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Example: Update the URL of a service in a web map

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

This example updates the URL of a service referenced in web maps. This is useful if the service URL has changed and you don't want to require users to remove and readd the service to all web maps. There are many reasons a service URL may change. For example, the service may have been migrated to a new server, the name of the service changed, the service was moved to a different folder on the server, or the server's domain prefix changed.

You're required to specify the following information when running the script:

  • URL used to access Portal for ArcGIS. This can be the ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL, for example, or the URL of the machine hosting the portal, for example, You must include the fully qualified domain name of the machine when specifying the URL.
  • User name and password of an account that has administrative privileges to the portal.
  • Item type that will be updated. Specify "Web Map" to update all web maps in the portal.
  • URL of the service that is currently referenced in web maps, for example,
  • URL of the service that will be updated in web maps, for example,

The following example replaces the map service URL with the map service URL for all web maps in the portal:

python admin pass.word "type: Web Map"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Requires Python 2.7+

# Sample Usage:
# python <sourcePortal> <sourceAdmin> <sourcePassword>
#                                <query> <oldUrl> <newUrl>

import urllib
import json
import argparse

def generateToken(username, password, portalUrl):
    '''Retrieves a token to be used with API requests.'''
    parameters = urllib.urlencode({'username' : username,
                                   'password' : password,
                                   'client' : 'referer',
                                   'referer': portalUrl,
                                   'expiration': 60,
                                   'f' : 'json'})
    response = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl + '/sharing/rest/generateToken?',
        jsonResponse = json.loads(response)
        if 'token' in jsonResponse:
            return jsonResponse['token']
        elif 'error' in jsonResponse:
            print jsonResponse['error']['message']
            for detail in jsonResponse['error']['details']:
                print detail
    except ValueError, e:
        print 'An unspecified error occurred.'
        print e

def searchPortal(portalUrl, query=None, totalResults=None, sortField='numviews',
                 sortOrder='desc', token=None):
    Search the portal using the specified query and search parameters.
    Optionally provide a token to return results visible to that user.
    # Default results are returned by highest
    # number of views in descending order.
    allResults = []
    if not totalResults or totalResults > 100:
        numResults = 100
        numResults = totalResults
    results = __search__(portalUrl, query, numResults, sortField, sortOrder, 0,

    if not 'error' in results.keys():
        if not totalResults:
            totalResults = results['total'] # Return all of the results.
        while (results['nextStart'] > 0 and
               results['nextStart'] < totalResults):
            # Do some math to ensure it only
            # returns the total results requested.
            numResults = min(totalResults - results['nextStart'] + 1, 100)
            results = __search__(portalUrl=portalUrl, query=query,
                                 numResults=numResults, sortField=sortField,
                                 sortOrder=sortOrder, token=token,
        return allResults
        print results['error']['message']
        return results

def __search__(portalUrl, query=None, numResults=100, sortField='numviews',
               sortOrder='desc', start=0, token=None):
    '''Retrieve a single page of search results.'''
    params = {
        'q': query,
        'num': numResults,
        'sortField': sortField,
        'sortOrder': sortOrder,
        'f': 'json',
        'start': start
    if token:
        # Adding a token provides an authenticated search.
        params['token'] = token
    request = portal + '/sharing/rest/search?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
    results = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(request).read())
    return results

def updateWebmapService(webmapId, oldUrl, newUrl, token, portalUrl):
    '''Replaces the URL for a specified map service in a web map.'''
        params = urllib.urlencode({'token' : token,
                                   'f' : 'json'})
        print 'Getting Info for: ' + webmapId
        # Get the item data.
        reqUrl = (portalUrl + '/sharing/content/items/' + webmapId +
                  '/data?' + params)
        itemDataReq = urllib.urlopen(reqUrl).read()
        itemString = str(itemDataReq)

        # Find the service URL to be replaced.
        if itemString.find(oldUrl) > -1:
            newString = itemString.replace(oldUrl, newUrl)

            # Get the item's info for the addItem parameters
            itemInfoReq = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl +
                                         '/sharing/content/items/' +
                                         webmapId + '?' + params)
            itemInfo = json.loads(,
            print 'Updating ' + itemInfo['title']

            # Post back the changes overwriting the old map
            if(itemInfo['ownerFolder'] is not None):
                modRequest = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl +
                                        '/sharing/content/users/' +
                                        itemInfo['owner'] +
                                        '/' + itemInfo['ownerFolder'] +
                                        '/items/' + webmapId +
                                        '/update?' + params ,
                                            {'text' : newString}
                modRequest = urllib.urlopen(portalUrl +
                                        '/sharing/content/users/' +
                                        itemInfo['owner'] +
                                        '/items/' + webmapId +
                                        '/update?' + params ,
                                            {'text' : newString}

            # Evaluate the results to make sure it happened
            modResponse = json.loads(
            if modResponse.has_key('error'):
                raise AGOPostError(webmapId, modResponse['error']['message'])
                print 'Successfully updated the urls'
            print 'Didn\'t find any services with ' + oldUrl
    except ValueError as e:
        print 'Error - no web map specified'
    except AGOPostError as e:
        print e.webmap
        print 'Error updating web map ' + e.webmap + ': ' + e.msg

# Helper functions for decoding the unicode values in the webmap json.
def __decodeDict__(dct):
    newdict = {}
    for k, v in dct.iteritems():
        k = __safeValue__(k)
        v = __safeValue__(v)
        newdict[k] = v
    return newdict

def __safeValue__(inVal):
    outVal = inVal
    if isinstance(inVal, unicode):
        outVal = inVal.encode('utf-8')
    elif isinstance(inVal, list):
        outVal = __decode_list__(inVal)
    return outVal

def __decode_list__(lst):
    newList = []
    for i in lst:
        i = __safeValue__(i)
    return newList

class AGOPostError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, webmap, msg):
        print 'ok'
        self.webmap = webmap
        self.msg = msg

# Run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help=('url of the Portal (e.g. '
    parser.add_argument('username', help='username')
    parser.add_argument('password', help='password')
    parser.add_argument('query', help='search string to find content')
    parser.add_argument('oldUrl', help='the URL to replace')
    parser.add_argument('newUrl', help='the new URL')
    # Read the command line arguments.
    args = parser.parse_args()
    portal = args.portal
    username = args.username
    password = args.password
    query = args.query
    oldUrl = args.oldUrl
    newUrl = args.newUrl

    # Get a token for the source Portal for ArcGIS.
    token = generateToken(username=username, password=password,

    # Get a list of the content matching the query.
    content = searchPortal(portalUrl=portal,

    for item in content:
        if item['type'] == 'Web Map':
            updateWebmapService(item['id'], oldUrl, newUrl, token=token,

    print 'Update complete.'