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Maps and Apps Gallery

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

This is a gallery application template that provides a single location to access a collection of maps, apps, and other content cataloged in a group. Gallery contents are searchable and can be filtered using item tags. The application you deploy from this template is responsively designed for use in browsers on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.


You can configure the app using any of the following options:

  • Group: Choose the group that contains the maps and other items you want to populate the app.
  • Title: Specify the application title. The default title is the web map name.
  • Icon URL: Specify a URL for a logo you want displayed in the application.
  • Color scheme: Choose a color scheme for the application.
  • Layout: Choose to use a grid or list for the initial layout of the gallery items, and whether to sort the items by most views or most recently updated by default.
  • Default search value: Choose to use either item names or tags when searching for items. Optionally, you can provide a default search value for the gallery search box.
  • Show tag cloud: Enable or disable a weighted list of tags used to filter gallery contents.
  • Show item details: Enable or disable the item details page. If you disable the item details page, the item will open or begin downloading when users choose the item from the gallery. If you enable the item details page, an information page about the item will open first and from there the preview or download can be started.
  • Basemap group: Specify the group containing basemaps available for selection from the basemap widget. The basemap gallery of the organization is used by default.
  • Viewer: Choose which viewer will be used to open maps, either Map Viewer or simple viewer.


This app requires a group.

In this topic
  1. Options
  2. Requirements