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Analyze ArcGIS Living Atlas layers

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There are several ways to access ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World layers from analysis tools in Map Viewer.

Your portal administrator can define a gallery that contains layers appropriate for analysis workflows. These feature layers would contain a single layer and include attribute information applicable for analysis in your organization.

Analyze map layers

In many cases, you will be working with a web map that contains the layers you want to analyze. When you open analysis tools in Map Viewer, you can choose to run the tools on qualifying layers in your map. If a feature layer in your map contains multiple layers, you can choose one of the layers to analyze.

Search for layers not in the map

If the layers you need for an analysis tool are not present in the map, you have different options for finding layers available from the tool, depending on how your portal is configured. The portal administrator can configure any of the following for the portal:

If your portal administrator has added any of these to the portal, you can run analysis on individual layers within the feature layers.

ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layers

If your portal administrator configured the portal to use ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layers, the Choose Analysis Layer window you open from feature analysis tools in Map Viewer will contain the Living Atlas Analysis Layers tab.

The Living Atlas Analysis Layers tab displays ArcGIS Living Atlas feature layers from ArcGIS Online. You can filter the content by map extent, categories, and tags, and search for specific layers to find the data you need for analysis.

Analysis layers from a custom group

Your portal administrator can define a custom group containing layers that should be used in analysis in your organization. This option helps administrators to focus your layer search to those layers most appropriate for your organization. The layers in the custom group can come from different sources, such as layers published directly to your portal, layers from other servers, and ArcGIS Living Atlas layers.

When the portal administrator configures the portal to use a custom group of layers for analysis, the Choose Analysis Layer window you open from feature analysis tools in Map Viewer will contain the Organization Analysis Group tab. When a feature layer in the group contains multiple layers, you can choose individual sublayers to analyze.

Esri boundary layers

If your portal administrator published boundary layers to the portal, you will see the Esri Boundary Layers tab in the Choose Analysis Layer window when you add a layer to an analysis tool in Map Viewer.

This tab displays boundary layers for areas in the countries that your administrator published to the portal. You can filter the content by map extent, categories, and tags, and search for specific layers. Once you find the boundaries for the country you need, choose individual layers within the feature layer to analyze.