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ArcGIS Server command line utilities

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Server includes utilities that you can use to administer the server from the operating system command line. These are installed as a series of scripts in <ArcGIS Server installation location>/tools/admin. These utilities can be run directly from this location or by referencing the full path to the directory.

With these utilities, you can do the following:

  • Start and stop services
  • Publish services from a service definition (.sd) file
  • Back up or restore a site configuration
  • Define new map caches
  • Build and delete map caches
  • Convert map cache formats from exploded to compact
  • Scan ArcGIS Server for security best practices

These utilities only support token-based authentication. If your site uses web-tier authentication, you'll need to run these scripts using a built-in account and specify the local URL to your site, as described in the following section.

Common parameters

The parameters described in the following table are used in many of the utilities:



The name of an ArcGIS Server user who will execute the utility. The user must have the appropriate level of privileges to execute the action. If your site is configured with web-tier authentication, specify a built-in user, such as the primary site administrator account.


The password of the user who is specified with the -u parameter.


The URL of the site, in one of the following formats:

If your site is configured with web-tier authentication, you'll need to specify the local URL to your site.


You cannot use https and port 6443 for these utilities. Before running any of them, change your site's protocol settings to HTTP and HTTPS, unless you've already done so.


Prints help for the utility.

These parameters are included in the following example:


If you implemented logic that automates the execution of these utilities, you need to update your scripts to remove the Python dependencies. The following are examples:

  • <ArcGIS Server installation location>/arcgis/server/tools/python
  • The .py extension when referring to the name of the command line utility

See the following example for correct usage:

<ArcGIS Server installation location>/arcgis/server/tools/admin/manageservice -u admin -p admin -s

The Manage Site utility was deprecated at 10.7.

In this topic
  1. Common parameters