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ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS parameters

ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  Help archive

When you use ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS) to prepare and deploy ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Server sites, you provide information about the type of deployment you want by providing the location and name of the JSON file containing the settings you need.

Sample files

Several sample JSON files are included with the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS file you download from My Esri. The JSON samples represent common deployments. There are separate files for preparatory steps—which you can use when you run the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility with the PREP command—and files you can use to create the deployment when you run the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility with the CREATE command.

The following two tables describe the sample files provided with the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility:

Preparation sample fileDescription

Creates an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in the AWS region you specify.


Uploads ArcGIS Server licenses and a Portal for ArcGIS license file to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services.


Uploads an SSL certificate to the Amazon S3 bucket managed by Cloud Builder and imports the SSL certificate to AWS Certificate Manager.


Uploads ArcGIS Server licenses, a Portal for ArcGIS license, and an SSL certificate to the Amazon S3 bucket managed by Cloud Builder. It also imports the SSL certificate to AWS Certificate Manager.


Creates a VPC and uploads ArcGIS Server licenses, a Portal for ArcGIS JSON file, and an SSL certificate to the Amazon S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS. It also imports the SSL certificate to AWS Certificate Manager.

Creation sample fileDescription

Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise on a single machine.


Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise on two machines—a primary and a standby machine—and adds a spatiotemporal big data store.


Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise plus a federated ArcGIS Image Server site configured as the portal's raster analysis server.


Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise on two machines plus a federated ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site configured as the portal's GeoAnalytics server.


Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise on two machines plus a federated ArcGIS Image Server site configured as the portal's image hosting server.


Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise on two machines plus a federated ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Deploys base ArcGIS Enterprise on a single machine plus a federated ArcGIS Mission Server.


Allows you to create a highly available base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment with all possible federated ArcGIS Server sites.


Deploys a stand-alone ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.


Deploys a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site.


Deploys a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site and registers a managed enterprise geodatabase in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for SQL Server.


Deploys a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site and registers a managed enterprise geodatabase in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

You can copy and alter these files using a text editor or create your own JSON files. If you use the samples, replace sample settings with values specific to your deployment. You can also change which parameters are present in the sample files.

Parameters in the JSON file are grouped together under section (node) headings. These parameters and their groupings are described in the remainder of this topic.

AWS credentials and region

To connect to Amazon Web Services, the command needs your AWS credentials. Credentials can be the access key and secret key for your AWS account, or the AWS profile name for your account. These credentials are required whenever you run the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility, and are grouped under the "AWSCredentials" section.

You also need to specify the AWS region in which you want to deploy. This region must be the same for all components of your deployment.

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

The access key for your AWS account.

Required if you do not specify the "AWSProfileName" parameter.


The secret key for your AWS account.

Required if you do not specify the "AWSProfileName" parameter.


The profile name you configured for your AWS account.

Required if you do not specify the "AWSAccessKey" and "AWSSecretKey" parameters.


The AWS region where all parts of your deployment will be created.


In this example, credentials for authorization are the access and secret keys for the AWS account. The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances will be launched in AWS region eu-west-2.

"AWSCredentials": {
    "AWSAccessKey": "AKIAINKWSK6MI4YCPA123",
    "AWSSecretKey": "ABCD1E2fghIJkLmNOPQzZuXHlWHOPhMqrTmPEpV",
    "AWSRegion": "eu-west-2"

In this example, the credentials for authentication are the profile name configured for the AWS account. The EC2 instances will be launched in AWS region us-west-1.

"AWSCredentials": {
    "AWSProfileName": "betavpc",
    "AWSRegion": "us-west-1"

Parameters to use in files for deployment preparation

Before you create a deployment, you must create a VPC and S3 deployment bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS and upload your SSL certificate and ArcGIS software licenses to the S3 bucket. Set parameters in a prep .json file to complete these steps.

Network stack

The "NetworkStack" section is an optional section of the prep file that allows you to create a VPC.

In this example, the utility will create a VPC in AWS zones eu-west-2b and eu-west-2a and assign it a name tag of MyEnterpriseVPC.

"NetworkStack": {
		"StackName": "MyEnterpriseVPC",
		"AZs": "eu-west-2b,eu-west-2a",
		"CreateFlag": true

The following table describes each of the parameters you can use in the "NetworkStack" section:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

A unique name tag for your VPC to help you identify it.

Optional; if not specified, a VPC is created with the name tag arcgis-vpc.


Specify two AWS availability zones for the VPC. The zones must be within the region you specified under the "AWSCredentials" node.

The "AZs" parameter is required if you include the "NetworkStack" node in your file.


Specifies whether to create a VPC (true) or not (false).

The "CreateFlag" parameter is required if you include the "NetworkStack" node in your file.

ArcGIS Enterprise files

The "ArcGISEnterpriseFiles" section contains information about the licensing and SSL files the utility needs to create your deployment.

ArcGIS Server license files can be .prvc or .ecp files. Portal for ArcGIS licenses are in .json files.

SSL files must be .pfx files.

The following is an example "ArcGISEnterpriseFiles" section with all possible parameters specified:

"ArcGISEnterpriseFiles": {
	           "PortalLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\portal.json",
            "ServerLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\Server.prvc",
            "GeoAnalyticsLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\Server_GeoAnalytics.prvc",
            "NotebookServerLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\Notebook_Server.prvc",
            "MissionServerLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\Mission_Server.prvc",
            "ImageServerLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\Server_Image.prvc",
            "RasterAnalyticsLicense": "C:\\Licenses\\Server_Image.prvc",
            "ImageHostingLicense": " C:\\Licenses\\Server_Image.prvc ",
            "GeoEventLicense": " C:\\Licenses\\Server_GeoEvent.prvc.prvc",
            "SSLCertificateFile": "C:\\SSLCerts\\wildcard_webgistesting_net.pfx",
		          "SSLCertPassword": "abc123"

The following table contains descriptions of each parameter you can use in the "ArcGISEnterpriseFiles" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

Your Portal for ArcGIS license file (.json).

Specify the physical path to the license file on local disk so the utility can upload it to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you deploy ArcGIS Enterprise.


Your ArcGIS GIS Server license file.

Required if you deploy ArcGIS Enterprise or a federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site.


Your ArcGIS Image Server license file.

Required if you deploy a federated or stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server site.


Your ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server license file.

Required if you deploy an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site.


Your ArcGIS Notebook Server license file.

Required if you deploy an ArcGIS Notebook Server site.


Your ArcGIS Mission Server license file.

Required if you deploy an ArcGIS Mission Server site.


Your ArcGIS Image Server license file.

Required if you deploy a federated ArcGIS Image Server.


Your ArcGIS Image Server license file.

Required if you deploy a federated ArcGIS Image Server.


Your ArcGIS GeoEvent Server license file.

Required if you deploy a federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.


The SSL certificate file issued to your site domain.

Specify the physical path to the SSL certificate on local disk so the utility can upload it to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required to upload the SSL certificate.


The password for the SSL certificate.

Required to upload the SSL certificate.

Parameters to use in files for deployment creation

To create a deployment, you need to provide information about the software and hardware you want to include in the deployment. Parameters are grouped under the nodes described in the following sections.

Deployment details

At the top of the file, specify a name that will be used for each of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances (machines) in your deployment, the ArcGIS software version you want to deploy (10.6 or later release), and which operating system (either Microsoft Windows or Ubuntu Server) to use for the EC2 instances you deploy. All of these parameters are required except "AMIid".

"DeploymentDetails": {
       "DeploymentName": "<name_to_append_to_machines_in_aws_deployment">,
       "ArcGISVersion": "<10.6 | 10.6.1 | 10.7 | 10.7.1 | 10.8 | 10.8.1 | 10.9 | 10.9.1>",
       "OperatingSystem": "<Windows | Ubuntu>",
       "AMIid":  “ami-xxxxxx”

The "DeploymentName" parameter must start with an alpha character, can contain only alphanumeric characters, and must be at least three characters in length.

The “OperatingSystem” parameter specifies the operating system to be used in ArcGIS deployments. For Windows it uses Microsoft Windows Server 2019 and for Ubuntu it uses Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.

The “AMIId” parameter is optional, but if you do specify it, it must be defined under the “DeploymentDetails” node. Specify the “AMIId” value in the following format: ‘ami-xxxxxx’. If you don't know what AMI to use, don’t specify this parameter, and the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS tool will use the latest AMI ID for Windows or Ubuntu based on the “OperatingSystem” parameter value.


You must specify a value for the “AMIId” parameter if you deploy in Amazon Web Services GovCloud with an Ubuntu operating system.

In this example, the names of all machines in the deployment will start with testservers. Because an AMI ID is not specified, the tool will use the latest Ubuntu AMI ID.

"DeploymentDetails": {
       "DeploymentName": "testservers",
       "ArcGISVersion": "10.9.1",
       "OperatingSystem": "Ubuntu" 

CloudFormation parameters

The parameters required by the Amazon Web Services CloudFormation templates are organized under the following nodes:

  • "Default"—Parameters set here apply to all parts of the deployment. Parameters set under default can be omitted from the other nodes.
  • "BaseEnterprise"—Parameters set in this section apply only to the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
  • "GeoAnalytics"—Parameters set in this section apply only to a federated ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site.
  • "NotebookServer"—Parameters set in this section apply only to a federated ArcGIS Notebook Server site.
  • "MissionServer"—Parameters set in this section apply only to a federated ArcGIS Mission Server site.
  • "RasterAnalytics"—Parameters set in this section apply only to federated or stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server sites.
  • "ImageHosting"—Parameters set in this section apply only to federated ArcGIS Image Server sites to be used as the portal's image hosting server.
  • "Server"—Parameters set in this section apply only to federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server sites.
  • "ImageServer"—Parameters set in this section apply only to federated or stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server sites.
  • "GeoEvent"—Parameters set in this section apply only to a federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.
  • "Spatiotemporal"—Parameters set in this section apply only to a spatiotemporal big data store component of an enterprise deployment.
  • "SQLEGDB"—Parameters set in this section apply only to an enterprise geodatabase in Amazon RDS for SQL Server.
  • "PostgresEGDB"—Parameters set in this section apply only to an enterprise geodatabase in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.
  • "AuroraEGDB"—Parameters set in this section apply only to an enterprise geodatabase in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.


You must include a node for every part of the deployment you want created. For example, if you want to create a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, a federated ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server site, and a federated ArcGIS GIS Server site, you must have the "BaseEnterprise", "GeoAnalytics", and "Server" nodes in your configuration file, and these nodes must contain at least one parameter. For example, even if you set the "Federate" and "ServerLicenseFileKeyName" parameters under the "Default" node, you must include at least one of these under the "Server" node; if you do not, the utility will not create a federated ArcGIS GIS Server site.

VPC settings must be defined under the "Default" node. You can use the "VPCId", "Subnet1", and "Subnet2" parameters to define your VPC, or, if you want to reuse a VPC from an existing deployment created with this tool or an Esri CloudFormation template, you can specify the name of the deployment under the "NetworkStackName" parameter instead. The following are descriptions of these parameters:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

When you created your VPC, AWS assigned it an ID in the format vpc-xxxxxxxx. Provide the ID for your VPC here.

If you use the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility to prepare your deployment, this ID is listed in the output file created when you run the utility with the PREP command.

Required if you do not specify the "NetworkStackName" parameter.


The ID for one of the subnets in your VPC.

If you use the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility to prepare your deployment, this ID is listed in the output file created when you run the utility with the PREP command.

Required if you do not specify the "NetworkStackName" parameter.


The ID for the second subnet in your VPC.

If you use the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility to prepare your deployment, this ID is listed in the output file created when you run the utility with the PREP command.

Required if you do not specify the "NetworkStackName" parameter.


The name tag assigned to an existing VPC.

Required if you do not specify the "VPCId", "Subnet1", and "Subnet2" parameters.

Other parameter values defined under the "Default" node are applicable to some or all of the other nodes in the JSON file. Esri recommends that you use the Default node to define parameters and values that are common across multiple nodes in the deployment. This shortens the configuration file and avoids repetition of parameters and values. For example, if you deploy a base ArcGIS Enterprise and federated ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, and use a wildcard SSL certificate, specify the "SSLCertificateFileKeyName" and "SSLCertificatePassword" parameters under the "Default" node because all the machines in the deployment will use the same certificate.

As shown in the following example, the "VPCId", "Subnet1", and "Subnet2" parameters are used to define the VPC. The root drive size ("InstanceDriveSize"), S3 bucket, administrator user name and password, and the password for the software services ("arcgisUserPassword") apply to all parts of this deployment. Since all ArcGIS Server sites in the deployment will be federated with the portal, "Federate": true is also included under the "Default" node.

    "Default" :{               
        "VPCId": "vpc-b33fecd5",
        "Subnet1": "subnet-7a709d1c",
        "Subnet2": "subnet-26f0f76f",   
        "InstanceDriveSize": "300",
        "KeyPairName": "StackTest_Mine",      
        "SiteadminUserName": "admin",
        "SiteadminPassword": "changeit",    
        "arcgisUserPassword": "Change@1234",
        "PostInstallationScript": "none",
        "Federate": true

If you define parameter values in a specific deployment node, the value you specify in that node is used for that part of the deployment. For example, if you define the "InstanceType" parameter in both the "BaseEnterprise" and "Default" nodes, the "InstanceType" value defined in the "BaseEnterprise" node is used for the ArcGIS Enterprise base deployment machines, but the "InstanceType" value defined for the "Default" node is used for the ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, ArcGIS GIS Server, ArcGIS Image Server, and ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sites you deploy using the same JSON file.

Parameters for base ArcGIS Enterprise

Parameter values you specify under the "BaseEnterprise" node apply only to ArcGIS Enterprise stacks created with the Esri CloudFormation templates that deploy ArcGIS Enterprise. You can use any of the following parameters for the base ArcGIS Enterprise portion of a deployment:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

Possible values are "AllInOne" to deploy all ArcGIS Enterprise components on a single Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance or "HA" to create a highly available deployment on multiple instances.


This parameter must be specified under the "BaseEnterprise" node, not the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud key pair to allow remote access to the EC2 instances.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The allocation ID of the Elastic IP address of the VPC.


Required if you deploy the base ArcGIS Enterprise on a single machine. (Set the "Type" parameter to "AllInOne".)

You can specify this parameter under the "Default" node or the "BaseEnterprise" node.


Specify the domain name server (DNS) name of an existing Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The ELB must be an application load balancer or classic load balancer.


Required only if you create a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (set the "Type" parameter to "HA").


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance type to use for the ArcGIS Enterprise machine or machines.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS Enterprise machines.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The name of the Portal for ArcGIS authorization file object key.

The .json file must be uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


In the Portal for ArcGIS license file you receive from Esri, identifiers (IDs) are present for the types of users you are licensed to use in your portal. A subset of those are available for use for the initial administrator.

The IDs present in your file can vary, but typical IDs include (but are not limited to) creatorUT, GISProfessionalStdUT, and editorUT. These IDs are case sensitive, so be sure to type them as shown in your Portal for ArcGIS license .json file.

Optional, but if you do specify this parameter, specify it under the "BaseEnterprise" node, and ensure the user ID exists in the Portal for ArcGIS license file.


The name of the ArcGIS GIS Server license file for the hosting server. This file must be uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The user name of the ArcGIS Server primary site administrator and Portal for ArcGIS initial administrator accounts.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the site administrator account.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the account used to run the ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Data Store Windows services. The login name is always ArcGIS.


This parameter is required if you deploy on Windows machines (set the "OperatingSystem" parameter under the "DeploymentDetails" to "Windows") and you did not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The type of storage location for the ArcGIS Server configuration store and Portal for ArcGIS content directory.

To use an EC2 machine, set this parameter to "FileSystem". To use an S3 bucket for the portal content directory and an S3 bucket and Amazon DynamoDB table for the portal content directory, set this parameter to "CloudStore".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance type to use for the file server.


Applicable only if you create a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (set the "Type" parameter to "HA").


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS Enterprise file server machine.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.


Applicable only if you create a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (set the "Type" parameter to "HA").


The domain name for your deployment.

Specify a fully qualified domain name for the "SiteDomain" parameter.

Ensure the domain name ("SiteDomain") is mapped to the appropriate Elastic Load Balancer or Elastic IP address in your DNS before running ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS, so that the domain name is valid at the time of federation. You can create Elastic Load Balancers (using the AWS Management Console or Esri AWS CloudFormation templates) or Elastic IP addresses (using AWS Management Console).

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The web adaptor name for the portal. Access to the portal will be through a URL in the format https://<fully qualified domain name>/<web adaptor name>.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the "BaseEnterprise" node.


The web adaptor name for the ArcGIS Server site. Access to the ArcGIS Server site will be through a URL in the format https://<fully qualified domain name>/<web adaptor name>.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the "BaseEnterprise" node.


The SSL certificate file object key name. This must be a .pfx file you uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.


This parameter must be specified under the "BaseEnterprise" node or the "Default" node.


The password for the SSL certificate.


This parameter must be specified under the "BaseEnterprise" node or the "Default" node.


To use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.

Optional, but if you do specify this parameter, it must be specified under the "BaseEnterprise" node, not the "Default" node.

Parameters for ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, ArcGIS Image Server, and ArcGIS GIS Server sites and the raster analysis and image hosting servers

Parameter values you specify under the "GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageHosting", "ImageServer", and "Server" nodes use the Esri CloudFormation templates that launch federated or stand-alone ArcGIS Server sites. Note that ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server sites must always be federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal and that to use an ArcGIS Image Server site as a raster analysis server or as an image hosting server, the site must be federated with a portal.

When you create federated ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server and ArcGIS Image Server sites, the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility configures these sites as your portal's GeoAnalytics, raster analysis, and image hosting servers, respectively; you do not need to configure this manually.

The following table lists all the possible parameters you can set under the "GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageHosting", "ImageServer", and "Server" nodes:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud key pair to allow remote access to the EC2 instances.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


Specify the DNS name of an existing Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The ELB must be an application load balancer or classic load balancer.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the specific server node—"GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageServer", "ImageHosting", "Server"—or under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud type to use for the ArcGIS GIS Server, ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, or ArcGIS Image Server machines.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS Server machines.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The number of EC2 instances in the site.

The default number of instances is 2, the maximum is 10, and the minimum is 1.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The name of the ArcGIS GIS Server, ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, or ArcGIS Image Server object key name.

The .prvc or .epc file must be uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The user name of the ArcGIS Server primary site administrator.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the site administrator account.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the account used to run the ArcGIS Server Windows service. The login name is always arcgis.


Applies if you deploy on Microsoft Windows instances (set the "OperatingSystem" parameter under the "DeploymentDetails" to "Windows") and you did not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The type of storage location for the ArcGIS Server site configuration store.

To use an EC2 machine, set this parameter to "FileSystem". To use an S3 bucket for the portal content directory and an S3 bucket and Amazon DynamoDB table for the portal content directory, set this parameter to "CloudStore".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance type to use for the file server.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS Server file server machine.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The domain name for your deployment.

Specify a fully qualified domain name for the "SiteDomain" parameter.

Ensure the domain name ("SiteDomain") is mapped to the appropriate Elastic Load Balancer in your DNS before running ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS, so that the domain name is valid at the time of federation. You can create Elastic Load Balancers (using the AWS Management Console or Esri AWS CloudFormation templates).

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The web adaptor name for the ArcGIS Server site. Access to the ArcGIS Server site will be through a URL in the format https://<fully qualified domain name>/<web adaptor name>.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the specific server node—"GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageServer", "ImageHosting", "Server". Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The SSL certificate file object key name. This must be a .pfx file you uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the specific server node—"GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageServer", "ImageHosting", "Server"—or under the "Default" node.


The password for the SSL certificate.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the specific server node—"GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageServer", "ImageHosting", "Server"—or under the "Default" node.


The bucket path in the format <bucket_name>/<folder_name>.

When used under the "RasterAnalytics" and "ImageHosting" nodes, the utility registers this location as the site's raster store. When used under other nodes, the utility registers the specified location as a cloud store. You must specify the location in the format indicated: <bucket_name>/<folder_name>. Be sure the S3 bucket exists and is accessible using the AWS credentials you provide under the "AWSCredentials" node. If the bucket does not exist, Cloud Builder will create a bucket with the default naming convention of <deployment_name>+rastore. If the <folder_name> you specify does not exist in the bucket, Cloud Builder creates it.

Required for the ArcGIS Image Server site you use as the portal's raster analysis or image hosting server.

This parameter is optional if you create a stand-alone or federated ArcGIS Image Server or ArcGIS GIS Server site.


If your deployment includes "RasterAnalytics" and "ImageHosting" nodes and you plan to use the same raster store for both, use the same value for the "CloudStoreS3BucketPath" parameter under these two nodes.


Specifies whether the site will be federated with a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (true) or a stand-alone site (false).

You must set "Federate" to true when creating an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, raster analysis, or ArcGIS Image Server site.

If you don't specify this parameter in the deployment configuration file, the default value is false.


You must specify this parameter under the specific server node—"GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageServer", "ImageHosting", or "Server". Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the specific server node—"GeoAnalytics", "RasterAnalytics", "ImageHosting", or "Server". Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site

Parameter values you specify under the "GeoEvent" node use the Esri ArcGIS GeoEvent Server CloudFormation template.

The following table lists all the possible parameters you can set under the "GeoEvent" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud key pair to allow remote access to the EC2 instances.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The allocation ID of the Elastic IP address of the VPC.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the "GeoEvent" node or the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud type to use for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machine.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machine.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The name of the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server object key name.

The .prvc or .epc file must be uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The user name of the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server primary site administrator.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the site administrator account.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the account used to run the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Windows service. The login name is always arcgis.


Applies if you deploy on Microsoft Windows instances (set the "OperatingSystem" parameter under the "DeploymentDetails" to "Windows") and you did not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The domain name for your deployment.

Specify a fully qualified domain name for the "SiteDomain" parameter.

Ensure the domain name ("SiteDomain") is mapped to the appropriate Elastic IP address in your DNS before running ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS, so that the domain name is valid at the time of federation. You can create Elastic IP addresses using AWS Management Console.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The web adaptor name for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site. Access to the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site will be through a URL in the format https://<fully qualified domain name>/<web adaptor name>.


You must specify this parameter under the "GeoEvent" node or under the "Default" node.


The SSL certificate file object key name. This must be a .pfx file you uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.


You must specify this parameter under the "GeoEvent" node or under the "Default" node.


The password for the SSL certificate.


You must specify this parameter under the "GeoEvent" node or under the "Default" node.


Specifies whether the site will be federated with a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (true) or a stand-alone site (false).

If you don't specify this parameter in the deployment configuration file, the default value is false.


You must specify this parameter under the "GeoEvent" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "GeoEvent" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for an ArcGIS Notebook Server site

Parameter values you specify under the "NotebookServer" node use the Esri CloudFormation templates that launch an ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Note that ArcGIS Notebook Server sites must always be federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and you can create an ArcGIS Notebook Server site on the Ubuntu ArcGIS Notebook Server operating system only.

When you create a federated site, the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility configures the site as your portal's Notebook Server; you do not need to configure this manually.

The following table lists all the possible parameters you can set under the "NotebookServer" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud key pair to allow remote access to the EC2 instances.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


Specify the DNS name of an existing Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The ELB must be an application load balancer or classic load balancer.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud type to use for the ArcGIS Notebook Server machines.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the root drive of the ArcGIS Notebook Server machines.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The number of EC2 instances in the site.

The default number of instances is 2, the maximum is 10, and the minimum is 1.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The name of the ArcGIS Notebook Server object key name.

The .prvc or .epc file must be uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The ArcGIS Notebook Server license level. Available values are standard or advanced.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The user name of the ArcGIS Notebook Server primary site administrator.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the site administrator account.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance type to use for the file server.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the root drive of the ArcGIS Notebook Server file server machine.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The domain name for your deployment.

Specify a fully qualified domain name for the "SiteDomain" parameter.

Ensure the domain name ("SiteDomain") is mapped to the appropriate Elastic Load Balancer in your DNS before running ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS, so that the domain name is valid at the time of federation. You can create Elastic Load Balancers using the AWS Management Console or Esri AWS CloudFormation templates.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The web adaptor name for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Access to the ArcGIS Notebook Server site will be through a URL in the format https://<fully qualified domain name>/<web adaptor name>.


Required, and you must specify this parameter under the "NotebookServer" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The SSL certificate file object key name. This must be a .pfx file you uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.


You must specify this parameter under the "NotebookServer" node or under the "Default" node.


The password for the SSL certificate.


You must specify this parameter under the "NotebookServer" node or under the "Default" node.


Specifies whether the site will be federated with a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (true) or a stand-alone site (false).

You must set "Federate" to true when creating an ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

If you don't specify this parameter in the deployment configuration file, the default value is false.


You must specify this parameter under the "NotebookServer" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "NotebookServer" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for an ArcGIS Mission Server site

Parameter values you specify under the "MissionServer" node use the Esri CloudFormation templates that launch an ArcGIS Mission Server site. Note that ArcGIS Mission Server sites must always be federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

When you create a federated ArcGIS Mission Server site, the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility configures the site as your portal's Server; you do not need to configure this manually.

The following table lists all the possible parameters you can set under the "MissionServer" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud key pair to allow remote access to the EC2 instances.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


Specify the DNS name of an existing Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The ELB must be an application load balancer or classic load balancer.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud type to use for the ArcGIS Mission Server machines.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS Mission Server machines.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The number of EC2 instances in the site.

The default number of instances is 2, the maximum is 10, and the minimum is 1.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The name of the ArcGIS Mission Server object key.

The .prvc or .epc file must be uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The user name of the ArcGIS Mission Server primary site administrator.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the site administrator account.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the account used to run the ArcGIS Mission Server Windows service. The login name is always arcgis.


Applies if you deploy on Microsoft Windows instances (set the "OperatingSystem" parameter under the "DeploymentDetails" to "Windows") and you did not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance type to use for the file server.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the ArcGIS Mission Server file server machine.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The domain name for your deployment.

Specify a fully qualified domain name for the "SiteDomain" parameter.

Ensure the domain name ("SiteDomain") is mapped to the appropriate Elastic Load Balancer in your DNS before running ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS, so that the domain name is valid at the time of federation. You can create Elastic Load Balancers using the AWS Management Console or Esri AWS CloudFormation templates.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The web adaptor name for the ArcGIS Mission Server site. Access to the ArcGIS Mission Server site will be through a URL in the format https://<fully qualified domain name>/<web adaptor name>.

Required, and you must specify this parameter under the "MissionServer" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The SSL certificate file object key name. This must be a .pfx file you uploaded to the deployment S3 bucket managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the SSL certificate.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


Specifies whether the site will be federated with a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment (true) or a stand-alone site (false).

You must set "Federate" to true when creating an ArcGIS Mission Server site.

If you don't specify this parameter in the deployment configuration file, the default value is false.


You must specify this parameter under the "MissionServer" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "MissionServer" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for spatiotemporal big data stores

Parameter values you specify under the "Spatiotemporal" node use the Esri CloudFormation template that launches an ArcGIS Data Store spatiotemporal big data store and registers it with the hosting server of an ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

When you create a spatiotemporal big data store, the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility registers the data store for you; you do not need to add the spatiotemporal big data store to the hosting server manually.


The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility uses some of the attributes from the "BaseEnterprise" node when configuring a spatiotemporal big data store to identify what deployment to register the data store with. Therefore, the JSON configuration file you use when configuring a spatiotemporal big data store must include the "BaseEnterprise" node and information and the "Spatiotemporal" node.

The following table lists all the possible parameters you can set under the "Spatiotemporal" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud key pair to allow remote access to the EC2 instances.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The number of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances in the spatiotemporal big data store.

Available values are 1, 3, or 5. The default is 3.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud type to use for the spatiotemporal big data store machines.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the spatiotemporal big data store machines.

The default size is 200 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 4096 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the account used to run the ArcGIS Data Store Windows service. The login name is always arcgis.


Applies if you deploy on Microsoft Windows instances (set the "OperatingSystem" parameter under the "DeploymentDetails" to "Windows") and you did not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.


The type of storage used for spatiotemporal big data store backup files.

Available values are FileSystem or CloudStore.

If you specify FileSystem as the backup storage type, the utility creates an EC2 file server instance to store backup files.

If you specify as the backup storage type, spatiotemporal big data store backup files are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket created by the utility.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance type to use for the file server.


This is required only if you set the "BackupLocationStorageType" parameter to "FileSystem" and you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The size (in GB) of the C: or root drive of the file server machine.

The default size is 100 GB, the minimum size is 100 GB, and the maximum size is 1024 GB.


This is required only if you set the "BackupLocationStorageType" parameter to "FileSystem" and you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "Spatiotemporal" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for enterprise geodatabases in Amazon RDS for SQL Server

The parameter values that you specify under the "SQLEGDB" node use the Esri CloudFormation template that creates an enterprise geodatabase in Amazon RDS for SQL Server and registers it with an ArcGIS Server site.

The "SQLEGDB" node and parameters are only applicable if you deploy on Microsoft Windows instances (set the "OperatingSystem" parameter under the "DeploymentDetails" section of the JSON configuration document to "Windows").


The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility uses attributes from the "Server" or "ImageServer" node to identify the ArcGIS Server site to register the geodatabase with. Therefore, the JSON configuration file you use when configuring an enterprise geodatabase must include the "Server" node or "ImageServer" node for the site to which you want to add an enterprise geodatabase.

The following table lists the possible parameters you can set under the "SQLEGDB" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

Specify "false" to register the database with the ArcGIS Server site or specify "true" to configure the enterprise geodatabase as the managed database for the ArcGIS GIS Server site.

Managed databases are only supported for federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server sites and not for a hosting server or other server role.

The default value is "false".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon RDS EC2 instance class for the database where the enterprise geodatabase will be created.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The allocated storage size of the Amazon RDS EC2 instance (in GB).

The default is 200 GB, the minimum is 200 GB, and the maximum is 4096 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The SQL Server database engine type. Available values are sqlserver-se or sqlserver-ee.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The SQL Server database version.

Available values are as follows:

  • "15.00.4043.16.v1"
  • "14.00.3294.2.v1"
  • "14.00.3281.6.v1"
  • "14.00.3223.3.v1"
  • "14.00.3049.1.v1"
  • "14.00.3035.2.v1"
  • "14.00.3015.40.v1"
  • "14.00.1000.169.v1"
  • "13.00.5820.21.v1"
  • "13.00.5598.27.v1"
  • "13.00.5426.0.v1"
  • "13.00.5366.0.v1"
  • "13.00.5292.0.v1"
  • "13.00.5216.0.v1"
  • "13.00.4522.0.v1"
  • "13.00.4466.4.v1"
  • "13.00.4451.0.v1"
  • "13.00.4422.0.v1"
  • "13.00.2164.0.v1"

The default value is "15.00.4043.16.v1".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The database identifier name.

The name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.

The minimum number of characters is 3 and the maximum is 63.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The RDS master user name.

The name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.

The minimum number of characters is 4 and the maximum is 16.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the RDS master user.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "SQLEGDB" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for enterprise geodatabases in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

The parameter values that you specify under the "PostgresEGDB" node use the Esri CloudFormation template that creates an enterprise geodatabase in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and registers it with an ArcGIS Server site.


The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility uses attributes from the "Server" or "ImageServer" node to identify the ArcGIS Server site to register the geodatabase with. Therefore, the JSON configuration file you use when configuring an enterprise geodatabase must include the "Server" node or "ImageServer" node for the site to which you want to add an enterprise geodatabase.

The following table lists the possible parameters you can set under the "PostgresEGDB" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

Specify "false" to register the database with the ArcGIS Server site or specify "true" to configure the enterprise geodatabase as the managed database for the ArcGIS GIS Server site.

Managed databases are only supported for federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server sites and not for a hosting server or other server role.

The default value is "false".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon RDS EC2 instance class for the database where the enterprise geodatabase will be created.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The allocated storage size of the Amazon RDS EC2 instance (in GB).

The default is 200 GB, the minimum is 200 GB, and the maximum is 4096 GB.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The PostgreSQL database version.

Available values are as follows:

  • "12.4"
  • "11.9"
  • "10.14"

The default value is "12.4".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The database identifier name.

The name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.

The minimum number of characters is 3 and the maximum is 63.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The RDS master user name.

The name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.

The minimum number of characters is 4 and the maximum is 16.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the RDS master user.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "PostgresEGDB" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.

Parameters for enterprise geodatabases in Aurora PostgreSQL

The parameter values that you specify under the "AuroraEGDB" node use the Esri CloudFormation template that creates an enterprise geodatabase in Aurora PostgreSQL and registers it with an ArcGIS Server site.


The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility uses attributes from the "Server" or "ImageServer" node to identify the ArcGIS Server site to register the geodatabase with. Therefore, the JSON configuration file you use when configuring an enterprise geodatabase must include the "Server" node or "ImageServer" node for the site to which you want to add an enterprise geodatabase.

The following table lists the possible parameters you can set under the "AuroraEGDB" node:

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optional

Specify "false" to register the database with the ArcGIS Server site or specify "true" to configure the enterprise geodatabase as the managed database for the ArcGIS GIS Server site.

Managed databases are only supported for federated or stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server sites and not for a hosting server or other server role.

The default value is "false".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The Amazon RDS EC2 instance class for the database where the enterprise geodatabase will be created.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The PostgreSQL database version.

Available values are as follows:

  • "11.8"
  • "10.13"

The default value is "11.8".

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The database identifier name.

The name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.

The minimum number of characters is 3 and the maximum is 63.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The RDS master user name.

The name must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters.

The minimum number of characters is 4 and the maximum is 16.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


The password for the RDS master user.

Required if you did not specify this under the "Default" node.


If you want to use your own CloudFormation template for this deployment instead of the templates provided by Esri, you can define your template. Provide a valid HTTPS URL.


If you specify this parameter, you must specify it under the "AuroraEGDB" node. Do not specify this parameter under the "Default" node.