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Disable or enable ArcMap Runtime Support

ArcGIS 10.9.1 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

At 10.9.1, you can disable ArcMap Runtime Support when installing ArcGIS Server or upgrading ArcGIS Server. You also have the option to disable or enable ArcMap Runtime Support after installation or upgrade following the steps below. Disabling the ArcMap Runtime Support feature will remove Python 2.x from your system, and enabling the feature will install Python 2.x. For more information about why you may want to disable ArcMap Runtime Support, see Security best practices.

Disable ArcMap Runtime Support

You can disable ArcMap Runtime Support and remove Python 2.x after installation using the script located in the ./Support folder of your ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 installation. Use the -r or --remove option to remove the ArcMap Runtime Support feature:


Running the script will stop and start ArcGIS Server.

<ArcGIS Server installation directory>/Support/ -r

Enable ArcMap Runtime Support

You can enable the ArcMap Runtime Support and install Python 2.x using the script located in the ./Support folder of your ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 installation. Use the -a or --add option to enable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature:


If you disabled the ArcMap Runtime Support feature during the initial installation of ArcGIS Server 10.9.1, the script cannot be used to enable the feature. The script can only be used to enable the feature if it has previously been disabled using the script. If the ArcMap Runtime Support feature was disabled during the initial installation, you must uninstall and reinstall ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 and enable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature during installation.

Running the script will stop and start ArcGIS Server.

<ArcGIS Server installation directory>/Support/ -a