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Common GeoAnalytics problems and solutions

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Questions or issues you may encounter when working with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server and suggested solutions are listed below.

Generating a big data file share

Running GeoAnalytics Tools

Generating a big data file share

I do not see the option to register a big data file share in ArcGIS Server Manager.

You register a big data file share using Manager on the GeoAnalytics Server. Ensure this server is configured as the GeoAnalytics server of your portal.

I am trying to generate a big data file share but receive the error that the location is not accessible. What's wrong?

Make sure your GeoAnalytics Server run-as account has been given read access to the location you are trying to register. To learn about registering a big data file share, see Register your data with ArcGIS Server using Manager.

After I generate a big data file share, there are no datasets in my manifest. What's wrong?

If a manifest contains no datasets, there are two possible problems:

Other publishers cannot access the big data file share I registered or use it for analysis.

A big data file share is accessible only to administrators and the publisher who has registered the data store by default. A portal item is created in your My Content directory of portal when a big data file share is registered. Share this portal item with the other publisher.

Running GeoAnalytics Tools

I am running a GeoAnalytics job that unexpectedly fails with the error message Unable to start distributed job. Please check your GeoAnalyticsTools service settings and ensure that there are enough resources available for the job to run. Job has been cancelled. Why is this happening?

The job you are running requires more resources than you have available on your GeoAnalytics Server. This may be because there is another GeoAnalytics Server tool running, or the GeoAnalytics Server settings are set to require more resources than your machines have. See GeoAnalytics Server settings for more information. At ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 and later, you can use the GeoAnalytics health check operation to determine the resources available on your machines.

Learn more about the GeoAnalytics health check

I am running a GeoAnalytics job that unexpectedly fails with the error message Unable to initialize distributed compute platform. What do I do?

To fix this, restart your GeoAnalytics Server using the following steps:

  1. Stop the ArcGIS Server service on all machines part of your GeoAnalytics Server Site. On Windows, stop the ArcGIS Server Windows services, and on Linux stop all machines using the script.
  2. Wait 5 minutes.
  3. Start the ArcGIS Server service on all machines in your GeoAnalytics Server site. On Windows, start the ArcGIS Server Windows service, on Linux start all machines using the script.
  4. Wait 2 minutes, and run a GeoAnalytics job. If it does not work, continue to step 5.
  5. Check the status of the compute platform service. To do this, see the steps below.

I am running a GeoAnalytics job that fails with the error message The Spark compute platform service is not started.. How can I start the compute platform service?

The compute platform service can be started through the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory on the GeoAnalytics Server. Compete the following steps to restart your compute platform service:

  1. Sign in as administrator to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory of your GeoAnalytics Server.
  2. Go to system > platformservices > Compute_Platform > stop and click the stop button.
  3. Go to system > platformservices > synchronization_service > stop and click the stop button.
  4. Wait 5 minutes.
  5. Go to systemplatformservices > synchronization_service > start and click the start button.
  6. Go to system > platformservices > Compute_Platform > start and click the start button.
  7. Wait two minutes for the machines to start.
  8. Go to system > platformservices > Compute_Platform > status. Check that all the machines have a configuredState and realtimeState condition of started .

If the platform services do not start, contact Esri Support.

I am running a GeoAnalytics job that unexpectedly fails with the error message Job has been cancelled. What's wrong?

If you ran this job through ArcGIS REST API or ArcGIS Pro, you may have received an additional message Processing request took longer than the usage timeout for service 'System/GeoAnalyticsTools.GPServer'..

The job you are running took longer than the GeoAnalytics Server time-out period. Increase the time-out period to allow for longer running GeoAnalytics Tools. See GeoAnalytics settings for more information.

Why is my GeoAnalytics Server unavailable for a short period of time after removing or shutting down ArcGIS Server on one of the machines in a multimachine site?

When the primary machine in a GeoAnalytics Server multimachine site becomes unavailable or is removed from the site, the site will be in recovery mode to select a new primary machine. This process typically takes six to seven minutes, and GeoAnalytics Tools cannot be run during this time. You can find information about the primary machine and the status of your GeoAnalytics Server machines using the Compute Platform Health Check operation in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.

Learn more about the GeoAnalytics health check operation

When I run analysis using ArcGIS REST API with a hosted feature service or big data file share (that I know is valid) as the input, analysis fails with an error message Parameter 'inputLayer' is not valid. What's wrong?

When using an https URL, verify that the URL to the layer does not use a self-signed certificate.

When I try to add a big data file share to an input parameter in ArcGIS Pro the parameter disappears. Why is the parameter disappearing?

Analysis can only be run on big data file shares that have all the required information for analysis. In ArcGIS Pro, this means that the manifest for your big data file share includes a geometry and spatial reference. If your dataset includes time, you must have the fields representing time denoted, in addition to the role. To learn more about big data file shares, see Understanding a big data file share manifest.