Once you've configured your site and added data, you can design the home page layout and customize the header and footer. This can all be done from the Site Editor tab. This tab allows you to design your site using the provided editor, markdown, or custom HTML.
The site editor is a full page editor that provides you with a site template that you can modify to fit your own site’s branding and data, or completely remove to start from scratch. Hover over the elements on the page to move, resize, edit, or delete elements, or click the gear icon in the upper left corner to open the site editor side panel.
Header settings
The site header can be constructed two ways: using a logo URL and a site title (simple), or using custom HTML and CSS (advanced).
- Select Use logo and site title.
- Enter your title under Site Title.
- Enter your image under Logo URL. Images will be scaled to fit a height of 50 pixels.
- Select Use
custom HTML/CSS.
A default header appears on the page and a CSS box appears in the side panel.
- Click the gear icon at the upper right of the header to edit the HTML.
- Click the gear icon again to view your changes.
- Modify the CSS box in the side panel and click Apply Changesto see the effects on your HTML.
Header HTML does not support embedded JavaScript. Script tags will be ignored.
The area for My Data and Sign In cannot be edited or removed in order to maintain functionality of the site.
Theme Builder
Determine your site’s theme with the following color options:
- Header Background Color—Affects the header.
- Header Text Color—Affects the header text.
- Body Background Color—Affects the color of transparent home page rows and the page background color of the search results and dataset pages.
- Body Text Color—Affects the color for regular text throughout the site.
- Body Link Color—Affects the color links and buttons throughout the site and the hover state of links in the header.
Text color can also be changed by row.
Layout Builder
The basic layout of the page is organized by rows and widgets. A widget must be placed in a row. There is no limit to the number of widgets that can be placed in a row. To edit any card, click the gear icon. To delete any card, click the trash can icon.
Use rows to construct the overall layout and house the widgets.
- Drag a row from the side panel
onto the page.
Markers appear on the page to guide you.
- Hover over the row, and three icons appear on the right side: arrows for moving the row around the page, a gear icon for editing, and an x for deleting the row.
- Click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Set the text color for this specific row.
- Set either a background color (transparent is default) or a background image.
- Click Back to Site Editor to return to the main side panel.
Banner Card
Use banners for headings and search bars within the site.
- Drag a banner widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Optionally enter a heading and a subheading.
- Optionally provide a background image URL and set the minimum height.
- Optionally check Show Searchbar to add a search bar to this banner widget.
- Optionally check Add Ability to Search by Location to add a secondary search option for users to filter results by location.
- Optionally add placeholder text to appear in the search bars.
- Click Back to Site Editor to return to the main side panel.
Image Card
You can use images in your layout.
- Drag animage widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Provide an image URL.
- Provide image alt text to help non-sighted users and improve your site’s accessibility.
- Optionally provide an image caption.
- Optionally provide an image hyperlink which will open in either the Same Tab or a New Tab.
- Click Back to Site Editor to return to the main side panel.
Text Card
Add text (markdown and HTML) to your layout.
- Drag a text widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Enter markdown or HTML text into the text widget.
- Click the gear icon to view the text.
For security purposes, text widgets do not support embedded JavaScript. Script tags will be ignored.
The following HTML elements are allowed:
'a', 'b', 'blockquote', 'br', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'col',
'colgroup', 'dd', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6',
'i', 'img', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'q', 'small', 'strike', 'strong',
'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'u',
'ul', 'center', 'style', 'div', 'span'
The following attributes for those elements are allowed:
All supported HTML elements allow : ['class', 'style'],
'a' : ['href', 'title', 'target', 'data-toggle', 'data-target', 'name'],
'blockquote': ['cite'],
'button' : ['name', 'value', 'data-toggle', 'data-target', 'data-dismiss'],
'col' : ['span', 'width'],
'colgroup' : ['span', 'width'],
'div' : ['data-show', 'data-target', 'data-toggle']
'img' : ['align', 'alt', 'height', 'src', 'title', 'width' ],
'ol' : ['start', 'type'],
'q' : ['cite'],
'table' : ['summary', 'width', 'class'],
'td' : ['abbr', 'axis', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'width'],
'th' : ['abbr', 'axis', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'scope', 'width'],
'ul' : ['type']
Category Card
Use categories to group datasets on your site.
- Drag a category widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Edit the link text for your category.
- Select either
tag query or
This will determine which datasets are returned in the search results when users click this category.
- Tag—Enter a tag query. .All datasets that have this matching tag on their respective enterprise portal item will be returned in the search results
- Group—Select a group. All datasets in this group will be returned in the search results.
- Choose an icon from the
- Select Pick an Icon.
- Choose an icon from the modal
and click Select.
The icon appears in the side panel.
- Click the grey box to the right of the icon to choose the icon’s color.
- Use your own
- Provide a URL for your icon.
- Provide alt text for your icon to help non-sighted users and improve your site’s accessibility.
- Click Back to Site Editor to return to the main side panel.
Custom icons should be saved as an .svg or transparent .png file. Icons will be scaled to fit 120x120 pixels.
Contact Information Card
Provide contact information to send an email to the data owner.
- Drag a contact widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Provide the contact email
address and email subject line.
When users click the email on your home page, their email editor opens automatically.
- Click Back to Site Editor to return to the main side panel.
Iframe Card
Embed iframes and external resources.
- Drag an iframe widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Provide your iframe URL and iframe height.
- Click Apply.
Do not paste in embeddable iframe code from another website. Only paste in the URL that you want to embed.
Iframe URLs using HTTP will not appear in the site editor, which uses HTTPS. Save and view your site to observe your iframe.
Chart Card
Create simple charts directly from your datasets, or enter your own chart JSON to create a custom chart.
Bar Chart
Bar charts are created from queries to a selected dataset and are automatically updated as your dataset is updated.
- Drag a chart widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Bar Chart will be selected by default.
- Click (+) Add Data.
- Select an item from your available data services.
- Select Choose Category Attribute to pick the primary charting item from your data.
Numeric and string fields can be used in charts. By default when you select a category attribute the resulting chart will be a count of this attribute
- Optionally Choose Value Attribute to pick a numeric field to serve as a value metric for your category attribute. Once selected, the default statistical operation on this field is Sum. You can change the Statistical Operation by using the drop down to the right of the Choose Value Attribute selector. The value attribute supports Min, Max, Sum, Average, and Count. By selecting count the value attribute is de-selected (because there is no need for an additional field to count the category attribute).
Numeric and string fields can be used in charts. By default when you select a category attribute the resulting chart will be a count of this attribute
- Optionally, in the Options section you can enable/disable and customize the Chart Title , Height (in pixels), the Category Label for the x-axis, and the Value Label for the y-axis label.
Pie Chart
Pie charts are created from queries to a selected dataset and are automatically updated as your dataset is updated.
- Drag a chart widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Select the Pie Chart by clicking on the circular pie icon.
- Click (+) Add Data.
- Select an item from your available data services.
- Select Choose Category Attribute to pick the primary charting item from your data.
Numeric and string fields can be used in charts. By default when you select a category attribute the resulting chart will be a count of this attribute
- Optionally Choose Value Attribute to pick a numeric field to serve as a value metric for your category attribute. Once selected, the default statistical operation on this field is Sum. You can change the Statistical Operation by using the drop down to the right of the Choose Value Attribute selector. The value attribute supports Min, Max, Sum, Average, and Count. By selecting count the value attribute is de-selected (because there is no need for an additional field to count the category attribute).
Numeric and string fields can be used in charts. By default when you select a category attribute the resulting chart will be a count of this attribute
- Optionally, in the Options section you can enable/disable and customize the Chart Title , Height (in pixels), the Category Label for the label of each pie wedge in the tool tip, and the Value Label for the label of the metric in the tool tip.
JSON Chart
Custom charts are created from JSON using a specific chart specification.
- Drag a chart widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Select the JSON tile
- Enter your JSON in the JSON Chart Specification field.
- Optionally, in the Options section you can enable/disable and customize the Chart Title and Height (in pixels).
JSON Specification
Entering custom JSON allows you to create custom charts that leverage the Cedar library. A specification is made up of the following components:
The datasets array specifies an ArcGIS feature service URL and query parameters. Refer to the REST API documentation to learn more about query parameters.
{ "datasets": [ { "url": "SampleArcGISFeatureService_URL", "name" : "Number_of_SUM",
"query": { "groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Zip", "outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum", "onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM" }] } } ]
The series array allows you to specify the mappings between fields in the service response and the visual aspects of the chart (x, y axes, color/size for scatterplot charts, radius for pie charts).
{ "series": [ { "source": "Number_of_SUM", "category": { "field": "Type", "label": "Facility
Use" }, "value": { "field":"Number_of_SUM","label":"Total Students" }} ] }
The override property allows you to specify visual overrides, such as color or positioning, for the entire chart.
"overrides": {
"legend": {
"enabled": true
"backgroundColor": "#E6E6FA",
"backgroundAlpha": 1
The specification property allows you to input an entire Cedar specification for a purely custom chart. View examples for existing chart specifications.
Bar Chart:{
"type": "bar",
"datasets": [
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Number_of_SUM",
"query": {
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"series": [
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": {"field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Number of Students"},
"source": "Number_of_SUM"
"type": "bar-horizontal",
"datasets": [
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Number_of_SUM",
"query": {
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"series": [
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": {"field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Number of Students"},
"source": "Number_of_SUM"
"overrides": {
"categoryAxis": {
"labelRotation": -45
Note: each series will match to a 'group'.
"type": "bar",
"datasets": [
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Jordan",
"query": {
"where": "City='Jordan'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Dewitt",
"query": {
"where": "City='Dewitt'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Fayetteville",
"query": {
"where": "City='Fayetteville'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"series": [
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Jordan Students"},
"source": "Jordan"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Dewitt Students"},
"source": "Dewitt"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Fayetteville Students"},
"source": "Fayetteville"
"type": "bar",
"datasets": [
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Jordan",
"query": {
"where": "City='Jordan'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Dewitt",
"query": {
"where": "City='Dewitt'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Fayetteville",
"query": {
"where": "City='Fayetteville'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"series": [
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Jordan Students"},
"source": "Jordan"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Dewitt Students"},
"source": "Dewitt"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Fayetteville Students"},
"source": "Fayetteville"
"type": "bar",
"datasets": [
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Jordan",
"query": {
"where": "City='Jordan'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Dewitt",
"query": {
"where": "City='Dewitt'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Fayetteville",
"query": {
"where": "City='Fayetteville'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"series": [
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Jordan Students"},
"source": "Jordan"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Dewitt Students"},
"source": "Dewitt"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Fayetteville Students"},
"source": "Fayetteville"
Timeline Chart
Note: Category must be a datetime field.
"type": "bar",
"datasets": [
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Jordan",
"query": {
"where": "City='Jordan'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Dewitt",
"query": {
"where": "City='Dewitt'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"url": "https://services.arcgis.com/uDTUpUPbk8X8mXwl/arcgis/rest/services/Public_Schools_in_Onondaga_County/FeatureServer/0",
"name": "Fayetteville",
"query": {
"where": "City='Fayetteville'",
"orderByFields": "Number_of_SUM DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "Type",
"outStatistics": [{
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "Number_of",
"outStatisticFieldName": "Number_of_SUM"
"join": "Type"
"series": [
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Jordan Students"},
"source": "Jordan"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Dewitt Students"},
"source": "Dewitt"
"category": {"field": "Type", "label": "Type"},
"value": { "field": "Number_of_SUM", "label": "Fayetteville Students"},
"source": "Fayetteville"
Summary Statistic Card
Use summary statistics to provide data at a glance for key performance indicators and more. Summary stats are generated from a dataset query and are automatically updated as the dataset is updated.
- Drag a Summary Statistic widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- Click (+) Add Data which launches an item picker to find the data service of your choice.
- Select a Statistic Field to pick a field from the selected service. This field will be used in subsequent steps.
- Select a
Statistic Type to choose the type of operation to perform on the selected field
- For text and date fields - choose between count, minimum, or maximum.
- For number fields - choose between count, sum, minimum, maximum, average standard deviation, or variance.
- Optionally add a filter to your statistic:
- Select an attribute to use for your filter.
- Select Add.
- Select the new attribute box to show the filter input. The input box will vary depending on the field type.
- Enter your desired filter.
- Click outside the filter box or hit enter on your keyboard.
- Enter a Title.
- Optionally enter Trailing Text and change the Accent Color of the statistic itself.
Gallery Card
Use the gallery card to feature web mapping application and web map content on your site. The gallery card retrieves applications and web maps from your organization groups automatically. As you add app and map content to your organization or a particular group, new application tiles appear on your site without having to edit the layout.
- Drag a Gallery Card widget onto an existing row.
- Hover over the widget and click the gear icon to switch to edit mode.
- A few options appear on the left. Click Apps to see all applications inside your organization return in the gallery card. Click Datasets to see all datasets inside your organization return in the gallery card. Click Sites to see all sites in your organization return in the gallery card.
- Adjust the number in Number of Cards Shown (the maximum is 16) to alter the display.
- Optionally, in the Show Only section, select Group(s) and select your desired group(s) to filter the applications.
- In Tags, add any tags to limit the query. Only items matching that tag will appear in the gallery card.
- Under Style, pick either Use Icons or Use Thumbnails to determine which style the gallery card will have.
- Change the Button Text to control the button. The default text is explore.
Footer Settings
The site editor’s default does not have a footer. You must create a custom footer to have a persistent footer across all pages of the site.
- Under Footer
Settings, select
A default footer appears on the page and a CSS box appears in the side panel.
- Click the gear icon at the lower right of the footer to edit the HTML.
- Click the gear icon again to view your changes.
- Modify the CSS box in the side panel and click Apply Changes to see the effects on your HTML.
Footer HTML does not support embedded JavaScript. Script tags will be ignored.
Using Markdown
Use markdown in the text widgets to customize text on your site.
Markdown Quick Sheet
Attribute | Syntax |
Header | # Text here for a header at level 1 (largest) ## Text here for a header at level 2 ###### Text here for a header at level 6 (smallest) |
Italics | This is *italic text* or _italic text_ |
Bold | This text is **bold** |
Combining Italics and Bold | *Combine italics **and** bold* |
Link with address shown | http://www.esri.com Note:Do not forget the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) in front of your URLs |
Link without address shown | [your hyperlink text] (http://www.esri.com) Note:Do not forget the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) in front of your URLs |
Bullets | * First thing in bullet list * Second thing in bullet list |
Ordered List | 1. First thing in a numbered list 1. Second thing in a numbered list |
Insert Images | <img src="image source URL including HTTP or HTTPS"> Note:If you have images in your Enterprise portal you can also take advantage of relative URLs like "../images/my-amazing-image" |
Insert Image with Hyperlink | <a href="link URL including HTTP or HTTPS"><img src="image source URL including HTTP or HTTPS"></a> |