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Manage hosted scene layers

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Publishing a scene from ArcGIS Pro creates both a scene layer and an associated feature layer. If the feature layer is enabled for editing and it contains point or multipatch features, you can update the scene layer to pick up edits made in the feature layer. To do that, rebuild the scene layer cache.

Only the owner of the hosted scene layer or portal administrator can rebuild cache on the scene layer.

Rebuild scene layer cache

When editors make changes to the feature geometry or attributes in the feature layer associated with your scene layer, you can rebuild the scene layer cache to bring those changes into the scene layer.

For example, if the associated feature layer contains points that represent street furniture—such as benches, fountains, and planters—and the locations of some of the benches change, you can rebuild the scene cache to reflect the new position of those benches. Similarly, if some of the benches are rebuilt out of a different material, and the symbology in the scene layer varies depending on material type, rebuild the scene layer to pick up the new attribute and, therefore, new symbology.

Identify the geometry type

Follow these steps to identify if the scene layer is connected to a point or multipatch feature layer:

  1. Open the item details for the hosted scene layer and check the Created from value under Details on the Overview tab.
  2. If the Created from value is Feature Layer, click the name of the feature layer to open its item details.
  3. Click the name of the layer under the Layers section of the Overview tab to open the ArcGIS REST Services Directory page for the layer.

    The Geometry Type indicates what feature type is stored in the layer. Supported geometry types are esriGeometryPoint and esriGeometryMultiPatch.

Rebuild cache

If your scene layer has an associated point or multipatch feature layer that has been edited, follow these steps to rebuild the scene layer to incorporate those changes.

  1. Sign in to the portal as the scene layer owner or an administrator.
  2. Open the item details for the scene layer, click the Settings tab, and scroll down to the Scene Layer Settings section.
  3. Click Manage Cache.
  4. Choose the point or multipatch layer from the list of layers and click Rebuild Cache.
  5. To confirm you want to rebuild the cache, click OK.

    Rebuilding the scene cache may take a long time because all the data from the associated feature layer is cached. The time it takes to rebuild the cache depends on the number of features and attributes you have, whether the attributes are points or multipatches, and whether the multipatches include textures.