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ArcGIS Server extensions

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
In this topic

The extensions to ArcGIS Server allow you to add capabilities to your system. In many cases the extensions have separate desktop and server offerings.

Extension availability

Availability of extensions depends on the ArcGIS Server license edition you purchased. For example, some extensions are provided by default with your edition. Others may be available for purchase. Information about which license edition is required to use the extensions is noted below. Extensions are not available with ArcGIS for Server Basic.

Extension ArcGIS for Server Standard ArcGIS for Server Advanced

Portal for ArcGIS extension



ArcGIS Schematics for Server



ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Server

Not available for purchase


ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Server

Not available for purchase


ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Server

Not available for purchase



Available for purchase

Available for purchase

ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server

Available for purchase

Available for purchase

ArcGIS Image Extension for Server

Available for purchase

Available for purchase

ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server

Available for purchase


ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server

Available for purchase

Available for purchase

Portal for ArcGIS

Portal for ArcGIS is an extension to ArcGIS Server that allows you to share maps, applications, services, and other geographic information with people in your organization. The content that you share is delivered through a website. You can customize the website to fit your organization's look and feel.

When your use Portal for ArcGIS with ArcGIS Server, you allow people in your organization access to ready-to-use apps, including the following:

  • Use the map viewer for composing and visualizing 2D data and the scene viewer for composing and visualizing 3D data.
  • Use configurable web app templates to help you create great-looking and useful information products.
  • Web AppBuilder is an easy-to-use tool for creating and configuring your own web apps; no coding is required.
  • Story maps help you tell your story with maps in an elegant, easy-to-share user experience.
  • Productivity apps include Collector for ArcGIS, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, and Explorer for ArcGIS.
  • ArcGIS Pro is an application included with ArcGIS for Desktop.

As an administrator of your organization, you can do the following:

  • Configure the portal website.
  • Manage users, groups, and content.
  • Secure your portal.
  • Monitor usage statistics.

To learn more, see What is Portal for ArcGIS? For information about how to integrate the extension with ArcGIS Server, see About using your server with Portal for ArcGIS.

ArcGIS Schematics for Server

ArcGIS Schematics for Server allows you to share your collection of schematic information with people inside and outside your organization. Schematics help you do the following:

  • Automatically generate diagrams and manage physical and logical networks, such as social networks.
  • Represent any kind of network, including electric power, traffic light, delivery route, and computer networks.

Schematics are provided in ArcGIS Server as a server object extension (SOE). This allows you to publish the schematic content you create in ArcMap and expose that content on the web in client applications.

For more information, see Schematics in ArcMap and Schematics services.

ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Server

ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Server gives your GIS server advanced 3D data analysis and surface generation capabilities.

  • Interact with 3D data to gain insights that aren't possible in 2D. Visualize raster, vector, and lidar data for 3D feature, terrain, subsurface, and volumetric views.
  • Analyze GIS data in true 3D space with tools that perform complex surface, volumetric, and visibility analyses, including analyzing terrain, modeling subsurface and atmospheric features, and optimizing site selection.
  • Create advanced tools and models from your ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension for Desktop and use ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Server to share those services to desktop, mobile, and web applications.

For more information, see What is the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension?

ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Server

ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Server gives your GIS server statistically valid prediction services for GIS modeling and visualization.

  • Use statistical models to create random training or testing data subsets that can help you identify data anomalies, explore your spatial data, and generate more precise results.
  • Examine real-world issues including atmospheric data analysis, petroleum and mining exploration, environmental analysis, precision agriculture, and fish and wildlife studies.
  • Create advanced tools and models from your ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extension for Desktop and use ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Server to share those services to desktop, mobile, and web applications.

For more information, see A quick tour of the Geostatistical Analyst extension.

ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Server

ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Server gives your GIS server advanced raster data analysis and surface generation capabilities.

  • Spatial Analyst provides more than 150 tools and functions that you can embed in your web applications for on-the-fly analysis, including suitability modeling, distance and direction calculations, and hydrologic modeling.
  • You can create advanced tools and models your ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension for Desktop and use ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Server to share those services to desktop, mobile, and web applications.

For more information, see A quick tour of the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension.


ArcGIS for INSPIRE provides a powerful and modern web GIS solution to ensure INSPIRE compliance supporting data, services, and metadata.

  • ArcGIS for INSPIRE helps you meet and prepare for changes to the INSPIRE directive for sharing spatial data with the European Union in a multinational, multiagency spatial data infrastructure (SDI).
  • ArcGIS for INSPIRE extends ArcGIS to help you meet current requirements for delivering INSPIRE Discovery, View, and Download Services without complex data migrations.
  • Includes the open source Esri Geoportal Server (available on GitHub) and add-ons to catalog and index INSPIRE metadata and to serve INSPIRE Discovery services.
  • Includes an ArcGIS for Desktop extension to create and maintain INSPIRE geospatial data and metadata.

For more information, see ArcGIS for INSPIRE.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server

ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server allows you to connect with virtually any type of streaming data feed and transform your GIS applications into frontline, real-time, decision applications.

  • Process and filter real-time data so you can detect and focus on the most important events, locations, and thresholds for your operations without interruption. GeoEvent accommodates multiple streams of data flowing continuously through filters and processing steps that you define.
  • Track dynamic assets that are constantly changing location (such as vehicles, aircraft, or vessels), or stationary assets, such as weather and environmental monitoring stations.
  • Automatically and simultaneously send alerts to key personnel, update the map, append the database, and interact with other enterprise systems when locations change or specified criteria are met.

For more information, see A quick tour of the GeoEvent Extension.

ArcGIS Image Extension for Server

ArcGIS Image Extension for Server helps you make large collections of imagery and raster datasets available to others.

  • Simplify image management by reducing data duplication and time between acquiring new imagery and making it accessible.
  • Process images faster with on-the-fly processing, which reduces the amount of imagery you maintain while providing more valuable imagery. This includes orthorectification, pan sharpening, rendering, enhancement, filtering, and map algebra capabilities.
  • Perform dynamic mosaicking, which enables new content to be added and displayed dynamically to understand changes over time or visualize imagery based on what information is important to you.

For more information, see Key concepts for image services.

ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server

ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server provides advanced network data analysis capabilities via web services.

  • Deploy powerful network analysis tools, such as multipoint optimized routing, time-sensitive, turn-by-turn driving directions, service area allocation, and fastest fixed route to the closest facility.
  • Provide sophisticated network modeling capabilities to more people, including analysts, professional staff, and decision makers, regardless of their GIS knowledge or skills.
  • Create advanced tools and models from your ArcGIS Network Analyst extension for Desktop and use ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server to share those services to desktop, mobile, and web applications.

For more information, see Types of network analysis layers and Network analysis services.