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Publish hosted imagery layers

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can create a hosted imagery layer in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal in the following ways:

These options make managing, publishing, and sharing images straightforward and flexible. The imagery layers you create can be used in raster analysis and as reference layers in maps and apps.

The following are prerequisites for publishing a hosted imagery layer:

If you don't see the option to publish when you upload an image collection or the option to create an imagery layer in the Contents page, contact your portal administrator to confirm that your portal has a federated raster analysis server and that you have privileges to publish a hosted tile layer.

Upload and publish an image collection

All raster file formats that can be read by ArcGIS can be added to a .zip file and uploaded to ArcGIS Enterprise as an image collection item.


Raster products and mosaic datasets in a geodatabase are currently not supported.

Follow these steps to create, upload, and publish an image collection in the portal.

  1. Create a .zip file containing the images you want to load and publish.
  2. Place the .zip file in a location you can access from the portal website.
  3. Sign in to your portal organization and click Content > My Content.
  4. Click Add Item > From my computer to add the image collection.
  5. Browse to the .zip file and click Open.
  6. Choose Image Collection from the Contents drop-down list.
  7. Click the Publish this file as a hosted layer check box if necessary.
  8. Fill in the Title and Tags text boxes.

    These are used for both the image collection item and hosted imagery layer in the portal.

  9. If your portal administrator configured content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your item. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
  10. Click Add Item.

When publishing completes, an image collection item and hosted imagery layer item are added to the portal. These items are accessible only to you by default. You can share these items with other portal members, the public, or members of specific groups.


The image service that populates the imagery layer runs on the raster analysis server federated with the portal. If you need to access the service directly, you need to connect to the ArcGIS Image Server site that the portal administrator configured as the raster analysis server.

Create an imagery layer from a data store or local data

Use the Create menu on the My Content tab to publish hosted imagery layers for the following situations:

  • You have image files on your local machine and want ArcGIS Enterprise to copy those files to the ArcGIS Image Server so that the imagery layers can access the images local to the service.
  • You want all the input image data from a data store or multiple data stores to be mosaicked and published as one hosted imagery layer.

When you create imagery layers from this window, the portal copies the data from the local folder or data store, places the data in the portal's raster store, and creates a hosted imagery layer (or layers).

See Create imagery layers for instructions and a description of supported input and output.