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Manage apps in the app launcher

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The app launcher is a convenient window from which organization members can open the web apps available to them. Members access the app launcher from the Apps button Apps in the website.

The app launcher automatically includes ArcGIS apps for organization members who have an appropriate license. You can add web apps to the app launcher to make them available to organization members. For web apps added to the app launcher, members will not see a Request for Permission prompt when they access the app.

Once added, you can edit the icon and label of the web apps, or remove web apps from the app launcher.

Licensed web apps

When you license apps in your organization, some of those apps automatically show up in the app launcher for users to whom you've assigned licenses. In the current software release, ArcGIS Business Analyst, GeoPlanner for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Enterprise Sites, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, and Insights for ArcGIS appear in the app launcher for users who are licensed to access these apps.

Add web apps

To make web apps readily available to your organization members, add the web apps to the app launcher. You can add up to 50 web apps. The following steps describe how to add a web app that is already hosted in your organization. To include a web app that is not hosted in your organization, you must add it as an item to your organization before you can proceed with the steps to add it to the app launcher.

  1. Sign in to the organization as a default administrator.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. On the General tab, scroll to the App Launcher section of the page and click Add App.
  4. Specify a web app using one of the following methods and click Next.
    • Choose an app from the Select app drop-down list on the Registered App tab. This list only shows apps currently registered to your portal.
    • Click the App Item URL tab and type the URL of the details page for the app item in the organization in the App Item URL box.
  5. Type a label for the app and click Next.

    This is the name that shows up in the app launcher.

  6. The app launcher displays an icon to represent each app. Choose to display four or fewer alphanumeric characters or upload a simple graphic file to represent the app.
  7. Click Done to add the app to the app launcher.

    Newly added apps are marked with a green dot in the app launcher.


    Once web apps are added to the app launcher, members only see those that they can access. If a web app item previously accessible to a member becomes unavailable because it no longer exists or is no longer shared with them, the change is reflected in the member's app launcher gallery within 10 minutes of it becoming unavailable. To remove inaccessible apps or review URL changes, use the Delete App button Delete App and Edit App button Edit App next to the app's name in the Added Apps list.

Manage custom web apps

You can change the label or icon of web apps in the app launcher, or remove web apps from the app launcher. You might remove an app if it is no longer relevant to your organization, or if you want to make other web apps available that you find are more popular.

  1. Sign in to the organization as a default administrator.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. On the General tab, scroll to the App Launcher section of the page and click Add App.
  4. To edit the information for an existing app, click the Edit App button Edit App next to the app's name in the Added Apps list.
    • To change the text that appears for the app in the app launcher, type a new label and click Next.
    • To change the icon that appears for the app in the app launcher, type an abbreviation or upload a simple graphic. Click Done when you finish editing.
  5. To remove an app from the app launcher, click the Delete App button Delete App next to the app's name in the Added Apps list.
  6. Click Save on the Settings tab.
The following web apps can be added or removed from the app launcher by updating the app launcher property in the portal configuration file: Operations Dashboard, ArcGIS Enterprise Sites, Workforce for ArcGIS, Track Viewer, and Ortho Maker. By default, Operations Dashboard, ArcGIS Enterprise Sites, and Track Viewer (when installed) will appear in the app launcher for those who have the appropriate privileges.