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Manage content

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If you are a member of the default Administrator role or a custom role that has the appropriate administrator privileges, you can manage content in the portal as follows:

  • Configure organization content categories and categorize organization members' content.
  • Manage items owned by a specific organization member from the member's content page.
  • Manage all items in the organization from the My Organization tab of your content page.
  • Change item ownership in bulk using a command line utility.

Categorize content

If you are a member of the default Administrator role or a custom role that has privileges to manage categories, you can set up hierarchical categories for organizing content in your portal. Once you configure the categories, users and publishers can categorize items in the portal so that other portal members can more easily find the content they need when searching or browsing.

Set up categories

You can create your own custom categories or use standard category sets from ArcGIS (presented in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or INSPIRE as a starting point.

You can configure content categories for your organization from the content page or from the Items tab of the organization settings. The following steps describe how to configure categories from the organization settings:

  1. Sign in to your portal.

    To complete these steps, you must sign in as a member of the default Administrator role.

  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Items on the left side of the page.
  4. Under Organization Categories, click Set up categories.

    If you've already configured categories, click Configure categories to add, rename, delete, or reorder categories as needed.

  5. Select one of the following:
    • Custom categories—Create your own categories to organize content in the organization.
    • ArcGIS categories—Use ArcGIS categories as a starting point. You can customize them or leave them unchanged. These categories are presented in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.
    • ISO categories—Use topic categories from the ISO as a starting point. You can customize them or leave them unchanged. ISO publication 19115 provides a method to describe and catalog geographic information.
    • INSPIRE categories—Use theme categories from the INSPIRE Directive as a starting point. You can customize them or leave them unchanged.
  6. If you selected Custom categories in the previous step, create a category hierarchy as follows:
    1. Click the Add category button Add category, type a name for the category (using up to 100 characters), and click Add.
    2. To create subcategories, click the Add subcategory button Add subcategory, type a name for the subcategory (using up to 100 characters), and click Add.
    3. Create additional top-level categories and subcategories as needed.
  7. If you selected ArcGIS categories, ISO categories, or INSPIRE categories, do any of the following to review or make changes to the category hierarchy:
    • Expand and collapse categories in the category tree as needed using the expand button Expand and collapse button Collapse to the left of the categories.
    • To add a category or subcategory, click the Add category button Add category or Add subcategory button Add subcategory, type a name for the category or subcategory (using up to 100 characters), and click Add.
  8. Do any of the following to make additional changes to the categories as needed:
    • To rename a category or subcategory, click the Edit category button Edit category for the category or subcategory you want to rename, type a new name (using up to 100 characters), and click Update.
    • To delete a category or subcategory, click the Delete category button Delete category for the category or subcategory you want to delete.
    • To change the order of categories at the same level in the hierarchy, hover over the expand button Expand or collapse button Collapse to the left of the category and drag it to a different location.
  9. When you're finished setting up categories, click Save.
  10. Note:

    You can have up to three levels of categories in the hierarchy, with a maximum of 200 categories and subcategories in total. For efficiency, it is recommended that you create a comprehensive and complete category hierarchy and naming scheme before assigning items to categories.

Categorize items

Once organization categories are configured, administrators and those with privileges to update content can categorize items in the organization. Categorizing content makes it easier for organization members to find the content they need.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to update content.
  2. At the top of the site, click Content, and click the My Organization tab.

    Organization members can categorize items they own from the My Content tab of their content page.

  3. Select one or more items you want to categorize and click Categorize.
  4. Do any of the following:
    • To categorize all selected items at once, check the boxes on the left to select the categories and subcategories as applicable. Each item card updates to show the categories you selected.

      Selecting a subcategory automatically selects all associated categories and subcategories above it in the hierarchy. However, selecting a category does not automatically select its subcategories.

    • To categorize items individually, click Assign Category on the item card and select the categories you want. You can assign up to 20 categories to each item. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow your options.
    • To remove all selected items from a specific category or subcategory, uncheck the boxes on the left to deselect the appropriate category or subcategory. Each item card updates to reflect the category you removed.

      When deselecting categories and subcategories, the following occurs:

      • Deselecting a category or subcategory automatically deselects all of its associated subcategories.
      • Deselecting a subcategory when no other subcategories are selected at the same level also deselects the associated categories above it and subcategories below it.

    • To remove an individual item from a category, click the x next to the category on the associated item card.
  5. When you're finished categorizing the items, click Save.

    The items are organized into the categories you specified.


    When you categorize an item, it is recommended that you choose the most specific and relevant category possible to ensure that the item is displayed and discovered as expected in an appropriate grouping. For example, to categorize a web map, choose Maps > Web Maps instead of Maps.

Manage items for a specific member

If you have privileges to manage items owned by other members, you can manage items for a specific member of your organization from the member's content page. For example, depending on your privileges, you can edit the details of items; change their sharing properties, such as making a public item private; move one or more items to a different folder; change the owner of an item; and delete an item.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to manage items owned by other members.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or user name and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Click the More options button More options and click Manage items.

    The member's content page appears.

  5. Use the filters, sort options, and search as needed to find the items you want to manage.
  6. To edit the properties and settings of a specific item, such as modifying its description or enabling Delete Protection, click the title of the item and make changes on the Overview and Settings tabs on the item page.
  7. To manage multiple items owned by the member from the member's content page, check the box to the left of each item you want to manage and do any of the following:
    • If your organization has content categories configured, to organize items into categories, click Categorize and follow the steps to categorize the member's items.
    • To move items to a different folder, click Move, select an existing folder or create one, and click Save.
    • To reassign items to a different owner, click Change Owner, search for and select a new owner, select a new folder as needed, and click Save.

      Changing layer ownership changes ownership of the file from which the layer was created. When you change the owner of a hosted feature layer, ownership changes for its dependent hosted feature layer views.

      Changing the owner of a layer does not change the owner of the maps and scenes in which the layer is used. Similarly, changing the owner of maps and scenes does not change the ownership of the layers inside them, nor does it change the owner of the apps in which the maps and scenes are used.

    • To change the sharing properties of items, click Share. Update with whom the items are shared: the organization, everyone (public), or groups to which the member belongs.
    • To delete items from your organization, click Delete.

      Dependencies exist between some items, such as between a hosted tile layer and the tile package from which it was published or between the hosted feature layer view and the hosted feature layer from which it was created. You must delete the dependent item before you can delete the item from which it was created.

    Other than deleting the items, none of the options above change the location on disk or ID of the items.

Manage items in the organization

As a member of the default Administrator or a custom role with privileges to update, delete, and change ownership of content, you can manage items owned by any organization members from the My Organization tab of the content page. For example, you can edit the details of individual items, change who owns an item, and delete an item.

  1. Sign in to the portal and click Content at the top of the site.
  2. Click the My Organization tab.
  3. Use the filters, sort options, and search as needed to find the items you want to manage.
  4. To edit the properties and settings of a specific item, such as modifying its description or enabling Delete Protection, click the title of the item and make changes on the Overview and Settings tabs on the item page.
  5. To manage items in bulk, click the Table button, check the box to the left of each item you want to manage, and do any of the following:
    • To organize items into categories configured for your organization, click Categorize and follow the steps to categorize the items.
    • To reassign items to a different owner, click Change Owner, search for and select a new owner, select a new folder as needed, and click Save.

      Changing the ownership of multiple hosted layers at once changes ownership on the files from which the layers were created, as well as the primary layer's dependent files. Refresh the page and proceed with reassigning ownership of the remaining items.

    • To delete items from your portal, click Delete.

      Dependencies exist between some items, such as between a hosted tile layer and the tile package from which it was published or between the hosted feature layer view and the hosted feature layer from which it was created. You must delete the dependent item before you can delete the item from which it was created.

Change item ownership in bulk using the command line utility

Changing item ownership in bulk using the command line utility is appropriate if you need to transfer the ownership of multiple members' items to other members in your portal at once. You may need to transfer ownership of items if you are attempting to remove members. Members cannot be removed if they own content or groups.

Use the TransferOwnershipcommand line utility installed with the software to transfer ownership of member items in bulk. The tool is located in the <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>/tools/accountmanagement directory. The tool takes a text file as input and must run on the machine where Portal for ArcGIS is installed.


The utility can only be executed by a built-in administrator account; you cannot use an enterprise administrator account. The built-in account you use can be the initial administrator account you set up when you configured the portal or another built-in account that has been assigned the default administrator role. If you deleted the initial administrator account and do not have any other built-in administrator accounts available, you must create one to execute the utility. For instructions, see the Built-in portal accounts section of Add members to your portal.

  1. Create a text file that contains the user names of members that currently own items and the user names of members to which the item's ownership is transferred. Separate the user names using a pipe (|). Each line must contain two user names; the first name listed is the current owner and the second name listed is the new owner.



    Specify the user name of the members. Do not use the full name of the members; the tool ignores all entries that use the full name of the members. Also note that the user names you type in the text file must be in the same case as they are stored in the portal. Run the ListUsers command line utility or check the Organization page of your portal website to see how the user names are stored.

  2. Save the text file.
  3. Run the TransferOwnership command line tool by specifying your text file as the tool's input.

    The following example runs the TransferOwnership command with a file named ownershiptotransfer.txt.

    ./ --file /data/scripts/ownershiptotransfer.txt.


    Be sure to use the correct case for command line options and file names.