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Adding a server directory in Manager

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can use ArcGIS Server Manager to add new cache, jobs, and output directories to your site. You cannot add system directories, since there can only be one instance of the system directory in the site.

To add a cache, jobs, or output directory to your site, follow these steps.

  1. Open Manager and log in. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager.
  2. Click Site > GIS Server > Directories.
  3. Click Add Directory.
  4. In the Add Directory window, enter a string in the Name field. The string uniquely identifies the new server directory and has no relationship to the folder location on disk.
  5. Use the Type drop-down list to specify the type of directory you are creating.
  6. In the Location field, enter the path to the directory. For example, C:\arcgisserver\directories\mycache.

    If you specify a non-existent directory, Manager will create the directory for you.

  7. Optionally, give the directory a description in the Description field.
  8. Optionally, set the cleanup mode and maximum file age. The server will delete files in the directory at regular intervals based on the maximum age of the file.

    In 10.0 and earlier versions, you could configure the server to delete files at regular intervals based on either the age of the file or when the file was last accessed by a client. In 10.1 and later releases, the server only deletes files if they have not been modified within the specified maximum file age.

  9. Click Add.

Your directory is added and appears in the Directories module.