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Create pages on your site

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Pages provide you with more space to expand on the purpose of your site. Organizations, for example, could add pages for each of their departments. Teams could also use pages to highlight specific parts of an initiative, including goals, resources, or individual projects.

Like sites, there is no limit to the number of pages you can make. You can also add the same page to more than one site so that relevant content is available in multiple places.

Add a page

To get started, you must have already created a site or be a part of the Team to edit a page.

When you create a new page, an item is added to your ArcGIS Enterprise Portal. Do not delete this item. If you do, the page will be deleted.

Pages are automatically shared with the team. People who belong to the team can access and edit pages.

The full page URL will be https://webadaptorhost/webadaptorname/apps/sites/#/your-site-name/pages/your-new-page.

  1. Sign in to the administrative application.
  2. Click the Sites tab and choose the site to which you want to add a page.
  3. Click Site Editor.
  4. On the Customize panel, click the Pages icon in the top-right corner.
  5. To add a page, choose one of the following: New Page or click Link Page to add an existing page.
    • New Page- enter a name for the page and click Next.

      The name you provide is also used to automatically generate the page URL. Spaces will be replaced with hyphens and all special characters will be removed. Each page URL Is preceded with /pages/. You can read more about editing the URL for a page in the Edit page URL section of this documentation.

    • Link Page- choose from a list of available pages. Optionally, update the page URL. Click Link Page to confirm your choice or click Choose a different page to go back.
  6. Your new page is added to the list automatically.

Edit page URL

The text at the end of your page's URL is called a slug. It can be modified to help you achieve a consistent web experience that aligns with your organization's existing standards.

  1. From the Site Manager or from within an individual site configuration, click Pages.
  2. Click the edit button next to the right of the page URL.
  3. Enter a new slug.
  4. Click the check mark to save your new slug or click the cancel button to start over.

A page's slug can also be edited within the Page Editor under the Page Information drop-down menu. Enter text for a new slug under Page Slug. Click Save, then click View Page to see your new slug.

Design page layout

The Layout Builder experience for pages is the same as it is for sites. However, within the Layout Builder for a page you will not be able to edit the header or footer of the page as these are inherited from the site to which the page is being added.

  1. After adding a page, click the pencil icon under Actions.
  2. The layout editor will open with a default template.
  3. Click the gear in the upper left corner to access the side bar.
  4. Use the Layout Builder to configure the layout of your page.
  5. Click View Page to view your page outside of the editor.

Change page sharing settings

Share your page with your team, your organization, or publicly. Pages can be shared differently from their sites. For example, a privately shared page that belongs to a public site will only be accessible to those who have access to view it upon signing in.

  1. Click the Sites tab in the administrative application, then click the Pages button on the appropriate site. Pages can also be accessed by clicking Settings, then choosing the Pages tab.
  2. Sharing options are provided as icons next to your page's slug. Select from the following options to adjust the visibility of your site:
    • Share with the team- select the first icon to share the page with members of your team. Team members must sign in to access the page.
    • Share with the public- select the third icon to share the page publicly.

Provide links to pages on a site

Add links to a page from a site or other pages.


If you want to create a hyperlink to a page, use the HTML <a> syntax to insert the link. If you use a relative path in the <a> tag instead of the absolute path, you will prevent a full page refresh when you click on the link.

  1. Click the Sites tab to open the Site Manager, and choose the site to which you want to add a link. If you want to add a link to an existing page, click the Site to which the page belongs and open the Site Editor.
  2. Within the Site Editor, click the Pages icon.
  3. Add a text card or open an existing card and click Code View in the toolbar.
  4. Insert an <a> tag where you want the link to be.
  5. Paste the slug for the page you want to add between the href="" attribute of your <a> tag. For example <a href="#/mysite/pages/target-page">Visit the linked page</a>
  6. Click Save in the edit navigation bar to confirm your changes, then clickView to test out the new link.
  7. Tip:

    If you wish to have the link open in a new tab, append target="_blank" directly after your href attribute on the <a> tag.

Use a single page on multiple sites

You can re-use a single page on multiple sites from the Sites tab inside the administrative application.

If you have a page currently being used by a particular site and you want to use it on another site, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Sites tab within the admin app.
  2. Under your the site which you wish to add an existing page, click Pages.
  3. Click Link Page to see a list of all pages in your organization.
  4. Select the page you wish to import onto your site.
  5. Confirm the details of your selected page and change the page URL.
  6. Click Link Page to finalize the linking. This edits the page and the attached site.

You cannot have two pages on the same site using the same URL.


If you edit the layout of a linked page, it will alter the layout in all the places the page is being used.

Manage a site's pages

  1. Within the Site Editor, click the Sites dropdown menu.
  2. Find the site to which the page belongs and open it.
  3. Within the Site Editor, click the pages icon to view pages that belong to that site.
  4. Note:
    Pages cannot be deleted within the Site Editor. To delete a page, find the site to which the page belongs in the Site Manager, then click Pages. Click the delete icon to remove the page from the site.