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Configure cloud store regions

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Server must access a list of cloud store regions to populate the Register Cloud Store dialog box users see when they register a cloud store.

You have three options for obtaining this list:

  • Esri maintains a list of regions for public clouds in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket. Most sites that have Internet access can use this list. This is the default behavior for the ArcGIS Server site; no additional configuration is needed.
  • Esri maintains the same list in an Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket in China. If your site cannot access the list in the S3 bucket or you want the ArcGIS Server site to check for the list in the Alibaba OSS bucket before attempting to access the list in the S3 bucket, the ArcGIS Server administrator can configure the ArcGIS Server site to access the cloud store list from the Alibaba OSS bucket in China.
  • If your ArcGIS Server site will use cloud stores in a private cloud, the ArcGIS Server administrator can create a file that contains custom cloud information.

Configure ArcGIS Server to access a local file

If your publishers need to register cloud stores that use regions in a private cloud, you can create a text file that contains the information to use these regions. Once configured, users will see the name in the Region or Environment drop-down list when registering the cloud store in ArcGIS Server Manager.

Note that these cloud stores must still be a cloud store type that ArcGIS Server supports.

Follow these steps to create a local file that contains the information users need to access regions in a private cloud:

  1. Create a text file named regionsforcloudstorage.dat.
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Type the information required to configure ArcGIS Server to access a custom region for your private cloud.

    Copy all of the following text, paste it into the regionsforcloudstorage.dat file, and alter the values for the regions in your private cloud:

    	"regions": [{
    			"name": "<Add_DisplayName>",
    			"id": "<Add_my-s3>",
    			"s3endpoint": "<>"
    	"environments": [{
    			"id": "<Add_my-blob>",
    			"displayName": "<Add_DisplayName>",
    			"storageEndpointSuffix": "<>"
    		"vsipath": "/vsis3",
    		"options": [
    		"regions": [{
    			"displayName": "<Add_DisplayName>",
    			"id": "<Add_my-s3>",
    			"blobStoreEndpoint": "<>"
    	"Azure": {
    		"vsipath": "/vsiaz",
    		"regions": [
    			"id": "<Add_my-blob>",
    			"displayName": "<Add_DisplayName>",
    			"storageEndpointSuffix": "<>"
    	"Alibaba": {
    		"vsipath": "/vsioss",
    		"regions": [{
    				"id": "<Add_my-oss>",
    				"displayName": "<Add_DisplayName>",
    				"blobStoreEndpoint": "<>"


    To configure a region for your Amazon Web Service private cloud, alter the values under "regions" and "Amazon". To configure a region for a Microsoft Azure private cloud, alter the values under "environments" and "Azure".

  4. Save and close the text file.
  5. Copy the text file to every machine in the ArcGIS Server site. If you are using ArcGIS Server 10.6.1, place the file in the following location on each machine: <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/framework/etc. If you are using ArcGIS Server 10.6, place the file in the following location on each machine: <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/framework/runtime/tomcat/webapps/arcgis#manager
  6. Restart ArcGIS Server on each machine.

When users register cloud stores, the Region or Environment drop-down list will be populated with the name or display name you configured in the regionsforcloudstorage.dat file.

Configure ArcGIS Server to access a list in Alibaba OSS

If your organization requires that you access the list of allowable cloud store URLs from a location in China, the ArcGIS Server administrator can set a property in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.

If there is a local file configured for the site, ArcGIS Server reads that list. If you want the site to access the list on Alibaba, do not configure a local file.

Follow these steps to configure ArcGIS Server to check for allowable cloud store URLs from a list in Alibaba OSS:

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory for the ArcGIS Server site.
  2. Go to system > properties.
  3. Click update.
  4. Type the following inside the curly brackets ({}): "UseSecondaryCloudLookupURL": "true".
  5. Click Update.

Clicking Update restarts ArcGIS Server. When users register cloud stores, the Region or Environment drop-down list will be populated from a list on Alibaba OSS.