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Upgrade ArcGIS Server

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 setup package is capable of upgrading 10.4 and later versions currently installed on your Linux system. To do this, follow the instructions below.


The upgrade process will restart all of your ArcGIS Server services. You should consider your ArcGIS Server site to be offline during the upgrade.

Upgrade ArcGIS Server from 10.4 and later

The ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of ArcGIS Server on the target system that was installed by the same user. There is no need to obtain and install each previously released version in sequence or to uninstall your previous version of ArcGIS Server.

Upgrade ArcGIS Server from 10.2.1 or earlier

Upgrading directly to ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 from version 10.2.1 or earlier is not supported. To upgrade ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 or earlier, first upgrade it to an interim version (10.3 –10.7.1). Then, upgrade that version to ArcGIS Server 10.8.1. This will preserve your site's configuration store and server directories.

Sites at version 10.0 and earlier cannot keep any existing content or directories. You must uninstall the software and install ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 as a new site.

Prepare to upgrade ArcGIS Server

Before upgrading, carefully review the following information. See the full list of frequently asked questions for upgrading ArcGIS Server.

  • If you're upgrading to 10.8.1, you'll need to reauthorize your software with a new authorization file for 10.8.1. You can access your new authorization files in My Esri.
  • For your ArcGIS Enterprise portal to function, it must be the same version as your hosting server. You also need to reinstall your Web Adaptor instances to the same version as ArcGIS Server.
  • The recommended order to upgrade your 10.8.1 deployment is the following:
    1. Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS.
    2. Upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor (for Portal).
    3. Upgrade the ArcGIS Server site serving as the portal's hosting server.
    4. Upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor (for Server).
    5. Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store (upgrade primary first, then stand-by).
    6. Upgrade any other ArcGIS Server sites in the deployment.
    7. Upgrade ArcGIS Desktop if it's installed on any of your machines.

      You don't need to upgrade ArcGIS Pro at the same time as ArcGIS Enterprise.

  • Do not unfederate any server federated with a portal when you upgrade your deployment. This adversely impacts your portal deployment, as users will be unable to access, share, or use ArcGIS Server services in the portal.
  • When upgrading an ArcGIS Server site, ensure adequate space is available in the /tmp directory to store contents for the upgraded site. Determine the size for both the <install dir>/usr/config-store and <install dir>/usr/directories to approximate ample space.

  • If you've already configured an enterprise geodatabase as the managed database for your hosting server and you're upgrading from 10.6 or earlier to 10.8.1, you'll need to conduct a few additional steps. Once you've upgraded ArcGIS Server, you'll need to register the enterprise geodatabase as a database (as opposed to a managed database). Then, install ArcGIS Data Store and register it as a relational data store. This will configure ArcGIS Data Store as your hosting server's managed database.
  • Your ArcGIS Enterprise portal's version must match the version of the hosting server, any GeoAnalytics Server, any GeoEvent Server, and any raster analysis server federated with it. For information on supported versions for other federated servers, see Federate an ArcGIS Server with your portal.
  • If you back up your ArcGIS Server site before upgrading, you can use the backup if you need to roll back to the previous version. For steps on how to back up your ArcGIS Server site before upgrading, see Back up and restore your ArcGIS Server site configuration.
  • If your site is in read-only mode, the site mode will be set to editable when you upgrade. After all machines in your site have been successfully upgraded, the site will remain in editable mode. You can switch back to read-only mode once your upgrade is complete.
  • Before upgrading, clear the cache of all web browsers used to access the ArcGIS Server deployment.
  • Before you upgrade your ArcGIS Server site, ensure that any databases you use are supported at the upgraded ArcGIS Server release. See the relevant relational database management systems requirements topic below for details. Use the Other versions drop-down list to choose the ArcGIS version to which you'll be upgrading.

Upgrade a multiple-machine site

If you have a multiple-machine ArcGIS Server site, you need to upgrade each machine in the site to version 10.8.1. It's recommended that you upgrade each ArcGIS Server machine sequentially; that is, wait until the first machine is upgraded before continuing the upgrade on the next one. Each ArcGIS Server machine in the site must be at the same version number and have the same license.

If you have ArcGIS Web Adaptor configured with your machines, upgrade each ArcGIS Web Adaptor instance once its corresponding ArcGIS Server machine has finished upgrading.

If you have a multiple-machine ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site, follow the additional steps in the Upgrade ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server section below when upgrading.

Upgrade ArcGIS Server on Linux

  1. From the command prompt, launch the ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 setup script as the same user that installed the existing earlier version, for example, <CD ROOT or untar directory>/Setup. You do not need to stop ArcGIS Server before launching this script.


    To launch the setup script from the ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 setup media, click the setup script, and click the Run in Terminal button.

  2. The setup will detect your existing earlier version of ArcGIS Server on the target machine and prompt you to continue or exit the upgrade. The following is an example:

    ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 (Linux)
    Your ArcGIS Server 10.3 is installed at:
    Confirm Settings
    Product to upgrade:             ArcGIS Server 10.3 (Linux)
    Location to upgrade:            /home/ags/arcgis/server
    Your ArcGIS Server 10.3 will be stopped when performing the upgrade and 
    ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 will be started after the upgrade completes.
      'y' to continue with these settings
      'q' to exit without upgrading this product
    Enter choice [y,q] (y):
  3. Type y and press Enter to accept the detected settings and continue with the update.


    Wait while ArcGIS Server is upgraded to 10.8.1. This may take several minutes.

  4. After installation is complete, you must use the authorizeSoftware tool to reauthorize ArcGIS Server with a new license file. You can access your new authorization files in My Esri. You can choose to authorize your software later, but you must complete this workflow before moving on to the next step of the upgrade process.


    If you'll be authorizing your ArcGIS Server as multiple licensing roles, you'll need to run the authorizeSoftware tool again, once for each licensing role you apply to the machine.

    If your ArcGIS Server license has an expiration date, consider updating the licenses in your enterprise geodatabases after upgrading and updating your ArcGIS Server license. If the license you use for your hosting server has an expiration date, update the license in your relational ArcGIS Data Store after upgrading and updating your ArcGIS Server license and upgrading the relational data store.

  5. Once authorized, open ArcGIS Server Manager. Click Continue Server Upgrade to complete the upgrade on your first machine. You must use ArcGIS Server Manager on the local machine where you're running the upgrade to complete this step, and you should run the upgrade one machine at a time. You cannot use Continue Server Upgrade in a Web Adaptor or load balancer.

    You can also use the upgradeserver command line utility to complete the upgrade and postupgrade operations silently. In the command line, navigate to your <Server install directory>/tools/upgradeserver folder and run the following: -s. For assistance, run the command with -h or --help.


    If errors are returned when you use Continue Server Upgrade, you may need to address the errors before you can continue. For example, if you encounter an error about an invalid license, you must reauthorize the software using a valid license. You can then retry by clicking Continue Server Upgrade again.

  6. If you'll use the upgraded ArcGIS Server as an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server or for raster analysis with ArcGIS Image Server and you haven't previously used either of these roles, follow these steps to use your upgraded ArcGIS Server site for these purposes:
    1. Be sure you authorized the site with an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server or ArcGIS Image Server licensing role.
    2. Sign in to the portal federated with your site. Sign in as a member of the default Administrator role. The portal URL is in the format<webadaptorname>/home.
    3. Click Organization > Edit Settings > Servers.
    4. On the Servers page, click Validate Servers to verify that the federated server you want to use as an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server or raster analysis server can still communicate with the portal. A green check mark appears next to each valid federated server.
    5. Once you verify that the server is valid, configure it as the portal's ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server or raster analysis server by choosing the federated server from the Feature Analysis - GeoAnalytics Tools or Raster Analysis drop-down list.
  7. If you're upgrading from version 10.4.1 or earlier, restart the ArcGIS Server service on the machines for the portal's hosting server and for the federated server that will be used as an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server or for raster analysis with ArcGIS Image Server.

If you have a multiple-machine ArcGIS Server site, repeat the steps above on the remaining machines in your site.

If you configured ArcGIS Web Adaptor to work with your site, you'll need to install a 10.8.1 Web Adaptor as well. Follow the instructions for the type of Web Adaptor you use.


To change the passwords or database instance names for the database connection files used with services published from ArcGIS Server 10.1 to 10.3, you must run the externalizeconnectionstrings utility. Even if you upgrade your site to ArcGIS Server 10.4 or later, if the service was published to an ArcGIS Server 10.1.x, 10.2.x, or 10.3.x site, you must run this utility on the service before you can update the password or database instance used in the database connection. You only need to run the utility one time on each service.

If you've customized a service with server object extensions (SOEs) or server object interceptors (SOIs), restart the service after upgrading ArcGIS Server.

Upgrade ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

If you have a multiple-machine GeoAnalytics Server site, you must complete additional steps when upgrading your deployment as follows:

  1. Stop the ArcGIS Server service on all machines in the GeoAnalytics Server site using the command.
  2. Check for any orphaned ArcGIS Server processes that are known to impede the upgrade process as follows:
    1. Use the ps -ef | grep arcgis/server command to identify any orphaned processes.
    2. Look for any processes with paths beginning with <ArcGIS Server install location>/arcgis/server. For any of these processes, use the kill -9 command to terminate them.
    3. Repeat this workflow for all machines in the GeoAnalytics Server site.
  3. When you're sure that no orphaned ArcGIS Server processes are still running, follow steps 1 through 5 of the previous section to upgrade the primary machine in your GeoAnalytics Server site.
  4. Repeat these steps for each machine in the site.
  5. When all machines have been upgraded, run again to stop the ArcGIS Server service on all machines. Wait at least five minutes to allow the system to make necessary adjustments.
  6. After at least five minutes have elapsed, run the command utility to restart the ArcGIS Server service on all machines in your site. Again, wait at least five minutes after running the operation.
  7. Use the Compute Platform Health Check operation in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory to verify that your GeoAnalytics Server site is ready to use.

Scan for security best practices

It is recommended that you use the script to check for security best practices with your ArcGIS Server after installation.