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Working with server statistics

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Reports of server statistics can be displayed, configured, updated, exported, and deleted through the statistics reports gallery in ArcGIS Server Manager. To access the gallery, click Logs > Statistics. For a description of how to work with reports and statistics, see the sections below.

Available server statistics

The following statistics are available for display in a report. You can only display one statistic per report. To select a statistic, click the Show drop-down dialog box in the report.

  • Total requests—Total number of requests made by a client to a service for a given time frame.
  • Average response time—Average amount of time ArcGIS Server takes to return the results of a request to a client. The average response time is displayed in seconds.
  • Maximum response time—Maximum amount of time ArcGIS Server takes to return the results of a request to a client. The maximum response time displays in seconds.
  • Timeouts—Reported service timeouts can occur due to one or a combination of the following:
    • Client keeps a service longer than the specified maximum usage time, and the client loses its reference to the service.
    • Client's wait time exceeds the maximum wait time specified for a service.
  • Maximum running instances—Maximum number of instances running for a particular service over a given time frame.

By default, statistics are collected and stored every 30 minutes. To change the frequency of statistics collection, see the Configuring server statistics section below.

Supported service types

Statistics are only available for the following service types. To learn more about these service types, see What types of services can you publish.

  • Feature (hosted feature service also supported)
  • Geocode
  • Geodata
  • Geoprocessing (synchronous only; asynchronous not supported)
  • Globe
  • Image (dynamic only; cached not supported)
  • Map (dynamic only; cached not supported)
  • Mobile data
  • Network analysis
  • Search
  • Workflow Manager

Default reports

By default, when you install ArcGIS Server, you get three preconfigured reports that display in the statistics reports gallery. These reports are based on services that are already running on your server. You can modify a default report by selecting it in the module and changing the number of services displayed, type of statistics, and time values. Optionally, you can delete the reports by clicking the X button on the report thumbnail.

Create a new report

To create a new report, follow these steps:

  1. Open Manager and log in with an account that has administrator privileges. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager. Accounts belonging to the user or publisher role cannot create reports.
  2. Click Logs > Statistics.
  3. Click New Report.
  4. On the left side of the graph, select a service, services, or a folder for which you would like to display statistics. You can optionally search for a service using the search field. When selecting a folder, aggregate values for all services residing in the folder display in the graph. You can optionally change the color and marker symbol for the resource (service or folder) by clicking the marker next to the check box.
  5. Click the Show drop-down dialog box and select a statistic to display in the graph. Statistics always display on the Y axis (left) of the graph.
  6. Click the Age drop-down dialog box, and select a time period to display for the statistic. The age always display on the X axis (bottom) of the graph. Select Custom Time Period to specify a custom time range to display statistics. The reported time matches the time zone of the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed.
  7. Give your report a title by clicking the Enter Report Title text at the top of the graph.
  8. Click Save.

Your report is saved and can be viewed by other administrators and publishers. You can optionally export the graph to a comma-separated values (CSV) file by clicking the Export button. By default, the report automatically updates every 30 minutes.

View and modify an existing report

If you're logged in with an account that has publisher or administrator privileges, you can view an existing report by clicking its thumbnail in the Statistics module. When viewing the report, you can hover over vertices in the graph to obtain more information. For example, if you have a graph of maximum response times for a map service, hovering over a particular data point reveals the specific response time of 1.91 seconds.

If you're logged in with an account that has administrator privileges, you can also modify an existing report and apply any changes by clicking Save. If you click Close, you'll be prompted to save your changes. If you close the browser, your changes will not be saved.

To open and modify a report, follow these steps:

  1. Open Manager and log in with an account that has administrator privileges. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager.
  2. Click Logs > Statistics.
  3. Click the thumbnail of a report you want to modify.
  4. Apply your changes to the report. For a summary of what you can change, see the sections below.
  5. Click Save.

Change the services or folders displayed

You can change the number of services or services within folders displayed in the graph. Use the check boxes to toggle services and folders on or off. When selecting a folder, aggregate values for all services residing in the folder display as one line in the graph.

When toggling folders on or off, the check boxes for all resources under the folder are not selected automatically. Similarly, unchecking a child resource under a parent folder does not automatically uncheck the parent folder. This behavior is by design and allows you to compare an entire folder with an individual resource (service or folder). For example, you can select the Site (Root)folder, and compare it to a single map service nested in a subfolder.

Change the color and marker symbol for a service or folder

You can change the color and marker symbol for an individual folder or service. To do so, click the associated marker next to the resource (folder or service) and choose the applicable marker and color from the list. By default, there are eight colors and four markers to choose from.

Change the statistic type and time frame

You can change the statistic and time frame (age) displayed in the graph. To change the statistic displayed, click the Show drop-down dialog box and select the desired statistic. Statistics are always displayed on the Y axis (left) of the graph. For a description of each statistic, see the Available server statistics section above.

To change the time period in which statistics are displayed, click the Age drop-down dialog box and select the necessary time window. Select Custom Time Period to specify a custom time range to display statistics in the From and To input dialog boxes. The age always display on the X axis (bottom) of the graph. The reported time matches the time zone of the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed.

A statistics report has different x-axis spacing depending on the time window displayed in the report. The x-axis spaces between data points represent the following time intervals:

  • 30 minutes for time windows equal to or less than 24 hours
  • 4 hours for time windows between 1 day and 7 days
  • 1 day for time windows between 7 days and 30 days
  • 7 days for time windows longer than 30 days

The x-axis start time will also differ depending on the report's time window and the corresponding x-axis spacing. The start time for each of the preconfigured report ages (Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, and Last 30 days) will be the time stated in that report age rounded to the nearest half hour time in the past. For example, if a Last 24 hours report was requested at 10:11 a.m., the x-axis start time would be at 10:00 a.m. from the previous day. Custom time periods display x-axis start times of the end of the first time interval. This means that a report with a custom time period from December 1st at 12:00 a.m. to December 5th at 12:00 a.m. would display an x-axis start time of 4:00 a.m. on December 1st, since the time window is between 1 day and 7 days and the time intervals are therefore 4 hours long. Hovering the mouse over the first data point on the report would show that the point summarizes data from December 1st at 12:00 a.m. to December 1st at 4:00 a.m.

Change the title

You can update the title when modifying a report. To do so, click the title text and provide the applicable information. Be sure to clearly indicate what is being reported in the graph. You can also add some explanatory text to support the title.

Delete a report

To delete a report, log in with an account that has administrator privileges and click the X button on the report thumbnail in the Statistics module.

Export a report

When you save a report, you have the option to export the report as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. This allows you to import the report into a third-party application such as Microsoft Excel. This is a convenient way for you to share and present report data without having to physically log in to ArcGIS Server Manager. To export a report, log in with an account that has administrator privileges, open the report, and click the Export button.

Search for a report

You can search for a specific report by typing text into the Search Reports dialog box on the Statistics module. For example, you can provide the following information to help you find the report you're looking for:

  • Service name (displays reports including that specific service)
  • Folder name (displays reports including that specific folder)
  • Keyword (displays reports matching the keywords below)
    • Root (displays reports including the Site [Root] folder)
    • Day, Week, Month, Custom (displays reports matching the duration specified)
    • Requests, Average, Response, Timeout (displays reports matching the statistic type specified)

Configure server statistics

By default, statistics are collected and stored every 30 minutes. You can change the frequency of statistics collection and how long the statistics history is saved on disk. Optionally, you can disable server statistics.

To configure server statistics, follow these steps.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory and log in with an account that has administrator privileges.
  2. Click usage reports > settings > edit.
  3. Configure server statistics using the following options:
    • To disable statistics from being generated by the server, click the Usage Reports Enabled drop-down dialog box, and select No.
    • To change the duration that statistics are aggregated, specify a new value (in minutes) in the Aggregate statistics every (minutes) field. The default is 30 minutes. For example, to change the duration to one day, enter 1440.
    • To change the maximum time period in which server statistics will be kept on disk, enter a new value in the Keep statistics history for (days) field. The default is forever (*). For example, to change the time period to one year, enter 365. Statistics information is stored in the ArcGIS Server system directory.