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Emergency Response Guide widget

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Emergency Response Guide (ERG) widget allows you to determine potential hazards based on the type of hazardous material spill and the user-selected location on the map. It references the 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook. With the Emergency Response Guide widget, you can create Initial Isolation Zone and Protective Action Zone graphics based on spill location and weather conditions, similar to the orange guide pages and green table pages, including the following:

  • Table I: Initial Isolation and Protective Distances
  • Table III: Large Spills of Toxic if Inhaled Gases
  • Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE)

Configure the Emergency Response Guide widget

This widget can be set to open automatically when an app starts. To enable this feature, click the Open this widget automatically when the app starts button Open this widget automatically when the app starts on the widget, which turns it dark green.

  1. Hover over the widget and click the Configure this widget button Configure this widget to open the configuration properties dialog box.
  2. Optionally click Change widget icon to replace the default icon for this widget.

    A file explorer window appears, allowing you to upload a local image file to use as the widget icon.

  3. In the configuration window, you can specify the following options for setting the appearance and behavior of the output symbology:

    • Spill Location—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Spill Location graphic
    • Initial Isolation Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Initial Isolation Zone graphic
    • Protective Action Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Protective Action Zone graphic
    • Downwind Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Downwind Zone graphic
    • Fire Isolation Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Fire Isolation Zone graphic
    • BLEVE Isolation Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the BLEVE Isolation Zone graphic

  4. Click OK to save settings and close the Configure Emergency Response Guide window.

Use the Emergency Response Guide widget

You can create isolation and action zones from a user-defined point and spill information.

Identify isolation and action zones

To identify isolation and action zones using the Emergency Response Guide widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Emergency Response Guide widget.
  2. Set the spill location by entering coordinates in the Spill Location text box and pressing Enter, or use the Add Spill Location tool to interactively select a point.
  3. Optionally use the Format Input button to open the Set Coordinate Format String dialog box.
  4. Choose the material by searching for the name or placard number in the Material search box and clicking the desired material.

    Click the PDF button to see the corresponding orange page from the response guide, which will open in a browser tab.

  5. Click the Spill Size drop-down menu to choose the spill size: large or small.

    The Emergency Response Guidebook defines the threshold between a small and large spill size as 55 gallons (208 liters) for liquids, and 60 pounds (300 kilograms) for solids.

  6. Optionally turn the Fire Isolation Zone toggle switch on to create a Fire Isolation Zone graphic.
  7. Type a value in the Wind Direction text box.
  8. Click the Time of Spill drop-down menu and choose day or night.
  9. Use the Show BLEVE Isolation Zone toggle switch to display a BLEVE Isolation Zone graphic.
  10. Note:
    The Show BLEVE Isolation Zone toggle switch and Container Capacity drop-down menu are only available if a material is selected that has an additional BLEVE evacuation distance.
  11. If you turned on Show BLEVE Isolation Zone, use the adjacent Container Capacity drop-down menu to choose the container capacity. This parameter defines the size of the BLEVE Isolation Zone.
  12. Wind Speed Transport Container
  13. Click Create Zones.

    Isolation zone graphics drawn according to the Emergency Response Guidebook are displayed on the map, and the Results panel is displayed in the widget.

  14. Enter a name for the hosted feature layer in the Published ERG Layer Name text box.
  15. Click Publish.

    The Sign In dialog box appears.

  16. Enter a valid user name and password for your organization or portal.
  17. Click OK.

    The Initial Isolation and Protective Action zones are published to your portal as a hosted feature layer. Click the Manage the Web Layer hyperlink to open the published hosted feature layer item in a browser.


You can change the settings for the widget while working in an application that contains the Emergency Response Guide widget. Open the widget settings dialog box to change the behavior of the output symbology.

  • Spill Location—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Spill Location graphic.
  • Initial Isolation Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Initial Isolation Zone graphic.
  • Protective Action Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Protective Action Zone graphic.
  • Downwind Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Downwind Zone graphic.
  • Fire Isolation Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the Fire Isolation Zone graphic.
  • BLEVE Isolation Zone—Defines the color, transparency, and style of the outline and fill of the BLEVE Isolation Zone graphic.

Once the Initial Isolation and Protective Action zones are published to your portal as a hosted feature layer, they can be used as an authoritative source across your enterprise. To export it for use in other programs, refer to the ArcGIS Online documentation for using hosted layers. To analyze the impact of a particular spill on key facility points, use the Query widget to view locations that intersect the output isolation and action zones.