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Upgrading an earlier version of ArcGIS Server

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
In this topic

ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Server is provided as a setup program and is executed through a utility named Setup.exe.


Upgrading ArcGIS Server will restart all of your services. You should consider your ArcGIS Server site offline during the upgrade.

Upgrade a single machine site

If you have a single machine ArcGIS Server site, follow the steps in the sections below to upgrade the GIS server to version 10.3.1. The following three options are available to upgrade your GIS server:

Upgrade a multiple machine site

If you have a multiple machine ArcGIS Server site, you need to upgrade each GIS server in the site to version 10.3.1. It's recommended that you upgrade each GIS server sequentially; that is, wait until the first GIS server is upgraded before applying the upgrade on the next GIS server. Each GIS server in the site must be at the same version number and be licensed exactly the same.

The following three options are available to upgrade your GIS servers. Repeat the upgrade steps on each GIS server to upgrade your site to version 10.3.1.

Upgrade an earlier version using the setup program


If you encounter the following error, you launched setup.msi instead of setup.exe:

"Upgrade patch not found. ArcGIS 10.1 for Server cannot be directly upgraded to10.3.1 without this patch. See the installation guide for more information."

It is recommended that you use setup.exe to upgrade ArcGIS Server to 10.3.1. If organizational restraints prevent you from using setup.exe, see Upgrading an earlier version silently using setup.msi.

  1. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.

  2. The ArcGIS for Server setup program displays the features that will be installed.

    Select features for installation

    If you see the following dialog box after the Select Features dialog box, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1) was not found on your machine. The .NET Extension Support feature requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. The .NET Extension Support feature is required for server object extension (SOE) and server object interceptor (SOI) development and use. If you intend to develop or use SOEs or SOIs, follow the instructions on the dialog box to install the .NET Extension Support feature.

    Missing Dependencies dialog box

  3. The ArcGIS Server account used by your existing installation is prepopulated in the ArcGIS Server Account input box. Provide the password for the ArcGIS Server account. Typically, this is the password you defined when installing the software. If the password has changed since you installed the software, for example, by using the Configure ArcGIS Server Account Utility, you need to provide the password you designated when modifying the account.

    If the password is not validated successfully, an error message is displayed indicating the password is invalid. If you are unsure of the password for the ArcGIS Server account, contact your system administrator or reset your password using the Configure ArcGIS Server Account Utility. For more information, see The ArcGIS Server account.

    If you select the second option, I have a configuration file with the account information generated by a previous run of this setup, the credentials in the server configuration file must be the same credentials used by your existing ArcGIS Server site.

    Specify ArcGIS Server Account dialog box

  4. If you select Specify the account name and password and manually enter the ArcGIS Server account information, the next dialog box presents you with the option to export a server configuration file. If you do not want to export a configuration file, click Next, and accept the default Do not export configuration file option. If you want to export a server configuration file for future installations, select Export configuration file. Browse to a secure folder and provide a name for the configuration file.


    There are several reasons you may want to export a server configuration file:

    • Create the same ArcGIS Server account when installing on multiple machines.
    • Store the account for use when upgrading to a newer version.
    • Perform a silent installation where the user name and password are encrypted.

    Export a server configuration file


    When exporting a server configuration file to a network share, the Local System account on the machine where ArcGIS Server is being installed must have write permissions to the network share. For example, if you're installing ArcGIS Server on a machine named Quick, the Local System account on Quick must have write permission to the network share. If the permissions are not set, the server configuration file may not be exported successfully. If you are unsure how to correctly set permissions for the network share, contact your system administrator or export the server configuration file locally and copy it to the network share.

  5. To complete the installation, follow the directions on the screen.

    After the installation completes, ArcGIS Server Manager automatically opens. It is not necessary to reauthorize ArcGIS Server.

    If you configured ArcGIS Web Adaptor to work with your site, you'll need to install 10.3.1 as well. For instructions, see the following applicable Web Adaptor:

  6. If you have a multiple machine ArcGIS Server site, repeat the steps above on the remaining GIS servers in your site.

Silently upgrade an earlier version


If organizational restraints prevent you from using setup.exe, see Silently upgrade an earlier version using setup.msi.

When silently upgrading using setup.exe, you must specify the ArcGIS Server account used by the software. Typically, this is the account you defined when installing the software. If the account has changed since you installed, for example, by using the Configure ArcGIS Server Account Utility, you need to provide the user name and password you designated when modifying the account.

If you do not specify the ArcGIS Server account, or it does not match the ArcGIS Server account used by your current installation, the installation process displays a message indicating the credentials could not be validated. As a result, the installation will exit.

You can determine the ArcGIS Server account by accessing the Configure ArcGIS Server Account Utility from the Start menu on the machine hosting ArcGIS Server. The ArcGIS Server account is listed in the dialog box. If you are unsure of the password for the ArcGIS Server account, contact your system administrator or reset your password using the Configure ArcGIS Server Account Utility. For more information, see The ArcGIS Server account.

In the following example, the ArcGIS Server account used by the software is myaccount:

<path to ArcGIS for Server setup download folder>\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

If you configured ArcGIS Web Adaptor to work with your site, you'll need to install 10.3.1 as well. For instructions, see the following applicable Web Adaptor:


If you have a multiple machine ArcGIS Server site, repeat the silent upgrade above on the remaining GIS servers in your site.

Silently upgrade an earlier version using setup.msi

As a security concern, some organizations have restraints in place that prevent the use of executable files (.exe) within their IT infrastructure. If your organization has similar constraints in place, you can alternatively install the software using setup.msi.

Keep in mind that it is recommended you upgrade ArcGIS Server using Setup.exe. This file accepts all supported command line parameters and automatically installs setup.msi as part of the upgrade.

To upgrade to using setup.msi, complete the following steps:

  1. If you're upgrading ArcGIS Server from 10.1, 10.1 SP1, 10.2, or 10.2.1 to 10.3.1, skip this step and proceed to step 2. On the machine hosting ArcGIS 10.1 for Server, run the following command to apply the SP1 patch:

    msiexec /p <path to ArcGIS for Server setup download folder>\Support\patch\ArcGISServerUG.msp /qb

  2. Specify the ArcGIS Server account. If the account has changed since you installed the software, for example, by using the Configure ArcGIS Server Account Utility, you need to provide the user name and password you designated when modifying the account.

    In the following example, the ArcGIS Server account used by the software is myaccount:

    msiexec /I <path to ArcGIS for Server setup download folder>\SetupFiles\setup.msi /qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

If you configured ArcGIS Web Adaptor to work with your site, you'll need to install 10.3.1 as well. For instructions, see the following applicable Web Adaptor:


If you have a multiple machine ArcGIS Server site, repeat the steps above on the remaining GIS servers in your site.