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Summary widget

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Summary widget allows you to summarize numeric attributes from a feature layer in the current map that fall within the visible map extent. Currently, the Summary widget supports feature layers from feature services. If you want to use feature layers from map services, you must add each layer in the map individually, not as a sublayer in a group.

Configure the Summary widget

This widget can be set to open automatically when an app starts. To enable this feature, click the Open this widget automatically when the app starts button Open this widget automatically when the app starts on the widget, which turns it dark green.

  1. Hover over the widget and click the Configure this widget button Configure this widget to open the configuration properties dialog box.
  2. Provide a title for the widget and optionally click Change widget icon to replace the default icon for this widget with your own image.

    A file explorer window appears, allowing you to select a local image file to use as the widget icon.

  3. Choose a layer from the Select Summary Layer drop-down list.

    Currently, the Summary widget only supports feature layers that are added individually to the map. If the layer you want to add is not in the list, make sure it's not added as part of a group layer from the ArcGIS FeatureServer REST end point.

  4. Specify a field from the Summary Layer Filter Field drop-down list to allow users to filter the summarized features.
  5. Click Add Summary Field to add a field to summarize. You can summarize a field with one of the following options: SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX. Optionally specify a label for each summary field. To change the order of fields or to delete a field, hover over the field and click the appropriate button under Actions.
    Add summary field
    The Summary widget calculates the average value based on the number of features even if they have blank or null values in the field. The blank or null value is treated as zero since the feature has no data for that particular attribute.
  6. Check the Show Feature Count option if you want to display the number of features being summarized. Optionally specify a label, such as COUNT, in the Feature Count Label text box.
  7. Check the Display as Summary Clusters option if you want to display features as clusters. This option is only available for point feature layers.
  8. Define the auto-refresh interval in minutes for the summary results.

Use the Summary widget

  1. Click the Summary widget icon to open it.

    The Summary widget opens at the bottom of the map, and the summarized results display on the widget panel.

  2. Scroll the panel horizontally to view more results.
    Summary results
  3. To filter the summarized features, click the Filter drop-down list and choose a filter.
  4. For point feature layers that had the Display as Summary Clusters option checked during configuration, the summarized features display as clusters.
    Point clusters