; --license-agreement CHOICE
Required for silent mode. CHOICE can be Yes or No.
Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300). Please visit to read the agreement.
-a; --authorization-file FULL_PATH_TO_AUTHORIZATION_FILE
Optional. If this option is not used, you will need to authorize the software after installation. FULL_PATH_TO_AUTHORIZATION_FILE is the full, absolute path to an .ecp or .prvc file provided by Esri.
--authorization-file /home/user/ArcGIS_Portal.ecp
-a /data/auth_files/ArcGIS_Portal.prvc
-d; --directory DIRECTORY
Optional. By default, Portal for ArcGIS is installed in the user's $HOME directory. DIRECTORY specifies a different installation directory.
The path /arcgis/portal is appended to the installation directory.
If you're pointing the setup to a previous installation directory, the content in that directory is automatically used in the new installation. Content from installations prior to version 10.2 are not supported.
-v; --verbose
Installer runs in verbose mode.
-h; --help
Displays command line help and exits.
-e; --examples
Displays usage examples of these options and exits.
At 10.6, you can also use the createportal command line utility to create a new portal once Portal for ArcGIS has been installed.
Using the createportal command line utility to create a portal
At 10.6, you can use the createportal command line utility to create a new portal once Portal for ArcGIS has been installed. Two options available for using the createportal utility are as follows:
- Run the createportal utility as an administrator from a command prompt and specify the first name, last name, user name, password, email, secret question, answer, and content directory parameters.
- Provide a file containing specified parameters.
For the usage of the createportal command line utility, run the script with -h or -help as shown below:
<Portal for ArcGIS Installation Directory>/tools/createportal/ -help
Example usage with the utility: [-fn <arg>] [-ln <arg>] [-u <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-e <arg>] [-qi <arg>] [-qa <arg>] [-d <arg>]
Example usage using a file: [-f <FILE>]
When you reference a path in the file, you need to escape the backslash. For example: C:\\arcgisportal, or \\\\<Absolute path to>\\<portal arcgisportal>.
Option | Description |
-fn; --firstname | First name for an initial administrative account used to configure the portal. Ensure multiple-word entries are enclosed in quotes. |
-ln; --lastname | Last name for an initial administrative account used to configure the portal. Ensure multiple-word entries are enclosed in quotes. |
-u; --username | User name for an initial administrative account used to configure the portal. User name can be composed of numbers 0–9, the ASCII letters a–z and A–Z, and the dot character (.). |
-p; --password | Password for the initial administrative account used to configure the portal. Password can be composed of numbers 0–9, the ASCII letters a–z and A–Z, and the dot character (.). |
-e; --email | Email address for an initial administrative account used to configure the portal. |
-qi; --question | Index of the secret question to retrieve a forgotten password. Available questions with respective index numbers are as follows:
-qa; --answer | Answer to the secret question you chose for the parameter -qi . Ensure multiple-word entries are enclosed in quotes. |
-d; --contentDirectory | Absolute path and name of the content directory used to store data hosted in the portal. By default, the portal content directory will be created locally at this location: <Portal for ArcGIS Installation Directory>/usr/arcgisportal |
-f; --file | The properties file for the createportal utility. By default, the file can be found at this location: <Portal for ArcGIS Installation Directory>\tools\createportal |
-h; --help | Displays command line help and exits. |
Example of the file:
# Portal for ArcGIS site creation properties
# First name for initial administrator account
# Last name for initial administrator account
# User name for initial administrator account
# Can only have the numbers 0-9, the ASCII letters a-z, A-Z and the dot character (.)
# Password for primary site administrator.
# Can only have the numbers 0-9, the ASCII letters a-z, A-Z and the dot character (.)
# Initially, leave PORTAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED set to false.
# When you run the tool the first time, the password will be
# encrypted and PORTAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED will change to true
# E-mail address for initial administrator account
# e.g
#This is the index of the secret question to retrieve a forgotten password.
#The list of questions with their respective index numbers is as follows:
#1, What city were you born in ?"
#2, What was your high school mascot?"
#3, What is your mother's maiden name?"
#4, What was the make of your first car?"
#5, What high school did you go to?"
#6, What is the last name of your best friend?"
#7, What is the middle name of your youngest sibling?"
#8, What is the name of the street on which you grew up?"
#9, What is the name of your favorite fictional character?"
#10, What is the name of your favorite pet?"
#11, What is the name of your favorite restaurant?"
#12, What is the title of your favorite book?"
#13, What is your dream job?"
#14, Where did you go on your first date?");
# Answer to the secret question
# Portal content directory where portal will store default and user-generated content.
# By default, the portal content directory will be created locally,
# e.g. /<Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/usr/arcgisportal.
You will receive a message that the portal is created successfully before the tool exits.
Post-installation configuration
If you want Portal for ArcGIS to start with the operating system, complete the steps specific to your operating system.
Operating systems that support systemd
If your operating system supports the use of systemd to bootstrap and manage processes (for example, if you are using Red Hat 7.x), follow these steps to configure Portal for ArcGIS to start with the operating system.
- Within a command shell, switch to root user.
- Copy the <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/framework/etc/arcgisportal.service unit file to /etc/systemd/system. Once the file is copied over, make sure /etc/systemd/system/arcgisportal.service has its file permissions set to 600.
This file is installed with Portal for ArcGIS 10.6.1.
- Still as root user, run the following command to automatically create the links in /etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl enable arcgisportal.service
- To verify that the systemd service is properly configured, restart the service and check its status.
# systemctl stop arcgisportal.service # systemctl start arcgisportal.service # systemctl status arcgisportal.service
- End the root user session.
- Reboot the operating system and verify that Portal for ArcGIS restarts properly.
Operating systems that support SysV
If your operating system supports the use of SysV to bootstrap and manage processes, follow these steps to configure Portal for ArcGIS to start with the operating system.
- Within a command shell, switch to root user.
- Copy the <Portal for ArcGIS installation directory>/framework/etc/arcgisportal shell script to the appropriate supported Linux distribution-based locations provided below:
- RHEL: /etc/rc.d/init.d/
- SUSE: /etc/init.d/
- Change the directory to the applicable init.d folder, and check the arcgisportal script to make sure that root has at least read and execute permissions.
- Edit the script as follows:
Update the portalhome variable to the Portal for ArcGIS installation directory, for example, /home/username/arcgis/portal.
For RHEL only, add the line below just before # Description: Portal for ArcGIS Service:
# chkconfig: 35 99 01
Save the edits to the arcgisportal script.
- Still as root user, run the following commands to automatically create the links in /etc/rc*.d with the appropriate run levels:
$ chkconfig --add arcgisportal $ chkconfig arcgisportal on
$ insserv arcgisportal $ chkconfig arcgisportal on
- End the root user session.
- Reboot the operating system, and verify that Portal for ArcGIS restarts properly.