The health check operation indicates the status of compute resources and jobs within the GeoAnalytics Server compute platform and is the underlying framework that allows GeoAnalytics Server to distribute analysis across multiple GeoAnalytics Server cores and machines. The health check operation, which can be used for troubleshooting and monitoring, is available to the server or portal administrator and is accessed by logging in to your ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory using the URL format To navigate to the health check, start from your GeoAnalytics Server site and click System > Platform Services > Compute Platform > Health.
Use the health check operation to do the following:
- Verify and identify GeoAnalytics Server machines that are being used for analysis.
- Verify that the allotted memory and cores are being used.
- Check the amount of cores or memory available on the GeoAnalytics Server machines. This can be helpful when using the GeoAnalytics Server settings.
- Check the number of GeoAnalytics Server jobs currently running or completed.
- Find the jobID of a GeoAnalytics Server job to view the REST endpoint.
- Troubleshoot and resolve error messages.
If you receive the error Unable to initialize distributed compute platform service, complete the health check operation and check the status of the worker nodes. Once you have checked the status of the nodes, complete the steps listed in Common GeoAnalytics Server problems and solutions.
The GeoAnalytics Server health check is also available through ArcGIS Monitor at 10.6.1.
The compute platform health check uses terminology from the underlying framework that distributes the analysis. Terms and concepts used throughout this documentation are outlined in the following table:
Term | Description |
Node | A server machine. |
Worker | A machine used for computation. The worker machine receives instructions from the master machine and executes them. There can be one or more worker machines to a master machine. |
Master | The server that oversees the worker nodes. A server can be both a master node and worker node. |
Job | A job refers to running a GeoAnalytics Server tool. |
The health check is composed of keys that are either a single value or an array. When a GeoAnalytics Server job has been run and completed, the health check has the following keys for each GeoAnalytics Server machine in the site:
"<geoanalytics server machine name>":{
{.. url ..},
{.. workers ..},
{.. cores ..},
{.. coresused ..},
{.. memory ..},
{.. memoryused ..},
{.. activeapps ..},
{.. completedapps ..},
{.. activedrivers ..},
{.. status ..}
When there is more than one machine in a site, there will be multiple geoanalytics service machine name keys. Only the master node machine will contain resource and job information. The worker node machines will contain only null and 0 values. Within each top-level server object, the following keys contain an array of values: workers, activeapps, completedapps, and activedrivers. The top-level keys' url, cores, coresused, memory, memoryused, and status keys have a single value.
Each key is explored in more detail using the following examples:
- Example 1: A three-machine GeoAnalytics Server site running a single job.
- Each machine has 16 GB of RAM and 4 CPU cores.
- The system properties use the default of a maximum of 80 percent of available RAM and cores.
- GeoAnalytics Server is set to use 12 GB of RAM per machine.
- GeoAnalytics Server is set to use 9 cores across all machines.
- Example 2: A three-machine GeoAnalytics Server site running two jobs simultaneously.
- Each machine has 16 GB of RAM and 4 CPU cores.
- The system properties use the default of a maximum of 80 percent of available RAM and cores.
- GeoAnalytics Server is set to use 6 GB of RAM per machine.
- GeoAnalytics Server is set to use 4 cores across all machines.
Site information and resources
The url, cores, coresused, memory, memoryused, and status keysare described in this section. If you have more than one machine in your GeoAnalytics Server site, there will be multiple url keys. One of the url keys will be populated with values as shown in the following examples. All other url keys will have values of 0, and no workers will be listed. The URL with populated values is the master node; the other URLs are machines that are represented as workers and are not the master node. The activedrivers key is always an empty array.
Example 1 | Example 2 |
Description | |
The workers key identifies the machines and information as part of the GeoAnalytics Server site.
Example 1 | Example 2 |
Description | |
Completed apps
The completedapps key identifies the completed GeoAnalytics Server tools and information. This includes tools that successfully completed and tools that resulted in a failure. The completed apps information is cleared when GeoAnalytics Server is restarted.
Example 1 | Example 2 |
Description | |
Active apps
The activeapps key identifies the GeoAnalytics Tools that are currently running and their information. Once a job has been completed, the information is moved to the completedapps object.
Example 1 | Example |
Description | |