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Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Data Store is registered with a GIS Server site, which you set as the hosting server for an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. You must upgrade all components of this system to the same version.

Prepare to upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

Carefully review the following information and complete any required actions before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store:

  • Obtain new authorization files from My Esri before upgrading. If you're upgrading from 10.3.x through 10.7.x to 10.8.1, you need new Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Server license files. If you're upgrading from 10.8, you do not need new license files unless you want to change the apps you license through your portal or ArcGIS Server roles.
  • Create a backup of your data store and store your backup files in a remote, secure location. How you create a backup depends on what ArcGIS Data Store version you're upgrading from and the type of data store you're upgrading.
    • If you are upgrading from 10.5.1 or a later release, create a full backup of each data store using the backupdatastore utility. If anything goes wrong with the upgrade and you need to revert to your previous installation, you can reinstall the earlier version of ArcGIS Data Store software and use these backup files and the restoredatastore utility to restore your data.
    • If you are upgrading from a 10.5 or earlier release tile cache or relational data store, use the exportmanageddb utility to make backup copies of these data stores. If anything goes wrong with the upgrade and you need to revert to your previous installation, you can reinstall the earlier version of ArcGIS Data Store software and use the importmanagedb utility to import the export file.
    • If you are upgrading from a 10.4 or 10.4.1 spatiotemporal big data store, make a backup copy of the content directory on every machine in the spatiotemporal big data store. If anything goes wrong with the upgrade and you need to revert to your previous installation, you can reinstall the earlier version of ArcGIS Data Store software and replace the content directory on each machine with the backup copies of the directories.
  • Before upgrading a relational data store or tile cache data store, check the size of the ArcGIS Data Store directory on each machine. Ensure that the machine contains enough free disk space to accommodate double the size of the ArcGIS Data Store directory.
  • Download the latest ArcGIS Data Store, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor software installation files from My Esri.
  • Running the 10.8.1 setup will automatically upgrade your ArcGIS Data Store to 10.8.1. There is no need to obtain and install each previously released version in sequence. Do not uninstall your previous version of ArcGIS Data Store.
  • For your ArcGIS Enterprise portal to function, it must be the same version as your hosting server. You also need to reinstall your ArcGIS Web Adaptor instances to the same version as ArcGIS Server.
  • If you are upgrading from 10.4 and are archiving streamed observation data from a federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site to your spatiotemporal big data store, you must apply ArcGIS 10.4 GeoEvent Extension Patch 1 to your 10.4 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. After applying the patch, follow instructions to repair data before proceeding with upgrading the components of your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
  • If you are using a federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site, stop the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server service on all machines before you upgrade ArcGIS Server.
  • If you upgrade from 10.3 or 10.3.1, you need to grant full control on your ArcGIS Data Store content directory to the ArcGIS Data Store account. If you upgrade from 10.4 or later, the privileges are already set.
  • If you have a tile cache data store that is running in primary-standby mode, ensure the standby machine has access to the default backup location before you upgrade. If it does not, there will be no default backup location for your tile cache data store after you upgrade, and you will have to configure one.
  • If you have a tile cache data store that contains more than one machine, you must also open ports 29079–29090 and 4369 in the firewall.
  • Read the next section and upgrade the required ArcGIS Enterprise components before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store.

Upgrade order

Because ArcGIS Data Store is always used as part of an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, you need to upgrade certain components of the deployment before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store. Upgrade components in the following order:

  1. Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS.
  2. Upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor (for the portal).
  3. Upgrade the ArcGIS Server site serving as the portal's hosting server. You must upgrade the hosting server before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store.
  4. Upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor (for ArcGIS Server).
  5. Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store.
  6. If your deployment includes them, upgrade any additional ArcGIS Server sites. This includes upgrading ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, upgrading ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, upgrading ArcGIS Notebook Server, and upgrading ArcGIS Mission Server sites.

Highly available data stores

The order in which you upgrade each machine in a highly available data store does not matter beginning with ArcGIS Data Store 10.7. However, you need to install the software on every machine first, and then upgrade from any machine.

When upgrading a highly available relational or tile cache (10.7.1 or earlier) data store, install the new version of ArcGIS Data Store on the primary and standby machines, and then you can configure both machines by running the Data Store Configuration wizard or the configuredatastore utility from either the primary or standby machine. This configures both machines.


If you upgrade a highly available tile cache data store to ArcGIS Data Store 10.8, the data store will become a two-machine cluster tile cache data store. You should have an odd number of machines in your tile cache data store, so you'll need to add at least one more tile cache data store machine and restore data to balance scene caches. If you upgrade a 10.8 tile cache data store to 10.8.1, it remains in cluster mode.

If you upgrade a highly available 10.7.1 or earlier tile cache data store to ArcGIS Data Store 10.8.1, it remains in primary-standby mode.

If your tile cache (cluster) or spatiotemporal big data store contains more than one machine, install a new version of ArcGIS Data Store on all the machines. Next, sign in to one of the machines using an administrator login and configure all the machines in the spatiotemporal big data store by running the Data Store Configuration wizard or the configuredatastore utility. This configures all machines in the tile cache or spatiotemporal big data store.


Be sure no one creates any hosted spatiotemporal feature layers until you finish upgrading all machines in the spatiotemporal big data store. From ArcGIS Server Manager, you can stop the GeoAnalyticsTools system service to ensure that no one runs GeoAnalytics Tools while you upgrade. Also stop the location tracking services used by ArcGIS Tracker.

Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

Once you have your installation files and backup files and have upgraded the hosting server, complete the upgrade steps for each type of data store. All data stores registered to the same ArcGIS Server site must run the same ArcGIS Data Store release. Keep the following in mind when upgrading ArcGIS Data Store:

  • Always install ArcGIS Data Store on all machines in a data store before reconfiguring the data store.
  • Do not uninstall ArcGIS Data Store before installing the new version.
  • If you have primary and standby machines in your relational or tile cache data store, install the new version of ArcGIS Data Store on the primary and standby machines, and then reconfigure the data store from either machine.
  • If you have multiple tile cache or spatiotemporal big data store machines configured with your ArcGIS Server site, install the new version of ArcGIS Data Store on every data store machine.
  • If your ArcGIS Server license has an expiration date, update the license in your relational ArcGIS Data Store after upgrading and updating your ArcGIS Server license and upgrading the relational data store.


Before the 10.5 release of ArcGIS Data Store, both a relational and a tile cache data store were created when you configured a data store. However, if no one in your organization ever published a hosted scene layer to the portal and you are upgrading from 10.3.x or 10.4.x, the tile cache data store is not configured and you do not have to upgrade it.

You can upgrade using an interactive wizard-driven experience by running the Setup.exe program, or run Setup.exe and the configuredatastore utility from a command prompt or script to silently upgrade ArcGIS Data Store. No matter which method you use, the Setup.exe installation file detects and upgrades an existing installation of ArcGIS Data Store.


Upgrading ArcGIS Data Store restarts the ArcGIS Data Store service.

Upgrade using an interactive wizard-driven experience

After you complete the steps outlined in Prepare to upgrade ArcGIS Data Store and have upgraded the ArcGIS Enterprise components that must be upgraded before ArcGIS Data Store, follow these steps to upgrade your data stores using an interactive wizard. If you want to upgrade using commands instead, proceed to the next section.

  1. If you are using a spatiotemporal big data store with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, sign in to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Manager and stop the feature services used to archive data.
  2. Optionally, if you want to prevent users from editing hosted feature layers while you are upgrading, connect to the hosting server (GIS Server site) from ArcGIS Server Manager and stop all hosted feature services. Similarly, if you have a federated ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site, connect to it from ArcGIS Server Manager and stop all hosted feature services.
  3. Update the ArcGIS Data Store installation on every data store machine.

    To update the installation, run the ArcGIS Data Store Setup.exe on every machine that participates in a data store that is configured with the same hosting server.


    Do not uninstall the existing ArcGIS Data Store installation.

  4. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.

    If you accept the license agreement, the ArcGIS Data Store setup program displays the features that will be installed.

  5. The account used by your existing installation is prepopulated in the ArcGIS Data Store input box. Provide the password for the account. Typically, this is the password you defined when installing the software. If the password has changed since you installed the software, you need to provide the password you designated when modifying the account. If the password is not validated successfully, an error message is displayed indicating the password is invalid. If you are unsure of the password for the account, contact your system administrator.


    Earlier versions of ArcGIS Data Store used the Local System account to create the ArcGIS Data Store service. At version 10.4 and later, you specify a local user or domain user account to start the ArcGIS Data Store service. If you are upgrading from ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 or 10.3.1, you must manually provide this account full control to your ArcGIS Data Store content directory (the default location is C:\arcgisdatastore).

  6. Caution:

    When the installation program completes, it automatically opens the Data Store Configuration wizard in your default browser. Do not proceed with configuration until you have installed the same version of ArcGIS Data Store on every data store machine.

  7. Once you have updated the ArcGIS Data Store installation on all data store machines, run the Data Store Configuration wizard to configure each type of data store to complete the upgrade.

    How many times you run the Data Store Configuration wizard depends on your configuration.

    • For relational and tile cache (primary-standby mode) data stores, connect to either the primary or standby machine from the Data Store Configuration wizard. Completing the steps in the wizard upgrades the data store on both machines.
    • If your relational and tile cache data stores are on the same machine, you only have to run the Data Store Configuration wizard once to upgrade both data stores.
    • For spatiotemporal big data stores, connect to any of the spatiotemporal big data store machines from the Data Store Configuration wizard. Complete the steps in the wizard to upgrade all machines in the spatiotemporal big data store.

  8. The following steps take you through the Data Store Configuration wizard.
  9. In the Data Store Configuration wizard, provide the URL for the hosting server and the user name and password of an ArcGIS Server administrator for the hosting server and click Next.
  10. ArcGIS Data Store checks each machine for each data store registered with this hosting server to be sure it meets the following prerequisites:
    • All machines in the data stores associated with this hosting server have the same version of ArcGIS Data Store installed.
    • All machines in the data stores associated with this hosting server are accessible.
    • The hosting server is accessible.

    If any prerequisites are not met, they appear on the Prerequisite Check page in the status for each data store type. You must correct any problems before you can proceed with upgrading.

  11. Once all prerequisites are met, the Prerequisite Check page shows each data store to be upgraded. Click Next to reconfigure these data stores with the hosting server and complete the upgrade.
  12. When configuration completes, the Upgrade Status page appears.
    • For each data store that was upgraded successfully, success appears in Status field. For highly available relational or tile cache (primary-standby mode) data stores, a status appears for both machines. If all data store machines upgraded successfully, click Next to proceed to the Configuration Status page. You can close the Data Store Configuration wizard at this point.
    • If any upgrades were not successful, that data store or machine shows a failed status, and messages are displayed to help you troubleshoot the problem. Correct the problems and run the Data Store Configuration wizard again to upgrade the machines that previously failed.
  13. If you have a spatiotemporal big data store, confirm the spatiotemporal big data store shows a status of healthy.

    To determine a data store's status, sign in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory for the hosting server and run the validate REST command.

  14. If your portal has federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server or ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server sites, upgrade these sites. Once you upgrade successfully, make sure the feature services are running and functional.

Silently upgrade using commands

Rather than run the setup program, you can run the Setup.exe file at a command prompt or in a batch script to update the ArcGIS Data Store. After you complete the steps outlined in Prepare to upgrade ArcGIS Data Store and have upgraded the ArcGIS Enterprise components that must be upgraded before ArcGIS Data Store, run the setup file on every machine in the data store to upgrade.

  1. If you are using a spatiotemporal big data store with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, sign in to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Manager and stop the feature services used to archive data.
  2. Optionally, if you want to prevent users from editing hosted feature layers while you are upgrading, connect to the hosting server (GIS Server site) from ArcGIS Server Manager and stop all hosted feature services. Similarly, if you have a federated ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site, connect to it from ArcGIS Server Manager and stop all hosted feature services.
  3. Update the ArcGIS Data Store installation on every data store machine.

    Run the Setup.exe file from a command prompt or in a script on every machine in your data store. For example, if you have a highly available relational data store (two machines) and a highly available spatiotemporal big data store that includes three machines, run the Setup.exe file on all five machines before you proceed with configuration.


    Do not uninstall the existing ArcGIS Data Store installation.

    When silently upgrading using Setup.exe, you must specify the ArcGIS Data Store account. Typically, this is the account you defined when installing the software. If the account has changed since you installed, you need to provide the user name and password you designated when modifying the ArcGIS Data Storeaccount.

    Earlier versions of ArcGIS Data Store used the Local System account to create the ArcGIS Data Store service. At version 10.4 and later, you specify a local user or domain user account to start the ArcGIS Data Store service. If you are upgrading from ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 or 10.3.1, you must manually provide this account full control to your ArcGIS Data Store content directory (the default location is C:\arcgisdatastore).

    If you do not specify the ArcGIS Data Store account, or it does not match the account used by your current installation, the installation process displays a message indicating the credentials could not be validated. As a result, the installation will exit.

    In the following example, the account used by the software is myaccount:

    <path to ArcGIS Data Store setup download folder>\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

    For example, to run the command with a domain account, such as mydomain\myaccount, with the password 4myI.s0nly, type the following:

    \\machinename\mydownloadfolder\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=mydomain\myaccount PASSWORD=4myI.s0nly


    Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you are having trouble upgrading, confirm the case matches the properties as shown in the examples.

  4. After you install the new version of ArcGIS Data Store on every machine in the data store, reconfigure each type of data store to complete the upgrade.
  5. Use the configuredatastore command utility to reconfigure the data store with the same GIS Server site you were using before upgrading. You must run the command prompt as an administrator on the machine where ArcGIS Data Store is installed.

    Where and how many times you run the configuredatastore utility depends on your configuration.

    • For relational and tile cache (primary-standby mode) data stores, sign in to the primary or standby machine as a Windows administrator and run the configuredatastore utility. This upgrades the data store on both the primary and secondary machines.
    • If your relational and tile cache data stores are on the same machine, running the configuredatastore utility upgrades both.
    • For tile cache (cluster) and spatiotemporal big data stores, sign in to any of the machines as the user who installed ArcGIS Data Store and run the configuredatastore utility. This upgrades all machines in the clustered tile cache or spatiotemporal big data store.

    In this example, the configuredatastore utility is run on the primary machine where both the relational and tile cache data stores are running. Both data stores are configured with the GIS Server site

    configuredatastore serveradmin MyAdminPassword C:\arcgisdatastore --stores relational,tilecache

    In this example, the configuredatastore utility is run on one of the machines in a spatiotemporal big data store that is configured with the GIS Server site

    configuredatastore serveradmin MyAdminPassword C:\arcgisdatastore --stores spatiotemporal

    Running the configuredatastore utility restarts ArcGIS Data Store on all machines in the data store.

    Before upgrading, ArcGIS Data Store confirms that all machines in the data store have the same version of ArcGIS Data Store installed and all machines are accessible. If any machines are not updated or accessible, ArcGIS Data Store cannot proceed with the upgrade. Correct the installation or network problems and run the configuredatastore utility again.

  6. If you have a spatiotemporal big data store, confirm the spatiotemporal big data store shows a status of healthy.

    To determine a data store's status, sign in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory for the hosting server and run the validate REST command.

  7. If your portal has federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server or ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server sites, upgrade these sites. Once you upgrade successfully, make sure the feature services are running and functional.

Considerations after upgrading ArcGIS Data Store

The upgrade procedure moves all existing 10.5 and earlier relational data store backup files and 10.5 spatiotemporal big data store backup files to a new subdirectory in your backup directory location. The directory name contains the ArcGIS Data Store release number. ArcGIS Data Store moves these files so you do not accidentally try to use them to restore your upgraded relational data store, as that is not supported.

For this reason, you should create full backups of your relational and spatiotemporal big data stores after you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store. This provides you with a usable full backup of your hosted feature and spatiotemporal layer data in case anything happens before your next scheduled backup.

After upgrading, you should confirm that your data stores are accessible. You can do this from ArcGIS Server Manager or the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory. Also confirm that your hosted feature and scene layers still work.

Validate data stores

You can sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager to validate that your GIS Server site can still communicate with each of your data stores.

Follow these steps to validate a data store from ArcGIS Server Manager:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
  2. Go to Site > Data Stores.
  3. Check the box next to the data store you want to validate. (ArcGIS_Data_Store).
  4. Click Validate.

If the data store is running and the GIS Server site can communicate with it, a green check box appears in the Status column.

Confirm layers work

You should also be sure your services are still working after you upgrade.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
  2. Go to Services > Hosted.
  3. Check to see that all services are running.