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Edit map service settings

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can use the Service Editor inside ArcGIS Server Manager to view and change many settings for the map services in your server site.

To access the Service Editor for a service, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to ArcGIS Server Manager as an administrator or publisher. The URL format is or
  2. The default page is the Manage Services list inside the Services tab. Locate the map service you want to view or edit, and click its link.


Use the General tab to view general properties for your map service and information about the document from which it was published.

  • Name—The name of your map service.

  • Type of Service—The type of service.

  • Authoring Application—The desktop GIS application from which the service was published. If the application was ArcGIS Pro, the map service is potentially eligible to use the shared instance pool.

  • Machine Name—The machine from which the service was published.
  • Path—The file path to the original document that was used to create the service.


Use the Parameters tab to set the basic parameters of your map service. These include the following:

  • Output Directory—The output directory used by the GIS server to store temporary files needed by services. An output directory is not required for map services. The default is the arcgisoutput directory.

  • Anti-Aliasing—A graphics technique that blends foreground and background pixels near edges of objects to trick your eye into seeing smoother borders. You can use this option if unwanted artifacts appear in your map displays, for example, jagged lines, wavy lines or bands, and moiré patterns.

    Use the following options to get the graphics effect and performance that will meet your map service needs:

    • None—No antialiasing is performed.

    • Fastest—Minimal antialiasing is performed, optimized for speed.

    • Fast—Some antialiasing is performed, optimized for speed, with better quality than can be achieved with Fastest.

    • Normal—A good balance of speed and quality.

    • Best—The best quality antialiasing. This option takes the longest to render.

    If antialiasing is not needed for improving map display clarity, use None, since it will provide the best performance.

  • Text Anti-Aliasing—Antialiasing text is the process of blending text font edges so that characters appear less jagged. Map drawing performance is not affected by text antialiasing.

    Use the following options to get the text effect and performance that will meet your map service needs:

    • None—No text antialiasing is performed.

    • Normal—Text antialiasing is performed as determined by the font type. Each font has parameters created by the font author that define at which sizes the font should be drawn with antialiasing.

    • Force—Text is always drawn with antialiasing, regardless of font parameters. This is the recommended setting.

    If text antialiasing is not needed for improving map display clarity, use None, because it will result in smaller image sizes on disk.

  • Time Zone—If your map or feature service contains date fields with dates stored in a local time zone, such as eastern standard time, specify the time zone in which the dates are recorded. This allows the service to correctly convert date and time values when you interact with the service. If you do not change the default value of None, the dates will be assumed to be stored in UTC.

    You must specify this property if your data contains editor tracking date fields stored in a time zone other than UTC.

  • Values are adjusted for daylight savings—If you specify a time zone other than UTC for the Time Zone property and you want the time zone to account for daylight saving time, check this box.
  • Maximum number of records returned by the server—Clients, such as the ArcGIS Web APIs, can perform query operations to return specific information, or records, from a map service. This property specifies how many records can be returned by the server to a client for any given query operation. Specifying a large number of records to be returned by the server can slow the performance of client applications consuming your map service, such as web browsers, and your GIS server.

  • Maximum Image Height (pixels)—An integer representing the maximum height (in pixels) of images the map service will export. The default is 4,096.

  • Maximum Image Width (pixels)—An integer representing the maximum width (in pixels) of images the map service will export. The default is 4,096.

  • Maximum Number of Coded Domains—An integer representing the maximum number of domain codes that can be returned from all fields, subtypes, layers, and tables in a map service. The default value is 25,000.

    In a large multiuser map service, such as an online enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the number of domain codes returned by the maxDomainCodeCountproperty may exceed the default value. If this occurs, the service continues to run normally, but the map service drops all domains to maintain server performance. Additionally, an error documenting the event is recorded in the server logs. If you require the map service to return a greater number of domain codes than the default value, specify the desired default value. Note that the performance of the map service may be affected when it must return more than 25,000 domain codes.

  • Maximum Sample Size—An integer representing the maximum number of records that will be sampled when computing a class breaks renderer. The default is 100,000.

  • Display Related Information in Identify Results—This property determines whether the map service returns information about features from related tables and feature classes when you perform an identify operation. By default, the identify operation returns related information, so this box is checked.


Use the Capabilities tab to select the capabilities that you want to enable for your map service. Capabilities create additional services that work from or with your map service. They allow users to access your map in an expanded variety of applications and devices. Capabilities also allow users to do a greater variety of things with your map service, such as network analysis and feature access.

This table lists the capabilities available with map services and any special requirements for enabling the capability. To learn more about setting properties specific to each capability, see the links below.

CapabilityWhat it doesSpecial requirements


Provides access to the contents of a map document through SOAP and REST URLs

Always enabled for any map document


Uses the raster layers in the map document to create a service compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) specification

Requires raster layers


Uses a map document to create a service compliant with the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) specification


Feature Access

Provides access to vector features in the map; often used for editing

Requires vector layers

Network Analysis

Solves transportation network analysis problems using the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension

Requires a network analysis layer referencing a network dataset


Uses a map document to create KML features



Uses the layers in a map document to create a service compliant with the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) specification

Requires vector layers (raster layers are not included in the service, since the purpose of WFS is to serve vector feature geometry)

Mapping capability

The Mapping capability is always enabled. When you click this capability, you can view the URLs to access the service directly through REST and SOAP, and can switch the toggle button on the following operations:



Allows the Export Map, Generate Renderer, and QueryLegends methods to be used. This operation should not be turned off.


Allows the Find, Query, QueryRelatedRecords, QueryDomains, and Query Attachments methods to be used.


Allows the Identify method to be used.

You can also add dynamic workspaces for the service and can switch the toggle button on the following setting:

  • Allow per request modification of layer order and symbology—Optionally, you can choose to allow clients, such as the ArcGIS Web APIs, to change layer appearance and behavior in a map service. Additionally, if the map service has registered workspaces, clients can add layers to the map service contained in those workspaces. For more information, see Dynamic layers.


Use the Pooling tab to specify how the map service will accommodate users. Compatible map services published from ArcGIS Pro can be designated to use either the shared instance pool or their own dedicated instance pool. To learn more about instance types, see Configure service instance settings. The topic Anticipate and accommodate users discusses how you can better accommodate users by adjusting these properties. For tips on setting time-out properties, see Tune and configure services.


Use the Processes tab to specify how the map service will run as a process on the server. The topic Tune and configure services gives a high-level overview of the considerations you should take into account when setting isolation, determining recycling intervals, and deciding whether to check for invalid data connections.


Use the Caching tab to define whether your service will use a cache and how the cache should be structured and built. See Create a map cache for instructions on using this tab.

Item Description

Use the Item Description tab to create informative metadata about your map service. This information includes the following:

  • Summary—A short summary of your map service.

  • Tags—Keywords or terms that describe the map service, separated by commas.

    Alternatively, you can click the Choose Your Tags button to open a list of tags you've used previously in your organization.

  • Description—An optionally detailed description of your map service.

  • Access and Use Constraints—Optional text describing the restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the map service. For example, you could specify a message stating, "For internal use only. Do not distribute."

  • Credits—An optional acknowledgment indicating who contributed to the map service. This information is displayed in web applications as attribution on the bottom of the map.