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Create a geodatabase on Amazon Relational Database Service for SQL Server

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

When you use Esri sample CloudFormation templates to launch an ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance using the Esri AMI that includes Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for SQL Server, two enterprise geodatabases are created in the RDS instance at 10.6 and one enterprise geodatabase is created at 10.6.1. If you want additional geodatabases—for example, if you want to customize the name or location of the geodatabases you use, or you have multiple departments that maintain their own discrete data and require their own geodatabases—you can create additional databases using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, add the sde user and schema to them, and run the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool to create geodatabases in the databases.

When you configure your site using the AWS Management Console, no RDS instance, sde user, databases, or geodatabases are created. If you want to use enterprise geodatabases in an Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance with your ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services instance, you must create them and add them to your site.

The first set of steps below describe creating additional geodatabases for an ArcGIS Server site on AWS that was created using an Esri AWS CloudFormation template or the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS. The second set of steps explain how to create enterprise geodatabases in Amazon RDS for SQL Server if you launched the Esri AMI from the AWS Management Console.

Add a geodatabase to an existing Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance

Follow these steps to create an additional enterprise geodatabase in Amazon RDS for SQL Server to use with an ArcGIS Server site running on Amazon Web Services instances that you launched using an Esri AWS CloudFormation template or the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS:

  1. Connect to the SQL Server RDS instance from SQL Server Management Studio using the master login. For instructions, see the AWS topic Connecting to a DB Instance Running the Microsoft SQL Server Database.

    You may need to open ports in your security group to do this.

  2. Do all of the following from SQL Server Management Studio:
    1. Create a database. Store the database and log files on the D drive of the instance. Set other database configuration settings as you require.
    2. Create an sde user in the database that is mapped to the sde login.
    3. Create an sde schema owned by the sde user.
    4. Grant the sde user CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW privileges in the database.
    5. Create a user who will own and publish data. Map this user to the EsriRDSAdmin login.
    6. Create a schema owned by the user created in the previous step.
    7. Grant the new user CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW privileges in the database.

    For instructions on creating a database, login, user, and schema, see Microsoft SQL Server Technical Documentation.

  3. Make a remote desktop connection to your ArcGIS Server instance, logging in as the administrator.
  4. Start ArcMap and open the Catalog window or start ArcCatalog.
  5. Connect to your new database using the sde login.
  6. Open the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool and specify the database connection you made in the previous step.
  7. Specify the authorization file for ArcGIS Server. This is stored on the C drive of the instance in \\Program Files\ESRI\License<release#>\sysgen.
  8. Click OK to run the tool and create a geodatabase.

Once you have a geodatabase, create a connection to it and register it with ArcGIS Server.

Add an Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance to ArcGIS Server on AWS

Follow these steps to create an Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance to use with your ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services instance; add the RDS instance to your ArcGIS Server site; create a database; create logins, users, and schemas; grant the sde user privileges to create a geodatabase; grant the data owner user privileges to create data; and run the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool to create a geodatabase.

  1. Follow the instructions in the AWS documentation to create a database instance running SQL Server.

    To create an instance in Amazon VPC, see the AWS topic Using Amazon RDS with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.

  2. Use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the SQL Server database instance you created in the first step.
  3. Do all of the following from SQL Server Management Studio:
    1. Create a database. Store the database and log files on the D drive of the instance. Set other database configuration settings as you require.
    2. Create a SQL Server authenticated login named sde.
    3. Create an sde user in the database that is mapped to the sde login.
    4. Create an sde schema owned by the sde user.
    5. Grant the sde user CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW privileges in the database.
    6. Create a SQL Server authenticated login to be used to store and publish data.
    7. In the database, create a user that is mapped to the login created in the previous step.
    8. Create a schema, owned by the user you created in the previous step. The schema must have the same name as the user.
    9. Grant the user CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW privileges in the database.

    For instructions on creating a database, login, user, and schema, see Microsoft SQL Server Technical Documentation.

  4. Make a remote desktop connection to your ArcGIS Server instance, logging in as the administrator.
  5. Start ArcMap and open the Catalog window or start ArcCatalog.
  6. Connect to your new database using the sde login.
  7. Open the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool and specify the database connection you made in the previous step.
  8. Specify the authorization file for ArcGIS Server. This is stored on the C drive of the instance in \\Program Files\ESRI\License<release#>\sysgen.
  9. Click OK to run the tool and create a geodatabase.
  10. From the Catalog tree, connect to the geodatabase with the login for the data owner.
  11. Use the connection file created in the last step to register the geodatabase with ArcGIS Server. For instructions, see Register your data with ArcGIS Server using ArcGIS Desktop.